Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


İsmayılov Amin İsmayıl oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan, Kurdamir   
Date of Birth 14.03.1951 
Education Azerbaijan Polytechnic University
Scientific degree Doctor science 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Soil Science

Washing soils of Shirvan plain of Azerbaijan with saline water .

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

2511.01; 2426.01

Soil Science; Ecology

Information system of soils of Azerbaijan

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name



Soil Science 

Total number of scientific publications 135
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 61
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 7
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 2
Staff training:

-   number of PhD

-   number of Doctors

Main scientific achievements

Setting up scientific bases of digital soil cartography, geospatial analysis of soil cover using of the GIS technology and aerospace shooting materials, preparing conceptual diagnostic models of soil, establishing Database Based on geoinformation systems of the soil – ecological environment, elaboration of scientific bases of soil informatics and National Soil Information Systems in Azerbaijan as a result of the scientific researches on an integration problems of Azerbaijan soil science into the international soil – geographical spatial.

Elaboration of an initial digital soil map of Azerbaijan in the framework of Extended Soil Database of Europe in GIS basis with the scale of 1:1000 000 (2012). The research consequences were published as a chapter "Soil resoursces of Azerbaijan" Into the book "Soil Resources of Mediterrian Sea and Caucasian countries" which was published by the Printing house in Europe Union (2013).

Prepared a digitial map "Organic carbon supplies in Azerbaijan Soil" which is a structural part of " Global Soil Organic Carbon Map" which was of Global Soil Partnership program UN (2017).

Performing a research on the subject of mapping of modern state of the Soil Salinization and spectral features (Kur-Araz Lowland) on the basis of "New generation satellite data and information technologies integration" as a grant project of the Development Fund of Science under President of the Azerbaijan Republic (together with the scientists of Azerbaijan National Academy of Aviation), composed digital salinity map of Soil in the Kur-Araz Lowland and built Digital Elevation Model which gines a chance to analyze a role of the relief in the Lowland soil salinization (2016) for the first time in Azerbaijan.

Performed researches as a soil scientist expert in the project of "Irrigation of South Aleppo soil" realized by Syrian Arab Republic and composed Soil cover maps and total account (1985-1988).

Worked out the National Strategy project on Soil Consolidation on the basis of the project of FAO with Azerbaijan government (2017-2019).

Prepared Digital Soil Map with the scale of 1:500 000 according to National and International Soil classification (with the co-authors) (2017-2019).

Received an international patent on establishment and management of Soil Database as a result of the reseach which was performed together with the Russia (Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov) and Moldova (Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry). (Patent № 24121, Moscow, 07.06.2019).

Realized geospatial analysis and  Composed Digital Soil Map of Azerbaijan (M 1: 100,000)  by using of GIS and Remote Sensing technologies.

A new taxonomic system has been developed in accordance with the new WRB soil classification of soil map units and soil type units (2020).
Names of scientific works

1. Torpaqların diaqnostik modelləri .Bakı,2000,-274s.

2.Azərbaycan torpaq təsnifatının WRB sistemi ilə korrelyasiyası (həmmüəliflərlə). Bakı,2002,-252s.

3. Azərbaycan torpaqlarının informasiya sistemi. Bakı, 2004, -308 s.

4. Kadastrın əsasları. (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik). Bakı, 2008, -212s.

5. Coğrafi İnformasiya Sistemləri (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik, həmmüəlliflə). Bakı, 2011, -232s.

6. Soil Resources Of Azerbaijan. In: “Soil Resources of Mediterranean and Caucasus Countries”, Y. Yigini, P. Panagos, and L. Montanarella, (eds). (2013), 18-39p . Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. –243 pp.,

7. Azərbaycan milli torpaq təsnifatının Beynəlxalq Sistemə inteqrasiyası. Bakı, “Elm”,2017,-272s.

8. Torpaqların münbitlik modelləri yaradılmasının bəzi problemləri. AMEA-nın “Məruzələri”, Bakı, 2002, 57-ci cild, №4-6, s.252-255

9. Azərbaycanda torpaq informatikasının inkişaf mərhələləri. AMEA TAİ əsərləri , Bakı, 2004, XVI cild, s.571-585

10. ГИС в земельной реформе Азербайджанской Республике. Обзор: Современные геоинформационные технологии “ARCREVIEW” №2, Совместное издание ООО DATA+, ESRI Inc. и Leica Geosystems, Москва,2005

11. О создании концептуальных диагностических моделей основных типов почв Азербайджана на базе ЭВМ. Матер.межд. конф.  Ростов-на-дону, 2006, с.229-233

12. Integration of Azerbaijan into single soil-geografical space of Europe. Science without borders. Transactions of the InternationaAcademy of Science H&E. Volume 3. Innsburck. 2009. pp.411-415 volume3.pdf

13. Использование ГИС в управлении земельными ресурсами. «Отражение био-,гео-, антропосферных взаимодействий в почвах и почвенном покрове». Сб.матер.IV Всерос-кой научн.конф. с междун. участием. Т.3. г.Томск, 2010, с.92-94

14. Почвенная база данных для обеспечения  устойчивого разития Азебайджана. «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий в условиях глобальных изменений». Матер.VII Международной научной конферции. Направение2, секция 1,  Владикавказ , 2010,с.309-313

15. Почвы Азербайджана в почвенной географической информационной системе Европейского Союза. «Закономерности изменения почв при антропогенных воздействиях  и регулирования состояния и функционирования почвенного покрова», Матер.Всерос. науч. конф., Москва , 2011, с.733-739

16. Разработка цифровой базы почвенных данных Азербайджана в формате почвенной географической информационной системы ЕС. РАСХН, Рос. Общ. почв , Сб. Науч. Тр., Выпуск 9,  Рязань , 2011, с.148-153

17. Применение ГИС в почвенно-экологических исследованиях в Азербайджанской Республике. The Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Soils of Azerbaijan”, Volume 12, part 1,pp.268-272

18.ГИС в почвенно-экологических исследова-ниях Азербайджана. Матер.докладов VI Съезда общества почвоведов России книга 3, г.Петрозаводск, 2012, с.213-214

19. Optimization Problems of Soil Fertility. SOIL-WATER JOURNALVol. 2 (2013) Number 2(1),pp.1085-1090

20.Картографирование процессов засоления почв Апшеронского полуострова на базе современных информационных технологий. Вестник Алтайского государственного университета , №5,2014 ,с.86-89

21. Картографирование процессов засоления почв Апшеронского полуострова на базе современных информационных технологий.  Вестник АГАУ №5 (115). Барнаул,2014. стр.86-89.

22. Mathematical models for soil fertility of Azerbaijan. 9th International Soil Science Congress on”The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, Antalya,Turkey,2014,-261p

23. Application of the European soil standards on the territory of Azerbaijan. 9th International Soil Science Congress on”The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, Antalya, Turkey,2014, -578p.

24. Применение почвенных стандартов Европы на территории Азербайджана. «Живые и биокосные системы». –2015. –№ 12;  URL:

25.Torpaqların  şorlaşma dərəcələri üzrə coğrafi informasiya sisteminin yaradılması. “Torpaqşünaslıq və aqrokimya” jurnalı, –2015. –№ 1-2 ,cild22, s.365-371

26. The preparation of the classification of Azerbaijan soils according to the world reference  base for soil resources. The Proceedings of the International Congress on”Soil Science in International Year of Soils”.Article book, Sochi, 2015, p.350-353(həmmüəlliflə).

27. Elektron kənd təsərrüfatının yaradılmasında Geonformasiya texnologiyalarının rolu.  Aqrar elmin və təhsilin innovativ inkişafi: dünya təcrübəsi və müasir prioritetlər. Beynəlxalq Elmi-praktik konfrans. Gəncə,2015, s.189-193

28. Məsafədən zondlama verilənləri və coğrafi informasiya texnologiyaları əsasında daşqınların  torpağın ekoloji vəziyyətinə təsirinin qiymətləndirilməsi. AMAKA Xəbərləri, Cild 19   №2 (19) , Bakı -2016 ,  s.15-23 (həmmüəlliflə)

29. Məsafədən zondlama məlumatları və coğrafi informasiya texnologiyaları əsasında daşqın ərazisinin 3D(TİN) modelləşdirilməsi. AMEA “Xəbərlər” Yer elmləri, 2016, №1-2, ss.80-84

30. Composition of the digital salinity maps of soils using from the Geographical İnformation  Systems. İnt.Sci.Conf. on Applied  Sciences ,, "Spatial Data Processing, Modelling, Analyzing and Management for Knowledge Based Systems"2016 , Antalya/TURKEY,p.23-26

31.Multispektral kosmik təsvirlərin emalı əsasında şorlaşmış torpaqların müəyyən edilməsi üçün müxtəlif indekslərin hesablanması.

 AMEA Coğrafiya institutu,Coğrafiya və təbii resurslar, №1, 2017(5), ss.118-122

32. Investigation of Influence of Erosion Process on Widespread Mountainous Cultivation Lands in the Slopes of Azerbaijan.  International Invention of Scientific Journal, Volume 03, Issue 04, 2018, pp. 268-272 (həmmüəlliflə)

33. Analysis of the relief in the Kur-Araz lowland soils salinity based on GIS technology. EURASIAN GIS CONGRESS 2018 – Proceeding book, Baku,  2018, pp.294-297

34. "Многоязычная база метаданных, объектная модель и программный комплекс для стандартизации и обмена почвенной информацией" Soil_ML_MultyL. Patent № 24121, Москва,  07.06.2019 (həmmüəlliflə).

35. Features of the Use of Aerospace Methods in Soil Science. Advances in Agricultural Technology & Plant Sciences ISSN: 2640-6586, Volume 2; Issue 3, 2019 ,

36. Aerospace Methods for Studying Soil Characteristics for Solving Agricultural Problems in Azerbaijan. Agricultural Extension Journal 2019; Vol.3, İssue3, pp.129-135 (həmmüəlliflə).

37. Soil Organic Carbon Prediction by Vis-NIR Spectroscopy: Case Study the Kur-Aras Plain, Azerbaijan.  Journal Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Volume 51, 2020 - Issue 6,  DOI: 10.1080/ 00103624.2020.1729367                   © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

38. Development of a Land Consolidation Instrument in the Republic of Azerbaijan (10385).

FIG Working Week 2020.Smart surveyors for land and water management. Proceedings

ISBN 978-87-92853-93-6, ISSN 2307-4086 (həmmüəlliflə).

39.The correlation of Azerbaijan arid soils with WRB-2014.         Eurasian J Soil Sci 2020, 9 (3) 202 – 207;   e-ISSN : 2147-4249əmmüəlliflə).
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

The Member of Soil Science Society of Azerbaijan;

The Member of Soil Science Society of Russia;

Member of the Editorial Board of journal “Applied Ecology and Environmental Research”   ( Hungary)
Pedagogical activity

Professor of  Department of Geomatics of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction.(since 2005 y.)

Other activities

Chairman of the Expert Council of Biological and Agrarian Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under  the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (since 2019 )  ; 

Member of the editorial board of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia (since 2018);

Chairman of Scientific Council on Problems of Soil and Water Resources Management and Environment Protection under Republican Council on Coordination of Scientific Research of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (2015-2019).

Awarding and prizes  
Place of work and its address Institute of Soil Science and Agro Chemistry of ANAS, 5, M. Rahim str., Baku, AZ10073, Azerbaijan Republic
Position Head of the Laboratory of soil -GIS
Office phone (+994 12) 5383240
Mobil (+994 50) 2229889 
Home phone (+994 12) 4415354 