Place of Birth | Azerbaijan, Zaqatala district | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 03.01.1956 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics | |
Scientific degree | Doctor Science on Physics and Mathematics | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
11.00.08 Oceanology Calculation brightness’s and radiation characteristics of clear and oil covered sea surface |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
11.00.08 Oceanology Study of statistical characteristics of light reflected from sea surface by the specular point method |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
2014 Oceanology |
Total number of scientific publications | 65 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 50 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 19 Thomson Reuters - Science Citation Index (SCI) | |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | ||
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
2 |
Main scientific achievements |
1. Development of an analytical method for finding the optimal direction of solar panels in mountainous areas with complex terrain. 2. Development of a method for calculating the brightness and radiation characteristics of a clean and oil-covered rough sea surface; Calculation of the influence of oil reservoirs on the radiation balance of the sea; Calculation of a more accurate value of the emissivity of the sea. 3. Development of a method for remote sensing of the state of the sea surface (rough clean and covered with an oil film) based on the “mirror point method”; Finding the law of size distribution of sun glare on the sea surface (Gardashov distribution). 4. Development of a method for determining the location of solar flares on the ocean surface when observed from a geostationary satellite in two parameters (Greenwich Mean Time and satellite coordinate). 5. Development of a method for restoring instantaneous images of underwater objects distorted by a wavy sea surface. |
Names of scientific works |
1.Gardashov R.H. (2021) Solar Radiation and Solar Panels. In: Lackner M., Sajjadi B., Chen WY. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer, New York, NY. 2.R.H. Gardashov , E.R. Gardashov & T.H. Gardashova (2021): Recovering the instantaneous images of underwater objects distorted by surface waves, Journal of Modern Optics, p.1-10., DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2021.1874555 3.Rauf Gardashov, Murad Eminov, Gokhan Kara, Esma Gül Emecen Kara, Tural Mammadov, Xedce Huseynova. The optimum daily direction of solar panels in the highlands, derived by an analytical method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 120 (2020) 109668. 4.Rauf Gardashov, Gökhan Kara & E. Gül Emecen Kara. Calculation of the statistical characteristics of the light reflected by a rough random cylindrical homogeneous Gaussian surface. 2, 2018, Journal of Modern Optics Pages 2025-2033 , 5.Gardashov R.H. and Eminov M.Sh. The determination of the sunglint location and its characteristics by observing from Meteosat 9 satellite. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015, 36:10, 2584-2598. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1042119. (ISSN: 0143-1161) 6. Gardashov R.,Emecen Kara G. and Kara G. Distribution of the Sun glitter sizes on the sea surface, derived from theoretically and in situ experiments. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 43(4), April 2014, pp. 499-503. (ISSN: 0379-5136) 7.Гардашов Р.Г. Локация солнечного блика с геостационарного спутника, Баку, «Avropa», 2014, 180 с. 8.Gardashov R. The Distribution of Sun Glints Sizes on the Sea Surface, Open Geosciences (formerly Central European Journal of Geosciences) • 1(2) • 169-174. (ISSN: 2391-5447) 9.Gardashov R.G., Gardashova T.G. Determination of the Statistical Characteristics of the Specular Points of 3 Dimensional Gaussian Sea Surface. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 620–628, (ISSN: 0001-4338) 10.Gardashov R.G. Determination of the Distribution Density of Specular Points on the Sea Surface. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16 No.4, pp. 447 - 460, 2008. (ISSN: 1741-5977) 11.Gardashov R.G. Determination of the Distribution Density of Specular Points on the Sea Surface: Formulation of the Inverse Problem. Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.42, No 5, p. 632-636, 2006, (ISSN: 0001-4338) 12.Emecen E.G, Kara G., Erdogmus F. , Gardashov R. The determination of sunglint location on the ocean surface by observing from the geostationary satellites. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), Vol. 17 No.1, March 2006, pp.253-261, (ISSN: 1017-0839) 13.Gardashova T.G., Gardashov R.G. Simulation of statistical characteristics of light refleced by sea surface. Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.37, No 1, p. 66-77, 2001, ( ISSN: 0001-4338) 14.Gardashov R.G., Barla M.C. The calculation of the distribution of the Sun glitter radiance on the ocean surface by observing from a geostationary orbit. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 22, No 15, p.2939-2952, 2001, (ISSN: 0143-1161) 15.Gardachov R.G. The probability density of the total curvature of a uniform random gaussian sea surface in the specular points. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 21, No 15, p.2917-2926, 2000, (ISSN: 0143-1161) 16.Gardashov R.G. The distribution of the Sun glitter radiance on the ocean surface by observing from a geostationary orbit. Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.35, No 3, p. 417-420, 1999 , ( ISSN: 0001-4338) 17.Gardashov R.G., Barla M.S. Calculations of the radiance distribution of solar highlights on the ocean when they are observed from geostationary orbit. Journal of Optical Technology, 66(12), 1089-1093, DEC 1999. (ISSN: 1070-9762) 18.Gardashov R.G. The distribution density of the Gaussian curvature of the sea surface at he mirror image points. Izvestiya AN USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.27, No 12, p.1367-1371, 1991 , (ISSN: 0001-4338) 19.Akhmedov L.N.,Gardashov R.G., Shifrin K.S. On the calculation of fluctuation in intensity of parallel rays of light reflected from the sea surface. Izvestiya AN USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.23, No 1, p.99-103, 1990, ( ISSN: 0001-4338) 20.Gardashov R.G., Zolotova J.K., Shifrin K.S. Emissivity, thermal albedo and effective emissivity of the sea at different wind speeds. Oceanologica acta, Vol.11, No 2, p.121-124, 1988, 21.Shifrin K.S., Gardashov R.G. Inensity of light scattered from the sea surface. Izvestiya AN USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.23, No 4, p.415-422,1987. 22.Gardashov R.G., Zolotova J.K., Shifrin K.S. Ocean albedo for atmospheric termal radiation. Izvestiya AN SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana, Vol.21,No 4, p.438-440,1985, (ISSN: 0001-4338) 23.Shifrin K.S., Gardashov R.G. Model calculation of the reflection of light from the sea surface. Izvestiya AN USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.21, No 2, p.162-169, 1985, (ISSN: 0001-4338) 24.Gardashov R.G., Shifrin K.S. Emissiviti of sea surface. Izvestiya AN USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. Vol.19, No 7, p.771-773, 1983, (ISSN: 0001-4338) |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | ||
Pedagogical activity | 1993-2007, Prof.Dr., Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Maritime Transportation & Management Engineering | |
Other activities | ||
Awarding and prizes | 1. The Istanbul University “Successful Researcher Certificate” (twice)
2. The money award of TUBITAC (3 times) |
Place of work and its address | Institute of Geography ANAS, AZ1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, Javid str., 31 | |
Position | Head of Department | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5392945 | |
Mobil | (+994 55) 6548342 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4374527 | |
Fax | || |