Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Mamedov Yagub Javad oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Gadabay district, Ali- Ismailly village
Date of Birth 03.03.1941
Education Azerbaijan Medical University, pediatric faculty
Scientific degree Medical Doctor
Title Professor
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Pathological  physiology»                                    

Influence of Naftalan oil on sympatho- adrenal system

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Pathological  physiology

Correction of blood and lymph coagulation in the complex therapy of venous thrombosis

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-        specialty name




Total number of printed scientific publications

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases
An author of more than 440 scientific works, 8 textbooks, 8 monographs, 12 scientific popular books, 16 methodical recommendations, several rational offers      




Number of patents and certificates of authorship 45 certificates of authorship, 2 patents
Staff training:     

-          number of  PhD

-          number of Doctor of sciences



Basic scientific achievements Elaboration and use of lymphotropic remedies, such as nicomorpholin, morphozol and glyseram in the clinical practice.
Names of scientific works Practical lymphology.  «Maarif», Baku, 1982Coagulation of blood and lymph and their correction during thrombosis. Baku, 1985 (monograph).Myocardial infarction (Lymph system of heart. The main principles of pathophysiological and pathogenetical therapy). «Medicina», Moscow 1989 (monograph).
Names of scientific works 1. Practical limphology. Baku, Maarif, 1982, 302p.

2. Blood and lymph Coagulations, its Correction in Thrombosis. Baku, Azerneshr, 1985, 231p.

3. Basis of the Medical Lymphology. Moscow, Medisina, 1986, (the III and IV chapters)

4. Myocardial Infarction. Cardiac Lymphatic System, Pathophysiology and pathophysiological Basis of Therapy. Moscow, Medisina, 1989, 222p.

5. Correction of Clotting and Fibrinolitic Disorders of Blood and Lymph. Sov. Med. Rev. G. Haematology. 1990, part 4, vo13, pp1-22

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations A member of International Organization for the study of heart, 1989

A vice chairman of  International Organization of Lymphologists, 1991

A member of board- directors of International Scientific Society of Pathophysiologists, 1991
Pedagogical activity

A teacher in the Azerbaijan Medical University since 1969 year.

During 1970- 1973 years- deputy dean and dean of pediatric faculty, 1973- 1980 years a secretary of the institute Party Committee, 1980- 1983 years prorector of institute, 1983- 1992 years rector of Medical University.
Other activities Was elected as a deputy in Nasimi district, Baku Soviet Party Committee many times and a member of Plenum of Central Committee of Azerbaijan Communist Party. During 1990- 95 years was elected a deputy of Supreme Council of Azerbaijan Republic. In 1992 was elected a Chairman of Supreme Council of Azerbaijan and at the same time acted as a substitute for President of Azerbaijan Republic. During 1979- 2001 years a was a head of Pathological Physiology department and since 2001 year professor of this department .
Awards and prizes In 1975, «An Excellent member of Health in USSR»In 1981, a medal of «Red Banner of labor»In 1981, honored doctor of RepublicIn 1987, an order of «Friendship of the peoples»In 1991, Honored ScientistIn 1991, Academician  N.N.Vavilov’s award laureateIn 2003, «Top 2000 of the most prominent Scientists of XXI century», from IBC (International Center of Biography) Cambridge, EnglandIn 2005, «Mir Movsun Aga» honorary awardIn 2007, «Good will Ambassador» from International, Interethnic, Interreligious Federation of Peace and World Peace Organization  
Main place of work and its address Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Bakikhanov street 23, Az1022
Position Department of pathological physiology 
Office phone (+994 12) 4400552
Mobil (+994 50) 3124393
Home phone (+994 12) 4409525 