Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Decision of the AR Cabinet of Ministers dated 17 March 1997 on the “switching to daylight saving time in the Republic of Azerbaijan”
17.03.2016 13:20
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Decision of the AR Cabinet of Ministers dated 17 March 1997 on the “switching to daylight saving time in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

Guiding by 8th clause of the 119 item of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, taking into account proposal of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan resolves:

To abolish the decision of the AR Cabinet of Ministers dated 17 March 1997 on the “switching to daylight saving time in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

Artur Rasi-zadeh, Premier Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, 17 March 2016


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