Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department “International relations, grant projects and innovation”

(+994 12) 5108592 (164)

(+994 50) 5907674 
Fax (+994 12) 5107442
Chief  Ulviyya Mammadova

Temporarily in charge, PhD in chemistry

Total number of employees 4
Basic activity directions   The main activity of the department: in 2014, the new scientific collaborations have been started with a several of word-leading research centers and universities in the field of synthesis and investigation of new efficient functional materials for high-tech, alternative energy sources and catalytic processes. The Institute employees were invited to the Donostia International Physics Centre (Spain), as well as to the University of Montpellier II (France) in this year as well to carry out joint research projects . In addition, one of research staff has received an invitation for 1 year research fellowship in the University of Nottingham (Netherlands). The new research cooperation with the «Advnanofibers» Company at the University of Twente(Netherlands) was established for the elaboration and investigation of functional nanomaterials for nano-catalysts.
Main scientific achievements  In 2014 the institute has established scientific relations on the synthesis and research of new effective functional materials which can be used in high technologies, alternative energy resources and catalytic processes with many leading scientific centers and companies of the world. This year the institute employees were in academic mission as invited researchers in Donostia International Physics Center and Materials Physics Center of Spain, as well as in University Montpellier 2 of France, and performed joint researches. One of our employees was invited to University of Nottingham (United Kingdom) for a year to carry out scientific researches. Besides, the scientific relations were established with “Advnanofibers” company within University of Twente (Holland, Enschede and others), as well as obtained the consent of the cooperation in research of nanocatalysts.