Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on the establishment of the Organizing Committee in connection with the announcement of Nakhchivan city the capital of Islamic culture in 2018
03.06.2016 08:12
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Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on the establishment of the Organizing Committee in connection with the announcement of Nakhchivan city the capital of Islamic culture in 2018

In October 2009 in Baku, at the VI Conference of Culture Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the decision was made to declare the city of Nakhchivan, the capital of Islamic culture in 2018. This resolution – is a manifestation of high assessment of the rich cultural and spiritual heritage in this ancient region of Azerbaijan, making an important contribution to the dialogue between civilizations. Historically, Nakhchivan, as one of the grand cities of the Middle East, throughout its great past played a special role in the preservation and development of a decent age-old achievement of Islamic culture.

Governed by Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution, in order to ensure an appropriate level of activities related to the election of Nakhchivan city the capital of Islamic culture in 2018, I hereby decree:

1. In connection with the announcement of Nakhchivan city the capital of Islamic culture in 2018 to create the Organizing Committee in the following composition:

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Vasif Talibov - Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Abulfaz Garayev - Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Members of the Organizing Committee  

Nadir Huseynov - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Sayyad Salahli - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Azerbaijan for Work with Religious Associations, member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Aynur Sofiyeva - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Family, Women and Children, a member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Asker Abdullayev - Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan State Customs Committee

Natavan Gadimova - Minister of Culture and Tourism of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Mammad Garibov - Education Minister of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Azad Jabbarov - Minister of Youth and Sports of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Isa Habibbeyli - Vice-President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Daghbeyi Ismayilov - Deputy Director General of Azerbaijan State News Agency (AzerTAc), member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Urkhan Alakbarov - Rector of Academy of Public Administration, member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Vasim Mammadaliyev – Active member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, member of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Vasif Eyvazzadeh - Head of Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic, general secretary of the National Commission of Azerbaijan on ISESCO

Asgar Ismayilov - Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Vugar Babayev - head of the Department for Work with Religious Organizations of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

2. Organizing Committee, established by Part 1 of this Order, in the three months to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers Action plan associated with the declaration of Nakhchivan city the capital of Islamic culture in 2018.

3. The Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, June 2, 2016.

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