Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Mammadova Masuma Huseyn gizi
Place of birth Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan
Date of birth 07.08.1951

Azerbaijan State University (Baku State University), Faculty of  Mechanics and Mathematics 

Scientific degree Doctor of technical sciences
Title Professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

3338.01 (05.25.01)

Information systems and processes

Automated selection of vocabulary in information retrieval thesaurus based on an analysis of terminological dictionaries 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

3338.01 (05.13.14)

Special purpose systems, Information Processing and control

Basics of fuzzy relational structured knowledge processing technologies and some of their applications 
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name 


Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship 1
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements The theoretical and methodological basics of technology of knowledge with fuzzy relational structure processing in local and distributed environments are developed, on the base of which the architectural design principles of decision support systems, the methods of individual and collective decision-making, methods of processing of dynamic knowledge bases, models and methods for the synthesis of problem-oriented intelligent systems of different kinds are elaborated.

The architecture of terminological data base of the Azerbaijani language is designed, the models and methods of compilation, analysis and correction of specialized explanatory, terminological, automatic dictionaries, information retrieval thesaurus designed for both users and various information systems are proposed. The technology of automatic processing and editing of the Azerbaijani-language texts in different language levels (morphological, syntactic and semantic) based on the synthesis of the corresponding knowledge base, inference methods, expert systems is developed.

Within the framework of artificial intelligence technologies, conceptual and methodological approaches to the solution of difficultly formalized multidisciplinary problems are proposed; fuzzy models and methods for solving the problems of demographic forecasting, estimating household income in the context of various social groups, labor market forecasting, intellectual human resource management in the İT segment of the labor market, decision support in the e-medicine environment, etc. have been developed.

Names of scientific works 1. Мамедова М.Г. Интеллектуальное управлением рынком труда ИТ-специалистов. Баку: Изд.“Информационные технологии”, 2018, 295 с.

2. Məmmədova M.H., Cəbrayılova Z.Q. Elektron tibb: formalaşması və elmi-nəzəri problemləri. Bakı, “İnformasiya texnologiyaları” nəşr., 2018, 350 s.

3. Mammadova M.H., Jabrayilova Z.G. Fuzzy multi-criteria method to support group decision making in human resource management // In book:Recent Development and the New Direction in Foundations and Applications. Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2018, Vol.361, pp.209-222.

4. Mammadova M.H., Jabrayilova Z.G., Mammadzada F.R. Intelligent Management of the Unbalance Supply Chain and Demand in the Labor Market for IT Specialists // International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, August 2018, pp. 347–354.

5. Mammadova M.H., Jabrayilova Z.G. Methodological approach to the human resource management in virtual organizations // Eureka: Physics and Engineering, 2018, №3, pp.3–11.

6. Mammadova M.H., Jabrayilova Z.G. Decision-Making Support in Human Resource Management Based on Multi-Objective Optimization // TWMS J. Pure and Appl. Math., Vol.9, №1, 2018, pp.52–72.

7. Mammadova M.H., Jabrayilova Z.G., Mammadzadeh F.R. Fuzzy management of imbalance between supply and demand for IT specialists // In book:Recent Development and the New Direction in Foundations and Applications. Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2018, Vol.361, pp.223-234.

8. Mammadova M.G., Jabrayilova Z.G. Development of a multi-scenario approach to intelligent management of human resources in the field of medicine // Eastern-European journal of Enterprise Technologies, №2/3(86), 2017, pp.4–14.

9. M.H.Mammadova, Z.G.Jabrayilova, F.R. Mammadzada. Fuzzy Multi-scenario Approach to Decision-Making Support in Human Resource Management / Recent Developments and New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, vol.342, pp.19–36.

10. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Методологический подход к многокритериальному принятию решений в задачах управления человеческими ресурсами // Информационные технологии, Москва, 2016, №6, c. 467-480.

11. M. Mammadova. The problems of information security of electronic personal health data. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on IT in Medicine and Education (ITME 2015), November 13-15, 2015, pp.678-682.

12. M.H. Mammadova, Z.G. Jabrayilova, F.R. Mammadzada. Managing the IT Labor Market in Conditions of Fuzzy Information // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2015, Vol. 49, No 2, pp.88-93.

13. Мамедова М.Г., Мамедзаде Ф.Р. Разработка концептуальных основ интеллектуального управления спросом и предложением на рынке труда специалистов по информационным технологиям // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2015, № 4/3 (76), c.53-67.

14. M.H.Mammadova, Z.G. Jabrayilova, F.R. Mammadzada. Application of fuzzy situational analysis for IT-professionals labor market management. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2015), 24-26 April 2015, Shanghai, China, pp.143-146.

15. M.H. Mammadova, Z.G. Jabrayilova. Application of Fuzzy Optimization Method in Decision-making for Personnel Selection // Intelligent Control and Automation, USA, 2014, no 5, pp. 190–204

16. M.Mammadova, Z.Guliyeva. Architecture and functioning principles of diagnostic test-block ot expert tutoring system. Proceedings of the IV IEEE International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” (PCI-2012), Vol.I, sept.12-14, 2012, Baku. pp. 168-271.

17. M.Mammadova, F.Mammadzadeh. Formation of supply and demand for IT Specialists on the base of competency model. Proceedings of the IV IEEE International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” (PCI-2012), Vol.IV, sept.12-14, 2012, Baku. pp.199-201.

18. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г., Мамедзаде Ф.Р. Нечеткие многокритериальные методы для поддержки принятия решений по отбору ИТ-специалистов // Приложение к журналу «Информационные технологии», Москва, 2011, №9, с.17-24.

19. Мамедова М.Г., Мамедзаде Ф.Р. Оценка потребности в ИТ-специальностях при нечеткой исходной информации // Искусственный интеллект, Инс. проблем ИИ НАН Украины, 2010, № 4, c. 522-527.

20. M.Məmmədova, Z.Cəbrayılova, M. Manaflı. İnformasiya texnologiyaları mütəxəssislərinə tələbatın monitorinqi. - Bakı, “İnformasiya texnologiyaları” nəşriyyatı, 2009. – 198 s.

21. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Методы и процедуры принятия решений, получения и анализа экспертных знаний в системе оценки кадрового потенциала НИУ // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. Москва, 2007, №11, с. 42-47.

22. M.H. Mamedova, Z.Q.Djabrailova Methods of Family Income estimation in the targeting social Assistance System // International Journal "Applied and computational mathematics", Baku, 2007, Vol. 6, №1, pp. 80-87.

23. Мамедова М.Г., Мамедова З.Ю. Машинный перевод: эволюция и некоторые аспекты моделирования. - Баку, изд. «İnformasiya texnologiyaları», 2006, 155 с.

24. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Методика многовариантного сценарного анализа для прогнозирования рынка труда // Информационные технологии, 2006, №11, с.55-61.

25. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Принятие решений в управлении трудноформализуемыми системами // Автоматика и вычислительная техника, Рига, 2005, №6, c.33-39.

26. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Горизонтально-распределенная система поддержки принятия решений // Искусственный интеллект, Инс. проблем ИИ НАН Украины, №4, 2004, с.394-403.

27. Мамедова М.Г., Джабраилова З.Г. Применение нечеткой логики в демографическом прогнозе // Информационные технологии, Москва, 2004, №3, с.45-53.

28. A.M.Abbasov., M.H. Mamedova. Application of fuzzy time series to population forecasting // Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on ICT and planning and impacts of ICT on Physical Space, Vienna, Austria, 2003, pp.545-552.

29. Vəliyeva K.A., Məmmədova M.H. Mətnlərinin avtomatik redaktəsi. - Bakı, “Azərbaycan Universiteti”, 2003. 80 s.

30. A.M.Abbasov, M.H. Mamedova, G.H.Orujov. Synthesis of the methods of subjective knowledge representations in problems of fuzzy pattern recognition // Mechatronics 11, 2001, pp. 439-449.

31. Мамедова М.Г. Принятие решений на основе баз знаний с нечеткой реляционной структурой. - Баку, ЭЛМ, 1997. - 296 с.

32. Маmedova M.G., Skorokhodko E.F. Methods for Data-Retrieval Thesaurus Optimization // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informasiya, seriya 2 – Informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy, 1985, pp.12-17.

33. Маmedova M.G., Skorokhodko E.F. Automated-System of Terminological Dictionary Analysis // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informasiya, seriya 2 – Informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy, 1981, pp.14-18.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity

In the years 1999-2014 she lectured on artificial intelligence in various universities (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey), Baku State University, Azerbaijan Western University and Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University) 

Other activities 1. She is a member of Dissertation Council at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS

2. She is a member of the Scientific and Medical Council under the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic

3. She is a member of Editorial Board of “Problems of Information Technology” and “Problems of Information Society” journals

4. She is Chief editor of “EUREKA: Physics and Engineering” journal

5. She is a scientific editor and reviewer of many books, opponent and reviewer of theses.

6. She has been a member of the program and organizing committee of the republic and international conferences.

7. Since 2003 to present, she is a member of the expert network representing Azerbaijan in the research projects of the European Training Foundation in the framework of European Commission programs "European Neighbourhood policy" and "Eastern partnership". These studies are aimed at the development in Azerbaijan approaches, methodologies and institutional arrangements for analyzing of the labor market dynamics, human resources management, future personnel needs and of supply and demand imbalances forecasting.

Awards and prizes 1. “Taraggi” Medal  – 14.12.2009

2. Honorary diploma of  President of Azerbaijan Republic -   03.11. 2015

3. Diploma of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences – 2005

4. "Awita 2017" - The Azerbaijani Women in IT  Award

Main place of work and its address Institute of Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 9, B. Vahabzadeh str. AZ1141 Baku
Position Head of the Department
Office phone (+994 12) 5399739
Mobile (+994 50) 3665087 
Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 5396121