An excursion to the Nakhchivantepe archaeological monument was organized for the young employees of the cultural and educational institutions included in the structure of the Ministry by the Ministry of Culture of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
During the excursion, the department head of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archeology of Nakhchivan Division, head of the Nakhchivan archeological expedition, correspondent member of ANAS Vali Bakhshaliyev informed young people about archaeological expeditions. He said that as a result of archeological excavations in Nakhchivan 300-500 thousand years ago these ancient settlements were inhabited. These settlements were mainly found in river valleys of Nakhchivan, on mountain slopes, and in caves measuring millenniums. The archeological excavations show that the material found in ancient settlements is one of the oldest settlements not only in Azerbaijan but also in the world.
It was noted that starting from July 1 archaeological excavations have been started in the ancient settlement. The researches revealed the remains of dwellings, obsidian fragments, hotbeds, painted patterns, ceramic patterns, and various labor instruments.
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