Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


In recent decades, in some countries the average age will reach 90 years
19.02.2018 08:10
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In recent decades, in some countries the average age will reach 90 years

"At the beginning of the 20th century, the average age in the world was about 30 years. Sometimes among the population there is a thought that our ancestors were long, but statistics show the opposite".

This was stated by Academician-secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov at General Meeting of ANAS and a joint scientific session of the Collegium of AR Ministry of Health on "Human health is the basis of the development of the Azerbaijani society".

Academician noted: "Gradually increasing, the average life expectancy reached 50-60 years in the second half of the century. And today the average age in the world is 70 years and above. But there are countries where the average life expectancy is 84 years, in the coming decades it is assumed that this figure will reach 90".

A.Amiraslanov also brought to attention that according to gerontologists there is a probability that every third born child will live on average 100 years.

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