Phone | (+994 18) 6425875 | |
Fax | (+994 18) 6420400 | | | ||
Chief | Shahnazarli Rita Zeynal gizi
PhD in chemistry, senior researcher |
Total number of employees | 7 | |
Basic activity directions | Providing of coordination of education process and scientific-research work; organization of participation of students and magistrants in the seminars, conferences and congresses with the aim of popularization of chemical sciences and also assistance to implementation of scientific results prepared by them to practice; involvement of students and magistrants in scientific-research work and formation of their practical skills and knowledge; use of scientific results and innovation technologies prepared in the field of chemical sciences in the training process; involvement of leading specialists in training process; assistance to students and magistrants in access to scientific information and their acquaintance with principles of work on modern devices, intensification of joint scientific-research works carried out between SSU and IPM, reinforcement of connection in the area of training of students. |