Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of electronic resources

Department of electronic resources
Phone (+994 12) 4371978 
Chief  Huseynova Firangiz Ismayil gizi 
Total number of employees  
Basic activity directions   Engages in digitalizing manuscripts and printed books; digitalizing manuscripts on the basis of high information technologies make records them on multimedia discs, organizes their internet access via according programs. 
Main scientific achievements  An electronic catalogue of Turkish, Arabian, Persian manuscripts and old printed books are created by applying modern information means. An electronic library of Turkish, Arabian, Persian manuscripts is created. Electronic manuscripts are recorded on multimedia discs for their preservation, long-lasting keeping and usage. The formation of optimal content of the website of the Institute,  providing its urgency and protection is carried out.