Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Muradov Shahbaz Musa oglu
Place of Birth Village Khumarta, Lachin region, Azerbaijan Republic     
Date of Birth 10 August, 1940 
Education Azerbaijan State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Economic Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

08596 (5307.01)

Labor economics (economic theory) 

Female labor in agriculture of Azerbaijan SSR and its rational use 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Labour Economics

Socio-economic problems of female labor in the Azerbaijan SSR

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-        specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 575
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 65
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences


Main scientific achievements Participated in the formation of the scientific school of research human development, reproduction of the labor force, demographics, population of Azerbaijan.
Names of scientific works

Names of scientific works 1. Female labor issues and its rational use in agriculture of Azerbaijan SSR. Baku, 1969, 227 səh.

2. Socio-economic problems of the use of female labor in Azerbaijan SSR. Baku, "Elm" 1974 190 səh.

3. Socio-economic problems of the labor force in the Azerbaijan. SSR. B. "Elm" 1978, 309 p. (co-author).

4. Demographic policy at the present stage. B. "Elm" 1986. 102 p. (co-author.).

5. Manpower Azerbaijan SSR: theoretical and methodological and socio-economic aspects. B. "Elm", 1987 (co-author.).

6. Nakhchivan economy in the twentieth century. B. "Elm" 2000, 161 p. (co-author).

7. Issues of socio-economic and demographic development of the Azerbaijan village. SSR. B. "Elm", 1978, 156 p. (co-author).

8. Azerbaijani economy (for Azeri. Alive. Foreign countries). B. "Elm" 2003. 341 p. (co-author).

9. Human Potential: main trends, realities and challenges. B. "Elm" 2004, 656 p.

10. Globalisation, demographic development and labor activity of the population in Azerbaijan. B. "Elm" 2007, 261 p. (co-author).

11. Dynamics and structure of the population of Azerbaijan Republic: basic demographic and ethno-demographic changes (1897-2007). B. "Elm" 235.

12. Ethno-demographic processes in Azerbaijan: historical changes and realities. B. 2013. "Elm" 135. (co-author).

13. Reproduction of labor power and povyyuenie efficient use of labor resources. M. Publ. Moskv. Un-ta. 1971, 279 p. (co-author).

14. The population of the Federal Republic. M. "Statistics". 1977

15. Features migration in the Union republics. M. "Statistics", 1978, ........ (co-author).

16. Economic development of the Soviet Azerbaijan at the present stage. B. "Elm" 1980, 298 p. (co-author)

17. Regional features of reproduction and migration in the USSR. M. 1981. 205 p. (co-author).

18. Population policy of socialist society. M. 1986. 218 p. (co-author)

19. Social policy in the post-socialist society: mission, contradictions mechanisms. Nauka, Moscow, 2001. 647 p. (co-author)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1.  Member of the National Committee of UNESCO in the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Bioethics, scientific knowledge and technology ethics"

2.  Member of the State Commission in the preparation of the "Concept of the demographic development of the Azerbaijan Republic" and a member of the Coordination Commission for the preparation of the State Program of development and demography of the population of Azerbaijan Republic

3.  Member of editorial board of Nakhichevan Encyclopedias

4.  Member of the editorial board of the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia

Pedagogical activity ASEU (1970-1985)
Oil Academy (1980-1983)
BSU (1992-1995)
Other activities Member of the editorial board of the journal "Izvestiya" ANAS series humanities and social sciences and executive editor of the series in economics 
Awarding and prizes

1.  The Order of "Glory" (2004)

2.  In 2000 he was awarded the prize in the highest degree held by the International Islamic Charitable Organization Asian Muslims

3.  Jubilee medal "For the selfless work"

4.  Medal "Veteran of Labor" 

Place of work and its address Institute of Economy of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku city, H.Javid ave., 115
Position Department head 
Office phone (+994 12) 5102858 
Mobil (+994 55) 7848820
Home phone (+994 12) 5107799
Fax (+994 12) 5372265 