Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Jafarov Ibrahim Hasan oglu
Place of Birth Nakhchivan AR, Sharur district    
Date of Birth 20.01.1956
Education Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute 
Scientific degree Doctor of Agricultural Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Plant protection from pests and diseases

The biological rationale of struggling major diseases of grape plant in Nakhchivan ASSR of Azerbaijan SSR

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Plant protection

The mikobiota (composition, sire biology, harmfulness, protection measures) of Stone fruit plants in Azerbaijan

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name 



Total number of scientific publications 148
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 43
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 13
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 2
Staff training: 

- number of PhD

number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements The mikobiota of grape plant, stone fruits and plants and sugar beet has been studied and main protection measurements have been investigated in plant protection sphere. 
Names of scientific works 1. Биологические особенности развития милдью винограда в условиях Нахичевани // Известия ТСХА, 1988, вып. 5, с. 125-130

2. Курчавость листьев персика в Азербайджане / Сучаний стан i перспективи захисту плодово-ягiдних культур i винограду вiд шкiдливих организмiв. Матерiали Всеукраiтськой научново- практичной конф-цii Харкiв, 2001, с.133-137

3. Патогенная микобиота косточковых плодовых пород Азербайджана и ее особенности // Земляробства i ахова раслiн, 2003, №3, с.36-37

4. Парша косточковых культур и меры борьбы с нею // Садоводство и виноградарство, 2003, №3, с.10-11

5. Анализ микобиоты косточковых плодовых культур Азербайджана // Земляробства i ахова раслiн, Минск, 2007, №2 (51), с.30-32

6. О микобиоте косточковых плодовых культур Азербайджана // Труды института Ботаники национальной академии наук Азербайджана, Баку, “Элм”, 2007, т. XXVII, с.125-131

7. Tağlı bitkilərin plantasiyalarında fitosanitar vəziyyəti təhlili / Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 91-ci ildönümünə və ADAU-nun 85 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş elmi konfransın materialları. Gəncə, №1, 2014, s.6-14

8. Биологическая эффективность фунгицидов на озимой пщенице // Защита и карантин растений, 2015, с.48-49

9. Повыщение пролуктивности семечковых плодовых пород в Куба-Хачмазской зоне Азербайджана /«Основы повышения продуктивности агроценозов» материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти из-вестны ученых И.А.Муромцева и А.С.Татаринцева (24-26 ноября 2015 г.), Мичуринск –наукоград РФ, 2015, с.78-82

10. Morphology, Molecular İdentity, and Pathogenicity of Vertucillium dahliae and V.longisporum Associated with İnternally Discolored Horseradish Roots // Plant disease, volume 100, number 4, 2016, p.749-757

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Co-chair of FD 04.012 Defense Council co-operating within the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture since 2008, and now the deputy chairman

Since 2015, has been the chairman at the FD.04.131 Attestation board of ASAU according to the orders of No. 46 dated 24 February 2015 by Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Since 2016, Honorary professor of Kazakh National Agrarian University

Pedagogical activity 1989-2016, 27 years 
Other activities The chairman of Constituency Election Commission № 38 in 2000-2013  
Awarding and prizes Professor Ibrahim Jafarov Hasan was awarded with 3rd grade “For the service to motherland” decoration for his contribution to development of agriculture in accordance with the order of President of Azerbaijan Republic dated 7 November, 2016. 
Place of work and its address Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Ataturk Avenue 450, Ganja city 
Position Rector 
Office phone (+994 22) 2565733 
Mobil (+994 50) 3675437 
Home phone (+994 22) 2575112 
Fax (+994 22) 2562408 