Place of Birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Jabrayil district, Amirvarli village | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 22.03.1952 | |
Education | Chemist, Azerbaijan State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Biological Sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
2406.02 Biochemistry Cyclic AMP and enzyme her change in phototropic bacteria |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
2406.02 Biochemistry Carbonic anhydrose higer plants: structural - functional organization, regulation and possible physiological role |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
30.07.2001 Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
23 |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | ||
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
7 1 |
Main scientific achievements | For the first time revealed an existence of universal regulatory system of cyclic AMP and report primary thoughts on the system in phototropic bacteria; for the first time obtained crystals of plant carbonic anhydrase; study in detail its structural-functional organization and propose molecular model of quarternary structure of the enzyme; development of the role of photosynthetic enzymes on adaptation and production processes in plants. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Бабаев Г.Г., Мехвалиева У.А., Абыев Г.А., Гулиев Н.М. Локализация ферментов малатдегидрогеназной системы в дифференцированных тыканьях листьев амаранта и участие их в формировании адаптации к условиям почвенной засухи // Материалы III Международной Научно-методической Конференции. Днепропетровск, 2013, с. 88-91.
2. Babayev H.G., Bayramov Sh.M., Mehvaliyeva U.A., Aliyeva M.N., Guliyev N.M., Huseynova I.M., Aliyev J.A. Activities of C4- photosynthetic enzymes in different wheat genotypes under continuous soil drought conditions // Journal of Biochemistry Research, 2013, Vol. 1 (1), p. 7-16. (www.peakjournals.orq/sub-journals-JBR.html). ISSN 2329-2717. 3. Мехвалиева У.А., Бабаев Г.Г., Новрузов Е.А., Гулиев Н.М. Влияние почвенной засухи на активность и изоформ НАД-зависимой малик энзима листьев Amaranthus cruentus L. // X Международный Симпозиум „Новые и нетрадиционные растения и перспективы их использования“. Москва-Пущино, Россия, 2013, Tом I, с. 221-224. 4. Guliyev N.M., Mehvaliyeva U.A., Babayev H.G., Bayramov Sh.M., Aliyeva M.N., Feyziyev Y. Localization, physical, chemical and kinetic properties of NADP-Malate dehydrogenase izoforms in wheat leaves under drought // Abstracts of International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013, PS 33, p. 101. 5. Babayev H.G., Mehvaliyeva U.A., Aliyeva M.N., Khasumova F.I., Feyziyev Y. Guliyev N.M., Localization, some physical-chemical and kinetic characteristics of NADP-Malate dehydrogenase in amaranth leaves under drought // Abstracts of International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013, PS 31, p. 99. 6. Babayev H., Aliyeva M., Mehvaliyeva U., Guliyev N. Effect of high salt concentrations on H+-pumps in root system and NADP-malate dehydrogenase activity in leaves of different wheat genotypes // Abstract Book of International Plant Breeding Congress (IPBC), Turkey, Antalya, 2013, p. 360. 7. Bayramov Sh.M., Orujova T.Y., Babayev H.G., Guliyev N.M. Some physico-chemical properties of carbonic anhydrase in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum leaves // Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future. Articles of 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Beijing China, Springer, 2013, p. 324-327. 8. Бабаев Г.Г., Мехвалиева У.А., Байрамов Ш.М., Халыг-заде М.Н., Гулиев Н.М. Влияние солевого стресса на адаптивную реакцию растения амаранта: Н+- насос и ферменты метаболизма углерода // Материалы XXII Международного Научного Симпозиума. Симферополь, г. Алушта, 2013, с. 405-410. 9. Bayramov Ş.M., Babayev H.Q., Mehvalıyeva U.A., Əliyeva M.N., Quliyev N.M. İşığın intensivliyinin, temperaturun və quraqlığın buğda yarpaqları malatdehidrogenazasının aktivliklərinin tənzimində rolu // Azərbaycan MEA Botanika İnstitutunun Elmi Əsərləri. Bakı, 2013, XXXIII Cild, s. 164-171. 10. Quliyev N.M., Babayev H.Q., Mehvalıyeva U.Ə., Əliyeva M.N., Feyziyev Y. Quraqlığın amarant yarpaqlarında qaz mübadiləsi parametrlərinə və dekarboksilləşdirici malatdehidrogenazalara təsiri // Azərbaycan MEA-nın Məruzələri, 2014, Cild (mayda çıxacaq-qəbul olunubdur). 11. Babayev H., Mehvaliyeva U., Aliyeva M., Feyziyev Y. and Guliyev N. The study of NAD-malik enzyme in Amaranthus cruentus L. under drought // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, Vol. p. ISSN: 0981-9428, Impact factor 2,775 (mayda çıxacaq). 12. Bayramov Sh.M., Quliyev N.M. Changes in Rubisco activase gene expression and polypeptide content in Brachypodium distachyon // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, Vol. p. ISSN: 0981-9428, Impact factor 2,775 (mayda çıxacaq). 13. Babayev H., Mehvaliyeva U., Aliyeva M., Khasumov K., Guliyev N. and Feyziyev Y. Effects of relative water content, soil drought and atmospheric humidity on gas exchange, intermediates and NADP-malate dehydrogenase in leaves of the wheat // Plant Biology, 2014, Vol. p. (hazırdır). 14. Gurbanova U., Babayev H., Aliyeva M., Feyziyev Y., Guliyev N. Effects of drought on mitochondrial NAD-malatedehydrogenase in Amaranthus cruentus L. during ontogenesis // Abstracts of International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability. Moscow, Russia, 2014. 15. Bayramov Sh., Gurbanova U., Babayev H., Aliyeva M., Guliyev N., Feyziyev Y. Effects of temperature and light intensity on photosynthetic enzyme activities in C4 species of Chenopodiaceae family in the natural environment // Abstracts of International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability. Moscow, Russia, 2014. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | Member of Azerbaijan Molecular Biologist and Biochemists Steering committee, Memebr of Azerbaijan Plant Physiologists society | |
Pedagogical activity | BSU | |
Other activities | Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Institute, senior scientific worker, Member of dissertation board D.01.061 acting under Institute of Botanics of ANAS, Member of scientific board under the institute of Botanics | |
Awarding and prizes | Decree of honor under ANAS issued by its Steering Commitee | |
Place of work and its address | Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Respublic, AZ1073, Baki, B.Agayev str. 100A | |
Position | Deputy Minister | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 4971402 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 2105970 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 5695545 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 4971402 | | |