Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Kangarli Talat Nasrulla oglu
Place of Birth Baku, Azerbaijan    
Date of Birth November 21, 1948 
Education Azerbaijan State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Sciences in Geology and Mineralogy
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Features of the Geological Structure of the Azerbaijani part of Greater Caucasus Side Range  
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


General and regional geology

Tectonic Stratification of the Alpine Cover of Greater Caucasus within the Territory of Azerbaijan 

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

 - date

 - specialty name



Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases







Certificates of authorship and number of patents
Staff training:

-   number of PhD

-   number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements
  • Summarization and analysis of the outcomes of multiyear research activities and library material, development of new geological-tectonic  model and model of Alpine geodynamic evolution of the Azerbaijan part of Greater Caucasus (2003-2012);
  • Together with specialists from the Caspian states, participation in joint studies of the Caspian region’s tectonic structure and development of 1:2500000 scale International Tectonic Map of the Caspian Sea and its Surroundings (2003-2006);
  • Revised summarization, analysis, interpretation and description of existing and new data on geological-tectonic structure of the Republic, modeling of the regional crust’s Alpine geodynamic evolotuion (2003-2016). Research outcomes are included in multi-volume editions on Azerbaijan geology published in Russian (2005), Azerbaijani (2015) and English (2016) languages. Continuing activities include preparation of the following monographs:“Geology and Mineral Resources of Azerbaijan Republic” in English (2017); “Tectonic Nappes in Structure of Eastern and Southeastern Caucasus”in Russian (2018); “Azerbaijan Tectonics” in English (2018); “Deep Geological Structure of Azerbaijan Republic” in Russian (2019);
  • With the use of the latest information, development and publication of 16 different-scale geological maps (2008-2015). Following 1:500000 scale maps are currently prepared for publishing: “Mineral Map of Azerbaijan Republic”, “Tectonic Map of Azerbaijan Republic”, “Structural Map of the Surface of pre-Jurassic Basement of Azerbaijan Republic” (2018); 
  • Together with specialists from Switzerland and Caucasus states, study of the Caucasus tectonics and Alpine paleotectonics, with development of modern GIS-model of region’s latest tectonics (2011-2013)
  • Study and inventory of the rare natural objects of Azerbaijan (2009-2012); publication of the resulting materials in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages (2012-2015);
  • Revised summarization, analysis and interpretation of earlier published and new data on the geological-tectonic structure of and mineral resources of Nakhchyvan AR (2013-2016). Resulting materials are included in published and prepared multi-author monographs dedicated to the autonomous republic’s geology, including: “Stratigraphy of Nakhchyvan AR” in Azerbaijani (2015); “Geological Encyclopedia of Nakhchyvan AR” in Azerbaijani (2018); “Geology of Nakhchyvan AR” in English (2018); 1:200000 scale “Geological Map of Nakhchyvan AR”  (2018); 1:200000 scale “Tectonic Map of Nakhchyvan AR”;1:200000 scale “Mineral Map of Nakhchyvan AR” (2018);
  • Revised summarization, analysis and interpretation of existing and new data on geological-tectonic structure, geomorphology, natural resources and natural heritage of western (Lesser Caucasus) part of Azerbaijan (2014-2016). Resulting materials are included in published and prepared multi-author monographs dedicated to the region’s natural resources, natural and humanitarian heritage, including: “Natural Resources of Western Azerbaijan (Ganjabasar and Garabagh)” in English (2016), “Geology-Geographic Atlas of Garabagh” (2016); “Humanitarian and Natural Heritage of Garabagh” in English (2017);
  • Coordination of 21 international and national grant projects in the areas of geology and environmental protection (2000-2016)
  • Participation in 28 international and national projects as national expert, leaders of the work group or project coordinator (1994-2015)
  • As national expert, participation in 70 international conferences, symposiums and workshops dedicated to geology, environmental protection and disaster management (1994-2016) 
Names of scientific works
  • International Tectonic Map of the Caspian Sea and its Surroundings. Scale - 1:2500000. Explanatory note to the map. (Editors in chief: V.Y. Khain, N.A. Bogdanov).Moscow: Nauchniymir, 2003(in Russian) –coauthor;
  • T.N. Kangarli. Nappe Development Stages of Tectonically Stratified Alpine Cover of Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan // News of Azerbaijan NAS, Earth Sciences, 2005, №4, pp.37-44 (in Russian);
  • T.N. Kangarli, F.S. Ahmadbayli, V.V. Korobanov, A.M. Aliyev. Greater Caucasus / Azerbaijan Geology: in 7 volumes, vol. IV. Tectonics. Editors: V.Y. Khain and Ak.A. Alizadeh. Baku: Nafta-Press, 2005, pp.43-213 (in Russian);
  • F.S. Ahmadbayli, A.D. Ismayilzadeh, T.N. Kangarli. Azerbaijan Earth Crust Geodynamics during Phanerozoic period / Azerbaijan Geology: in 7 volumes, Vol.IV. Tectonics. Editors: V.Y. Khain and Ak.A. Alizadeh. Baku: Nafta-Press, 2005, pp.451-461 (in Russian);
  • T.N. Kangarli. Differentiated Displaced Tectonic Sheets in the Infrastructure of Govdagh-Sumgait Nappe Complex of Southeastern Caucasus // News of Azerbaijan NAS, Earth Sciences, 2006, №1, pp.28-35 (in Russian);
  • International tectonic map of the Caspian Sea and its’ coastal areas (scale 1:2500000), and Explanatory Notes. (Editors-in-Chief: V.Y.Khain, N.A.Bogdanov).  Moscow, 2006. – coaurhor (in Russian);
  • V.Y. Khain, A.N. Hajiyev, T.N. Kangarli. Tectonic Nature of Absheron Threshold of the Caspian Sea // Proceedings of RAS, 2007, vol. 414, № 4, pp.523-527 (in Russian);
  • T.N. Kangarli. Jurassic Allochthonous Complexes of Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) // News of Azerbaijan NAS, Earth Sciences, 2007, №13 pp.3-11 (in Russian);
  • T.N. Kangarli.  Peculiarities of Geological-Tectonic Structure of Southeastern Caucasus and Problems of Oil-Gas Bearing Potential // Scientific Papers of SOCAR Scientific Research Institute, 2007, № 9, pp. 3-14 (in Russian);
  • Geological Map of Azerbaijan Republic. Scale - 1:500000. Explanatory Note. (Editor in chief: Ak.A.Alizadeh). Baku, 2008 – member of editors board and coauthor (main executor);
  • Egan S., Mosar J., Brunet M.-F., Kangarli T. Subsidence and uplift mechanisms within the South Caspian basin: insights from the onshore and offshore Azerbaijan region. In.: South Caspian to Central Iran basins. Geological Society, Special Publications 312, London, 2009, p.219-240 (in English);
  • Mosar J., Kangarli T., Bochud M., Glasmacher U., Rast A., Brunet M.-F.,  Sosson M.   Cenozoic – Recent   tectonics   and   uplift   in   the Greater  Caucasus:   a   perspective   from   Azerbaijan / Geological   Society, Special Publikations, 340, London, 2010,  p.261-280 (in English);
  • Sosson M., Rolland Y., …Kangali T., etc. Subduction,  obduction  and collision in the Lesser Caucasus(Armenia,   Azerbaijan, Georgia),   new   insights/ Geological   Society, Special Publikations, 340, London, 2010,  p.329-352 (in English);
  • T.N. Kangarli. Shariages in Structure of Southeastern Caucasus as Indicators of Accretion Interrelation between North and South Caucasus Microplates// Proceedings of International Conference “Modern State of Earth Sciences” dedicated to a memory of V.Y. Khain Moscow, MSU 2011, pp.849-854 (in Russian);
  • Kangarli T.N., BabayevSh.A. Geological heritage of Azerbaijan Republic. Baku: Qoliafqrup, 2012,78 p. (in English);
  • Kаngаrli T.N. Mass overthrust within the structure of Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) // The modern problems of geology and geophysics of Eastern Caucasus and the South Caspian depression. Special Issue Papers, Brisbane, Australia, August 5-10, 2012, p.163-201 (in English);
  • Ismail-zadeh A.J., Kangarli T.N. Geodynamic environment of the formation of ore complexes and metallogenic epochs of the Eastern Caucasus // The modern problems of geology and geophysics of Eastern Caucasus and the South Caspian depression. Special Issue Papers, Brisbane, Australia, August 5-10, 2012, p.132-145 (in English);
  • Forte A., E.Cowgill E., Kangarli T., Murtuzayev İ., Stoika M. “Structural geometries and magnitude of shor-tening in the eastern Kura fold-thrust belt, Azerbaijan: Implications for the development of the Greater Caucasus Mountains” // Tectonics, vol.32, USA, 2013, p.1-30 (in English);
  • Forte A., Sumner D., Cowgill E., Stoika M., Kangarli T., etc.Late Miocene to Pliocene stratigraphy of the Kura Basin, a subbasin of the South Caspian Basin: Implications for the diachroneity of stage boundaries // Tectonics, vol.33, USA, 2013 y. s.1-26 (in English);
  • T.N. Kangarli, Sh.A. Babayev. Geological Heritage of Azerbaijan Republic. Baku: Nafta-Press, 2013, 147 p. (in Azerbaijani and English);
  • T.N. Kangarli, Sh.R. Balamedov, E.A. Sadikhov, Z.T. Mehdiyeva. Sedimentation and Geodynamic Conditions of the Formation of Upper Jurassic Complex of Southeastern Caucasus // News of Azerbaijan NAS, Earth Sciences, 2013, №3, pp.3-15 (in Russian);
  • Maps with geological content  included in the National Atlas of Azerbaijan Republic: Geological Structure (scale 1:1500000) – author; Neotectonics (scale 1:1500000) – coauthor;   Tectonic Zoning  (scale 1:1500000) – author; Geological Structure of Absheron Peninsula (scale 1:230000) – author;  Geological Structure of Nakhchivan AR (scale 1:440000) – coauthor; Mud Volcanoes (scale 1:1500000) – coauthor;. BakuCartographic Factory, 2014;
  • Tectonic-Geodynamic Regioning Map of Azerbaijan Republic. 2012. Scale - 1:750000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • Neotectonic Map of Azerbaijan Republic. 2012. Scale - 1:750000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • Geological Map of Absheron Peninsula and Adjoining Part of Caspian Sea. 2012. Scale - 1:100000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • Geological Map of Azerbaijan Republic. 2013. Scale - 1:750000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • Map of Mud Volcanos of Azerbaijan Republic. 2013. Scale - 1:100000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • Minerogenetic Map of Azerbaijan Republic. 2014. Scale - 1:100000 (editor and coauthor / main executor; chief editor - Ak.A. Alizadeh). BakuCartographic Factory, 2015;
  • T.N. Kangarli, Sh.A. Babayev. Geological heritage of Azerbaijan Republic. Baku: Nafta-press, 2015, 221 p. (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English);
  • T.N. Kangarli. Tectonics / Azerbaijan Geology, vol, I. Editor in chief: Ak.A. Alizadeh. Baku: Nafta-press, 2015, pp. 363-502 (in Azerbaijani);
  • Sosson M., Stephenson R., Sheremet Y., Rolland, Adamia Ş., Melkonian R., Kangarli T., etc. The Eastern Black Sea-Caucasus region during Cretaceous: new evidence to constrain its tectonic evolution / Special issue of the Compte-Rendus Geosciences (of the  French Academy of Sciences). Paris,  2015 (in English);
  • Sh.A. Babayev, T.N. Kangarli, A.B. Mammadov. Stratigraphy of Nakhchivan AR. Baku: Nafta-press, 2015, 946 p. (in Azerbaijani);
  • T.N. Kangarli (compiler and editor). Natural resources of Western Azerbaijan (Ganjabasar and Garabagh). Baku: Nafta-Press, 2016 (in English);
  • T.N. Kangarli, H.A. Khalilov. Geological Structure / Physical Geography of Nakhchyvan AR. Vol. I. Editors in chief: R.M. Mammadov, I.M. Hajiyev. Baku, 2016 (in Azerbaijani);
  • A.B. Mammadov, T.N. Kangarli, Sh.A. Babayev, H.I. Aliyev. Essays on modern stratigraphic division of sedimentary material complexes of Nakhchyvan folded province. Essay I – Proterozoic and Paleozoic (in Azerbaijani) // Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Oil-Gas Basins, 2016, № 1, pp.23-60 (in English);
  • Sh.A. Babayev, T.N. Kangarli, H.I. Aliyev. Essays on modern stratigraphic division of sedimentary material complexes of Nakhchyvan folded province. Essay II – Mesozoic // Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Oil-Gas Basins, 2016, № 1, pp.61-80 (in English);
  • Sh.A. Babayev, T.N. Kangarli, H.I. Aliyev. Essays on modern stratigraphic division of sedimentary material complexes of Nakhchyvan folded province. Essay III – Paleogene // Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Oil-Gas Basins, 2016, № 2, pp. (in English);
  • Sh.A. Babayev, T.N. Kangarli, H.I. Aliyev. Essays on modern stratigraphic division of sedimentary material complexes of Nakhchyvan folded province. Essay IV – Neogeneand Quaternary // Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Oil-Gas Basins, 2016, № 2, pp. (in English);
  • Seismotectonic map of  the ECO member states region. Tehran, 2016 – coauthor (in English). 
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations
  1. Oil Geologist Society of Azerbaijan – 1996
  2. National Committee of Geologist of Azerbaijan - 2000
  3. The Europian Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO) – 2011 
  4. Agency for International Minerals Policy (MinPO) – 2011
  5. European Geosciences Union (EGU) – 2012
  6. American Geophysics Union (AGU) – 2014
Pedagogical activity Teacher of Magistracy in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS – 2016 
Other activities

1. Chairman of the Earth Science’s Experts Council of  Higher Attestation Commission under President of Azerbaijan Republic

2. Chairman of a “Chevra” Public Association for Sustainable Development Assistance
Awarding and prizes Honorary Diploma of  the Ministry Geology  of USSR
Place of work and its address Institute of Geology and Geophysics, ANAS, H.Javid av., 119, Baku AZ1073
Position Head of geotectonics and regional geology department 
Office phone (+994 12) 5394476 
Mobil (+994 50) 3466585 
Home phone (+994 12) 5395202 
Fax (+994 12) 539 22 85/5394476