Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of biomorphology and phytointroduction

Department of biomorphology and phytointroduction
Chief  Doctor of Biological Sciences, assistant professor Gasımov Shakir Nabi
Total number of employees  
Basic activity directions  

Studied the role of tropical plants in improvement of interiors and the internal ecological environment, architectural design, the sanitation of working conditions. In the closed soil of Azerbaijan studied scientific-theoretical and scientific and methodical bases of methods of biomorphological and bioecological features, agrotechnology of cultivation, effective reproduction of these plants, developed scientific bases of their practical use.

For the first time studied biomorphological and bioecological features, growth and development biology, morphogenesis of the virginilny and generative periods, biology of blossoming and fructification of the plants introduced from tropical and subtropical regions of world flora in the closed conditions of Azerbaijan. Improved the method of clon microreproduction of studied types.

On the basis of the "little waste or at a concrete stage waste-free" technological principle developed the complex method of substitute of a substratum for cultivation of tropical and subtropical plants from the formed vegetable waste in agrarian sector of Azerbaijan. All these results are received for the first time and carry scientific novelty that is result of own research of the author.

Main scientific achievements