Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Alimardanov Khafiz Mutallim oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan, Ismayilli district, Lahij vil.  
Date of Birth 01.01.1948 
Education Baku State University, chemist, chemist teacher 
Scientific degree Doctor of Chemical Sciences 
Title Professor  
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Organic chemistry

Research reactions of addition cyclopentanone and its homologies to C5-C6 a-olefins and study process obtaining of heptilcyclopentanona 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

2316.01; 2314.01

Chemical kinetics and catalysis: Petrochemistry

Oxidative dehydrogenation of five and sixmember cyclo hydrocarbons to cycloolefins over oxide and zeolite catalysts 
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name


Petroleum Chemistry

Total number of scientific publications 279
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 114
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 54
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 31
Staff training: 

- number of PhD

number of Doctors



Main scientific achievements 1.The corresponding catalysts for partial dehydrogenation of 5 and 6 member salicylic hydrocarbons to cyclolefines have been selected and the main regularities of the reaction have been determined;

2.The corresponding catalysts for dehidrodisproportionation of cyclohexanes to polialbenzene have been selected and the main regularities of the reaction have been determined;

3.Regularities of obtaining of alkyl derivatives of 5 and 6 member polycyclic ketoses have been established and the production of these ketoses of experimental- industrial plants has been organized;

4.The oxidation regularities of 5 and 6 member salicylic ketoses to the corresponding lactones have been established and the production of these lactones of experimental-industrial plants has been organized;

5.The catalysts for the oxidation of unsaturated mono and bicyclic hydrocarbones to oxides, ketones, alcohols (mono and diatonic) in liquid phase have been selected and the main regularities of the process have been determined.

Names of scientific works 1. Kh.M. Alimamdanov and est. "The particularities of oxidative dehydrogenation of metylcyclohexane to metylcyclohexane in the presence of modified mordenite" /Kinetika and catalysis, 1992, T.33, P.885 – 892

2. Kh.M. Alimamdanov. "The oxidative dehydrogenation of metylcyclohexane to benzene and isomers of xylene on modified mordenite and erionite" /Kinetika and catalysis, 1994, T.35, N6, P.841- 845

3. M.F. Abbasov, Kh.M. Alimamdanov and et al. "The Catalytic oxidation of alykil-and cycloalkylcyclonones to lactones. Journal of applied chemistry, 1997, T.70, V.4, P.648 - 655

4. Kh.M. Alimamdanov and et al. "The Oxidative Dehydrodisproportionation of Cyclohexane Hydrocarbons on Metal Oxide-Modified Zeolites". Petroleum Chemistry, 2001, V.41, N5, P.431 - 440

5. Kh.M. Alimamdanov and et al. "Catalytic oxidation of Norbornen to Norcamphor". Petroleum Chemistry, 2004, V.44, N 3, P.196 - 204

6. Х.М. Алимарданов и др. Синтез высших спироацеталей конденсацией С3-С7 алкил- и циклоалкилцикланонов с двухатомными спиртами в присутствии гетерогенных катализаторов. Журнал органической химии. 2011. Т.47. №8. С.1136-1142

7. Х.М. Алимарданов и др. Окисление алкилзамещенных циклопентанонов в псевдогомогенной системе без участия агентов фазового переноса. Журнал общей химии. 2011. Т. 81. Вып. 8. С.1319-1325

8. Х.М. Алимарданов и др. Влияние иммобилизированных наночастиц углерода на активность цеолитов в окислительном дегидрировании 4-винилциклогексена и этилбензола в стирол. Нефтехимия. 2012. Т.52. №2. С.116-123

9. Х.М. Алимарданов. Жидкофазное окисление C6 – C8 циклоолефинов кислородом воздуха с участием металлосодержащих микроструктурированных карбоновых материалов. Журнал общей химии. 2013. Т.83. №11 С.1822-1829

10. Х.М. Алимарданов и др. Роль поверхностного кислорода в процесседегидрирования 4-винилциклогексена диоксидом углерода на платино- и железогаллийсодержащих цеолитах. Теорет. и эксперим. химия. 2013. Т.49. №5. С.310-316 

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity From 1995 a member of expert council in SCSA by test compiling and admittance programs and methodical articles on the subject of chemistry, a member of Expert Council from Chemistry in SAC 
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes "Honored Scientist" - 2019 
Place of work and its address Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu.G.Mamedaliyev of ANAS, 30, Khojali pr., AZ1025, Azerbaijan 
Position Head of the Laboratory 
Office phone (+994 12) 4902012
Mobil (+994 50) 7140425 
Home phone (+994 12) 4948765
Fax (+994 12) 4903520 