Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of the “Education, international and public relations”

Department of the “Education, international and public relations”
Phone (+994 12) 4393649  

Safar Huseyn oglu Ashurov 

PhD in history 

Total number of employees 9
Basic activity directions  
  1. The establishment of the post-graduate level education
  2. The establishment of relations with foreign countries in the field of education and scienceİnstitutun son nailiyyətləri, təşkil olunan tədbirlər haqqında ictimaiyyətə məlumatların çatdırılması
  3. Publishing the journal of Archaeology and Ethnography of Azerbaijan
  4. Archaeological researchs in Sharur region of Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and Shabran
Main scientific achievements 

1. ‘Education is continuing on specialty ofAntropology in post-graduate degree

2. Every year publishing 2 number of the journal of of Archaeology and Ethnography of AzerbaijanAt the same time conference materials are collected and scientific relations are established

3. Archaeological investigations carried out in.IMakhta in which is situated in Sharur region of Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, Karabulakhnecropol, as well with American and French expeditions in Oglankala and Ovchulartepe

4. Archaeological investigations carried out in Shabran