Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on the approval of the new composition of the Commission of State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan on science, technology, architecture, culture and literature
28.03.2016 18:37
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Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on the approval of the new composition of the Commission of State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan on science, technology, architecture, culture and literature

In accordance with Clause 23 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I hereby resolve as follows:

1. To approve the following new members of the Commission of State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan on science, technology, architecture, culture and literature:

Committee Chair

Artur Rasizadeh - Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Members of the commission

Elchin Efendiyev - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Akif Alizadeh - President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Abulfaz Garayev - Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic

Ogtay Shiraliyev - Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Mikayil Jabbarov - Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic

Abbas Alasgarov - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Urban Planning and Architecture

Arif Mehdiyev - Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic

Ismayil Sadigov - Head of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic

Ibrahim Guliyev - Vice President of ANAS

Isa Habibbeyli - Vice President of ANAS

Ismayil Hajiyev - Chairman of the Nakhchivan Department of ANAS

Ahliman Amiraslanov - Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS

Omar Eldarov - Rector of the Azerbaijan Academy of Arts

Abel Maharramov - Rector of Baku State University

Siyavush Karimi - Rector of Azerbaijan National Conservatory

Chingiz Abdullayev - Secretary of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers

Jalal Abbasov - Secretary of the Union of Composers of Azerbaijan

Altay Hajiyev - People's Artist

Arif Melikov - People's Artist

Shafiga Mammadova - Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Azerbaijan Republic

Elbay Gasimzadeh - Chairman of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan

Mevlut Suleymanli - National writer

Maharram Gasimli - Chairman of the Union of Azerbaijan ashugs

2. To cancel part 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from December 10, 2014 # 48 (legislation code of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2013, #12, article 1515).

3. Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Decree.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, March 28, 2016.


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