Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department of Mythology
Phone (+994 12) 4929248  
Fax (+994 12) 4981621 

Seyfaddin Gulverdi oglu Rzasoy 

Doctor of philological sciences 

Total number of employees 14 
Basic activity directions   Collecting of myth text, investigating of mythological structures, archetypes of folklore texts; investigating of architectonication of mythological text; investigating of problems about diachronic, historical-processal structure and synchronic actual membership of Turkic mythology; reconstruction of Turkic world model. 
Main scientific achievements  J. Baydili. Turkic mythological system of characters: structure and function. Baku, 2007.

S. Rzasoy Rzasoy. Oghuz mythology. Baku, 2009.

S. Rzasoy. Myth and ritual in “Oghuzname” by Abdulgazi Bahadir khan.  Baku, 2009.