Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department of Herbarium
Phone (+994 70) 242-31-99

Parvana Khosrov Garakhani 

Doctor of Biological Sciences, assistant professor

Total number of employees 12
Basic activity directions  

Enrichment of herbarium with new materials Inventory and insemination Assessment of the current state of biodiversity

Valuable herbarium materials, which are the wealth of Azerbaijan, are digitized with modern equipment and included in the European Virtual Database.

The Institute has joined the Global Plant Initiative (GPI) under a Cooperation Agreement signed between the Institute and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (USA) and for the first time in history, information about type samples is entered into the GPI database.

Main scientific achievements 

Althemia filiformis species and A. filiformis ssp.betpakdalensis Tzvel of the new genus Althemia Petit of the family Zannichellliaceae distributed in the flora of Azerbaijan. subspecies have been identified.

For the first time in the flora of Azerbaijan, a new species of Centaurea emiliae  Huseynova et Garakhani has been described for science.

Iris Schelkownikowii Fomin, a rare endemic species of Azerbaijan. (Iridaceae Lindl.) For the first time in 75 years, new distribution areas of the plant have been identified, and controversial issues in its classification have been clarified.

The species Serratula coronata (Asteraceae) was first described in Azerbaijan.

Taxonomic analysis of early spring and summer flowering plants of Talysh (Yardimli) flora was carried out.

Within the framework of the Joint Program on the Protocol of Cooperation signed between the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Launched the project "Biodiversity and molecular research on some economically important wild fruits of Azerbaijan (Pruneae and Maleae tribes Rosaceae)" implemented at the Institute of Botany given.