Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


To the scientific community of the world from the participants of the III International Conference “Genocide of Turkic-Muslim population of Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia (1914-1920)”
08.04.2016 19:23
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To the scientific community of the world from the participants of the III International Conference “Genocide of Turkic-Muslim population of Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia (1914-1920)”

Dear participants of the conference!

I cordially greet you and congratulate you on the opening of a representative scientific forum.

In the modern period to ensure peaceful co-existence rules, approval of multiculturalism ideas remain relevant for all mankind. Unfortunately, the people in the world are still subjected to terror, massacre and deportation of national, racial, religious and other features. It is possible to protect present and the future generations from heavy troubles only in case with all phenomena opening a way to violence, bloody crimes and genocides, will be carried out joint struggle. As an important task before us is an objective political and legal assessment of the facts of genocide, which faced Azerbaijan and other Turkic-Muslim peoples, who have passed through difficult tests at different stages of history. The genocide is considered the serious crime committed not only against the victims, but also against all mankind. In order to ensure that the perpetrators are punished in accordance with international law, to prevent such events in the future, first of all, need a deep study of the bloody pages of history, an adequate scientific assessment processes. So, the consolidation of the efforts of scientists of various countries in this area is of particular importance.

I am certain that, III International Scientific Conference, taking place in Shamakhi, where there are still traces of merciless genocide committed against the Azerbaijani people, will be useful as the previous forums, and will identify the historical truth, the triumph of truth and justice. I wish you success in this honorable business.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, 7 April 2016.

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