Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Panahov Geylani Minhaj oglu
Place of Birth Kusar district, Anykh village   
Date of Birth 25.08.1954 
Education M.Azizbekov Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry 
Scientific degree Doctor of technical science 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Development of oil gas pools.

Regulation of rheophyscal properties of producing wells by means of physical fields for increasing efficiency of technological processes of oil production 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Development and operation of oil gas pools.

Development and introduction of new composite systems in oil gas recovery 
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-        specialty name 


Total number of scientific publications 167 
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 48 
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 21 
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 55 
Staff training:

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences

Main scientific achievements In his researches corr. member Panahov G.M. covers a number of issues devoted to oil and gas problems including a problem of flow of inhomogeneous dispersive, gasfluid systems in pipes and found wide application in oilfield mechanics and on their base were created and widely used industrial technologies in the field of oil and gas, increase of oil recovery of beds and oil production intensification transport and storage of hydrocarbon production application of viscoelastic composite systems in different oil gas production processes.

The significant part of his works is devoted to studying electro kinetic effects at filtration of different fluids in porous medium.

Dr. Geylani Panahov has studied a whole class of regulated viscoelastic mixtures. At present the given technological processes are widely used in oil gas pools of Azerbaijan, Russia, China People’s Republic, the USA and Vietnam.

A great deal of studies of corr. Member Geylani Panahov was devoted to ecological problems in oil gas industry. In particular, he has developed theoretical and practical bases of energy and resource preserving technologies in the processes of extraction, transportation and preservation of hydrocarbons.

Names of scientific works 1. Сулейманов Б.А., Панахов Г.М. Особенности течения суспензий и нефтяных дисперсных систем // Коллоидный журнал. 1995. - Т. 57, № 3. - С.386-390.

2. Shakhverdiev A.Kh., Panakhov G.M. Rheochemical Technologies for Stimulation of Oil Production // Istvan Lakatos (ed): Novelities in Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery - Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 2000, Progress in Mining and Oil Chemistry, Vol.2.

3. Bakhtiyarov S.I., Panakhov G.M., Abbasov E.M. Rheological Characterization of Viscoelastic Composite Systems Used in Oil Industr Book “Characterization of Materials, Metals and Minerals”, M. E. Schlesinger, ed., TMS Publications, 2005.

4. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Бахтияров И.С., Мандрик И.Э., Аббасов Э.М., Интегративная эффективность воздействия на пласт при внутрипластовой генерации газа // Нефтяное Хозяйство, №11, 2006, Москва

5. Bakhtiyarov S. I., Shakhverdiyev А.Kh., Panakhov G.M., Abbasov E.M. In-Situ Carbon Dioxide Generation: Polymer/Surfactant Effects on Generated Volume and Pressure // SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry Proceedings, 28 February – 2 March, 2007, Houston, TX, USA

6. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Аббасов Г.М., Абдoлнасер Омрани Газодинамическая десорбция газа в условиях внутрипластовой генерации диоксида углерода // Вестник РАЕН, №1, 2010. - С.25-28

7. Мандрик И.Э., Панахов Г.М., Шахвердиев А.Х. Научно-методические и технологические основы оптимизации процесса повышения нефтеотдачи пластов // Mосква, изд-во «Нефтяное хозяйство», 2010. – 288 c.

8. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Renqi Jiang, Аббасов Э.М., Денисов А.В. Эффективность реогазохимической технологии пнп на основе внутрипластовой генерации СО 2 (опыт применения на месторождениях КНР) // Вестник РАЕН, №4, 2012. - С. 73-81.

9. Panahov G.M., Bahtiyarov S.İ., Abbasov E.M., Agayeva G.R., Aliyev G.A., Rasulova S.R.Using of Wastes of Natural Minerals for Oil-Saturated Bed Stimulation // Journal on Mechanical Engineering (JME) (iManager Publ.) – Vol. 8. – №2. - 2013. - pp. 10-16.

10. G.M. Panahov, Abbasov E.M., Bakhtiyarov S.İ., Aghayeva G.R., Aliyev G.A., Rasulovа S.R. A Novel Moist Carbon Dioxide Generation Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology // Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity 1(1) (2013) 1-6, (ABŞ).

11. Bakhtiyarov S.I., Dennis Siginer, Pahahov G.M., Abbasov E.M. The effect of gas evolutıon on hydraulıc characterıstıcs of fluıd flow ın the pıpelıne // ASME/IMECE International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Phoenix, Arizona, November 11 – 17, 2016.

12. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Гусейнов В.Г., Мусеибли П.Т. Влияние газовыделения на гидравлические характеристики течения жидкости в трубопроводе // Транспорт и хранение нефтепродуктов и углеводородного сырья, №2. - 2015. - C. 19 - 22.

13. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Юзбашиева А.О., Гусейнов В.Г. Теплоперенос при течении газожидкостных углеводородных потоков в трубопроводных системах - Транспорт и хранение нефтепродуктов и углеводородного сырья, №3. - 2015. - C. 3 - 14. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Юзбашиева А.О., Расулова С.Р., Гусейнов В.Г. Реологические свойства структурообразующих дисперсных систем // Нефтегазовое дело, №2, 2016. - C. 133-141.

14. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Юзбашиева А.О., Расулова С.Р., Гусейнов В.Г. Реологические свойства структурообразующих дисперсных систем // Нефтегазовое дело, №2, 2016. - C. 133-141.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Russian Academy of natural sciences. Academy of invention of Russian Federation.  
Pedagogical activity Professor of the “Transport and storage of oil and gas”, “Development and operation of oil deposits” departments of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (2000 – 2004)
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes 1. Honorary silver medal of RANS named after V.I.Vernadsky - 2004.

2. Honorary title of the Presidium of NASA - 2004.

3. Honorary badge for the achievements in the field of science and economy - 2009.

4. Silver medal after name of academician Azad Mirzajanzade - 2015

Place of work and its address Institute Mathematics of  Mechanics, Azerbaijan Republic, B.Vahabzade 9 
Position Head of department 
Office phone (+994 12) 5390221 
Mobil (+994 50) 5720204 
Home phone (+994 12) 5398622 
Fax (+994 12) 5390102 