Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, being guided by paragraph 1 of part I of article 94 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, decides:
Introduce the following amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Science” (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2016, No. 8, article 1366; 2018, No. 11, article 2198):
1. Add the word “(institution)” after the word “organization” in article 16.3.
2. In article 24:
2.1. after the word “institution” add the word “(organization)” to the name;
2.2. In Articles 24.1 and 24.5 (in both cases) after the word “institutions” add the word “(organizations)”;
2,3. In article 24.4:
2.3.1. after the word “(institution)” add the word “organization” in the first sentence;
2.3.2. the second sentence should be stated as follows:
“Accreditation of scientific institutions (organizations) is carried out by a higher certification body.”;
2.4. In article 24.6:
2.4.1. after the word “(institution)” add the word “organization” in the first sentence;
2.4.2. in the second sentence, after the word “institution”, add the word “(organization)”;
2.5. In article 24.7, after the word “institutions”, add the word “(organizations)”.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku city, April 24, 2020.