Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Korean experts’ info-tour to the High Technology Park of ANAS was organized
29.10.2019 09:43
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Korean experts’ info-tour to the High Technology Park of ANAS was organized

Under the leadership of Park Kumok, a director of Azerbaijan office of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), info-tour of the delegation of experts of this country was organized to the High Technology Park of ANAS (HT Park).

The guests were informed about the technology park. It was noted that the main goals of HT Park are the development of innovative and high-tech production, development of high-tech products with export potential in Azerbaijan, as well as the commercialization of the results obtained by national scientists.

Then Korean experts got acquainted with the accredited ANAS Strategic Research and Analytical Center, which meets international standards. They were informed about the capabilities of the laboratory and the services provided here. It was noted that the purpose of the center is to consolidate scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS in the unified center for effective use of scientific equipment, devices and other tools in research and development of new technologies, effective national, interstate and other normative documents, conduct high-quality gas, petrochemical and petrochemical tests in accordance with the requirements of the documentation and present the true test results to customers.

Visitors to the “Experimental-Industrial Plant of ANAS” LLC were informed that this enterprise, which is the first resident of HT Park, is engaged in the production of lubricants that meet international standards. Production facilities and a modern laboratory-pilot complex have been established at the plant, allowing to produce lubricants that meet modern requirements.

The guests also got acquainted with the products and production of Millers Oils Azerbaijan, a joint venture established by the ANAS, with its 130-year history. They were informed about the oils produced here, the stages of the production process, a centralized system using modern computer technology, and the packaging line. It was noted that Millers Oils Azerbaijan LLC produces high quality lubricants that meet world standards.

Experts have been directly involved in the process of lubricating oil production at both enterprises.

After the info-tour, director of the High Technology Park of ANAS, PhD in Earth Sciences Samir Mammadov met with the delegation. The parties discussed the activities, perspectives of the joint projects of HT Park and the Korea Institute for Science and Technology Policy, and exchanged views.

The projects implemented at HT Park, the logistics base here and the business environment meeting the modern requirements have caused great interest among the guests.

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