Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Suleymanov Baghir Alekper oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku 
Date of Birth 22.06.1959 
Education Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named after M.Azizbekov (now the Azerbaijan  State  Oil  and Industrial University)
Scientific degree Doctor of Sciences in Technics 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering

Development and application of methods of well production rates increase based on bottom-hole zone diagnosing

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering

Theoretical and Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Systems in the Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name 



Oil and Gas Reservoir Engineering  
Total number of printed scientific publications

-         number of scientific publications printed abroad

-         number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Certificates of authorship and number of patents 58
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 



Main scientific achievements On the basis of physical and mathematical modeling of heterogeneous systems filtration in layered porous media new technologies on enhanced oil recovery, bottomhole zone treatment, water influx restriction  in the development of oil fields was developed and successfully introduced; it was first observed and theoretically substantiated S-shaped filtration law, which takes place during the filtration of non-Newtonian systems in layered porous media; stationary and non-stationary flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian gassed liquids  in subcritical areas was comprehensively studied and it was shown that the flow rate increases dramatically (2-3 times); a new effect was discovered which occurs when flow  non-Newtonian gassed liquids, consisting in a complete modification of the rheological curves, so initially dilatant fluids under certain conditions exhibits pseudoplastic properties, and vice versa; mechanism, the physical nature of the results is presented and a theory is developed based on the slip effect; a method for stages wise structuring is developed based on statistical modeling of oil field development, the calculation of recoverable reserves and peak production; new methods for analysis of oil field development were developed and implemented using fractal and multifractal dimensions; methods for selecting candidate wells for the implementation of various simulation methods  were developed; as a result of modeling of technological processes in oil-producing wells, a new type of downhole equipment - submersible pumps, workover equipment, sand screens, etc., was developed and successfully implemented; a variety of chemicals for oil and gas industry was developed and successfully implemented (demulsifiers, depressants, surfactants, gels, foams, etc.).
Names of scientific works 1. Specific Features of Heterogeneous System Filtration. Monograph. Series: Modern Petroleum and Gas Technologies. Moscow-Izhewsk: Institute of Computer Science, 2006. -356 p. [in Russian]

2. Slippage Effect During Gassed Oil Displacement. Energy Sources. –1996. -Vol.18. –No.7. – Pp. 773 – 779. (Сo-authors: Azizov Kh.F., Abbasov E.M.)

3. Nanofluid for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. -2011. –Vol.78. –Pp. 431 – 437. (Сo-authors: F.S.Ismailov, E.F.Veliyev)

4. Mechanism of slip effect in gassed liquid Flow. Colloid Journal. – 2011. -Vol.73. -No. 6. - Pp. 846–855.

5. Application of discrete wavelet transform to the solution of boundary value problems for quasi-linear parabolic equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. - 2013. -Vol.219. -Pp. 7036 – 7047 (Сo-authors: O.A.Dyshin)

6. Statistical modeling of life cycle of oil reservoir development. Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute. -2014. –Vol.57. -№1. –P.47-57 (Сo-authors: F.S.Ismailov, O.A.Dyshin, S.S. Keldibayeva)

7. Selection methodology for screening evaluation of EOR methods. Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2016. –Vol.34. –No. 10. - Pp. 961-970 (Сo-authors: F.S.Ismayilov, O.A. Dyshin, E.F.Veliyev)

8. Effect of copper nanoparticle aggregation on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2016. – Vol. 90. – No. 2. – Pp. 420–428. (Сo-authors: H.F.Abbasov)

9. Aggregative stability chemical control of quartz suspensions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. – 2016. Accepted author version posted online: 23 Aug 2016 (Сo-authors: H.F.Abbasov)

10. Thermophysical properties of nano- and microfluids with [Ni5(μ5-pppmda)4Cl2] metal string complex particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. – 2017. – Vol. 513. – Pp.41-50 (Сo-authors: R.H.Ismayilov, H.F.Abbasov, W.Zh.Wang, Sh.M. Peng)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Since 2009 – Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) member.
Pedagogical activity Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Professor 
Other activities In 1998-2003 he was a member, and in 2003-2006, the Chairman of the Expert Council on "Earth Sciences" of Azerbaijan Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic. In 2000-2001 he was a deputy chairman of the Council on the problems in Fuel and the Power Industry of the Committee of Science and Technology of the Azerbaijan Republic. In 2003 - 2009 he was a member of the editorial board of the journal "The Azerbaijani oil industry." In 2003 - 2008 he was a member of the Steering Committee for the development of offshore gas condensate field Shah Deniz, and since 2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the rational use of energy resources under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic. Is the member of the Central Board of SOCAR for reserves of oil and gas, the Central Board of SOCAR for development of oil, gas and condensate fields. He is the independent scientific expert of the The Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan, ACS Petroleum Research Fund. He is Founding Editor of the journal "SOCAR Proceedings", a member of the editorial board of the “Territorija Neftegas” (Oil and Gas Territory) scientific and practical journal. Is the referee of such journals as Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology and Energy & Fuels.
Awarding and prizes 1. Awarded with breastplate “Inventor of the USSR” (1985).

2. Honorable Diploma of SOCAR for special achievements in Development of Oil and Gas Industry of Azerbaijan Republic (2004).

3. Honorable Diploma of SOCAR for special achievements in Development of Oil and Gas Industry of Azerbaijan Republic (2009).

4. Awarded with "Tereqqi" medal for achievements in Development Oil Industry of Azerbaijan Republic (2016)

Place of work and its address “OilGasScientificResearchProject” Institute of SOCAR, Az1012, Baku, H.Zardabi av. 88a 
Position Deputy Director for Oil and Gas Production Technology of “OilGasScientificResearchProject” Institute, SOCAR 
Office phone (+994 12) 5211903 
Mobil (+994 50) 2187869 
Home phone (+994 12) 5973393 
Fax (+994 12) 4318708 