Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Zeynalov Eldar Bahadır oglu
Place of birth Baku, Azerbaijan
Date of birth 08.10.1948
Education Azerbaijan State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Title Professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Physical chemistry

Processes of aerobic oxidation of polymeric materials. Investigation in the field of oxidative destruction and stabilization of polyorganosiloxanes

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

02.0015; 02.00.13

Chemical kinetics and catalysis; Petrochemistry

Antioxidants, kinetic determination of anti-oxidative activity of petroleum objects. Antiradical activity of natural structures of petroleum origin.

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-       date

-       specialty name


Chemical kinetics and catalysis
Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

420 (15 monographs and book)




Number of patents and certificates of authorship 14
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements For the first time an activity of naturally occurring antioxidants of Azerbaijan oils and oil fractions have been determined by kinetic means. According to the obtained data there has been developed the information database on anti-oxidative activity of oil systems over Azerbaijan region. The heteroatomic concentrates of natural petroleum antioxidants were employed as effective stabilizers- antioxidants for polyurethane and polyvinylchloride composite materials used for fabrication of molded tires and roofing materials. Kinetic regularities of aerial processes of desel fraction petroleum hydrocarbon and some polyolefines oxidation have been studied. In aerobic oxidation processes of petroleum hydrocarbons and polymers were for the first time used as catalysts and anti-catalysts the carbon nanostructures: fullerenes C60 and C70, metal-containing single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, functionalized carbon compounds --(OH)n- and (-NH)n-C60, hydroxyl, Br- and TEMPO containing carbon nanotubes. The improved processes of synthetic petroleum acids and oxy-acids production have been developed. The esters synthesis in the presence nano-grade titanium dioxides have been elaborated, and on this basis the onward, modern, environmentally acceptable and economically profitable process has been proposed.
Names of scientific works 1. Zeynalov Е.B., Allen N.S., Salmanova N.I. Radical scavenging efficiency of different fullerenes C60 - C70 and fullerene soot. Polymer Degradation and Stability 94(8), 1183 - 1189 (2009)

2. Allen N.S., Zeynalov Е.B., Taylor K., Birkett P. Antioxidant capacity of novel amine derivatives of buckminsterfullerene: determination of inhibition rate constants in a model oxidation system. Polymer Degradation and Stability 94(11), 1932 – 1940 (2009)

3. Friedrich J. F., Wettmarshausen S., Hanelt S., Mach R., Mix R., Zeynalov E.B., Meyer Plath A. Plasma-chemical bromination of graphitic materials and its use for subsequent functionalization and grafting of organic molecules. Carbon 48(13), 3884 - 3894 (2010)

4. Allen N.S., Zeynalov Е.B., Sanchez K.T., Edge M., Kabetkina Yu.P., Johnson B. Comparative evaluation of the efficiency of a series of commercial antioxidants studied by kinetic modelling in a liquid phase and during the melt processing of different polyethylenes. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology 16(1), 1–14 (2010)

5. Zeynalov E.B., Friedrich J.F., Hidde G., Ibrahimov H.J., Nasibova G.G. Brominated carbon nanotubes as effective catalysts for petroleum hydrocarbons aerobic oxidation. Erdöl Erdgaz Kohle 3, 45- 48 (2012) / Oil & Gaz European Magazine (International Edition of Erdöl Erdgaz Kohle) 1, 45- 48(2012)

6. Zeynalov E.B., Friedrich J., Meyer-Plath A., Hidde G., Nuriyev L., Aliyeva A., Cherepnova Yu. Plasma-chemically brominated single-walled carbon nanotubes as novel catalysts for oil hydrocarbons aerobic oxidation Applied Catalysis A: General 454, 115-118(2013)

7. E.B.Zeynalov. “Anticatalysts of hermo oxidative degradation of polymeric materials”.Baku. Elm. 2014. 160 P.

8. Зейналов Э.Б., Надири М.И., Гусейнов И.Ш., Ахмедова Л.И., Ищенко Н.Я. Окисление циклогексана пероксидом водорода. Обзор. Нефтегазовые технологии. 2015, №5, с.72-77

9. Zeynalov E.B., Friedrich J.F., Wagner M., Hidde G. Effect of Br-grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the model oxidation environment. Chemistry& Chemical Technology. 2015, 9(1), p.51-54

10. Zeynalov E.B., Nagiyev T.M. Enzymatic catalysis of hydrocarbons oxidation “in vitro” (Review). Chemistry & Chemical Technology. 2015, 9(2), p.157-164.

11. Зейналов Э.Б., Магеррамова М.Я. Окисление изопропилбензола (обзор). Вестник Фонда Фундаментальных Исследований НАН Беларуси 2015, N.3[73], c.112-123

12. Zeynalov E.B. Thermooxidative degradation of the low-density polyethylene in the presence of fullerenes C60/C70. In: High-Performance Polymers for Engineering-based Composites, Eds. Omari Mukbaniani, Marc A.M. Abadie, Tamar Tatrishvili. Apple Academic Press Inc., USA, Part 1: Application of Polymer Chemistry and Promising Technologies, 2016, chapter 9, 103-110.

13. Zeynalov E.B., Magerramova M.Ya. Bakminsterfullerene-pyrrolidines as promising antioxidants in polymer materials. In: Chemical Engineering of Polymers. Production of Functional and Flexible Materials. Eds. Omari Mukbaniani, Marc A.M. Abadie, Tamar Tatrishvili. Apple Academic Press Inc., USA, Part 3: Materials and Properties; 2016, chapter 27.

14. Зейналов Э.Б., Ищенко Н.Я., Магеррамова М.Я., Салманова Н.И., Абдуллаев М.М. Жидкофазное аэробное окисление декалина в присутствии металлсодержащих многослойных углеродных нанотрубок Нефтегазовые Технологии, 2016, №2, c.73-76

15. Zeynalov E.B. Thermooxidative degradation of the low-density polyethylene in the presence of fullerenes. C60/C70. In: High-Performance Polymers for Engineering-based Composites. Apple Academic Press Inc., USA, Part 1: Application of Polymer Chemistry and Promising Technologies; 2016, chapter 9, p.103-110

16. Zeynalov E.B., Magerramova M.Ya., Salmanova N.I. Radical scavenging properties of piperidine derivatives of fullerene C60/C70 and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 640(1): 152-157(2016)

17. Zeynalov E.B., Wagner M., Friedrich J., Magerramova M.Ya., Salmanova N.I, Gundula Hidde G., Meyer-Plath A. The peculiar behavior of functionalized carbon nanotubes in hydrocarbons and polymeric oxidation environments. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 31(9): 988-1006(2017).

18. Jörg Friedrich, Eldar Zeynalov "Oxidation of hydrocarbons by hydrogen peroxide". LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Германия - 2016. 53 s.

19. Zeynalov E.B., Wagner M., Friedrich J., Magerramova M.Ya., Salmanova N.I., Hidde G., Meyer- Plath A. The peculiar behavior of functionalized carbon nanotubes in hydrocarbons and polymeric oxidation environments, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2017, 31(9): p.988-1006.

20. Zeynalov E.B., Friedrich J.F., Tagiyev D.B., Huseynov A.B., Magerramova M.Ya., Abdurehmanova N.A. Nanostructures from catalytic pyrolysis of gas and liquid carbon sources (a review). Materials Testing (Materials Synthesis), 60(7-8), 783-793(2018)

21. Eldar Zeynalov, Tofik Nagiyev, Jörg Friedrich, Matanat Magerramova Carbonaceousnanostructures in hydrocarbons and polymeric aerobic oxidation mediums. In the book: Fullerenes, Graphenes and Nanotubes: A Pharmaceutical Approach. Edited byAlexander Mihai Grumezescu, Elsevier –William Andrew Publishing House, 2018, chapter 16, pp.631-681

22. Salmanova N.I., Zeynalov E.B., Agaguseynova M.M. Nature of 3d-transition metals chemical bond of in carbon nanotubes. Тенденции развития науки и образования, часть 4, раздел 10, изд-во НИЦ «Л-журнал», с. 29-33(2018)

23. Зейналов Э.Б., Алиева А.З., Насибова Г.Г., Нуриев Л.Г., Алиева Н.М., Салма¬нова Ч.К. Окисление нафтено-парафинового концентрата в присутствии KBr и KBrO3 . Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия. 2018, 3, c.21-24

24. Джафаров Р.П., Насибова Г.Г.. Зейналов Э.Б., Эфендиева Л.М., Искендерова С.А., Садиева Н.Ф., Асадова Ш.Н. Исследование процесса получения диэтиленгликолевого диэфира синтетических нефтяных кислот на математической модели. Мир Нефтепродуктов. Вестник Нефтяных Компаний, раздел Математическое моделирование.2018, 4, c.29 – 34

25. Zeynalov E.B., Magerramova M. Ya. Backminsterfullerene- pyrrolidines as promising antioxidants in polymer materials. In: Chemical Engineering of Polymers. Production of Functional and Flexible Materials. Eds. Omari Mukbaniani, Marc A.M. Abadie, Tamar Tatrishvili. Apple Academic Press Inc., USA, Part 3: Materials and Properties; 2018, chapter 27, pp. 329-344

26. Алиева А.З., Аббасов В.М., Ибрагимов Х.Д., Зейналов Э.Б., Исмайлов Э.Г., Меликли С.Р. Железо-марганцевые сплавы, модифицированные фуллереновой са-жей в катализе окисления нафтенпарафинового концентрата. В сборнике научных статей «Фуллерены и наноструктуры в конденсированных средах». Изд-во: Нациoнальная Академия Наук Беларуси, Институт тепло-и массобмена им А.В. Лыкова, Беларусь, Минск,2018, с.73-78  

27. Zeynalov E.B., Allen N.S. Salmanova N.I., Vishnyakov V.M. Carbon nanotubes catalysis in liquid-phase aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons: Influence of nanotube impurities. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 127(4), 245-251(2019).

28. Oleksii Popov, Jozef Vleugels, Eldar Zeynalov,Vladimir Vishnyakov. Reactive hot pressing route for dense ZrB2-SiC and ZrB2-SiC-CNT ultra-high temperature ceramics. Journal of European Ceramic Society. 2020, 40(15), 5012-5019

29. Zeynalov E.B., Agaguseynova M.M., Salmanova N.I. Effect of nanocarbon additives on stability of polymer composites. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. [Russ. J. Chem. & Chem. Tech.]. 2020. V. 63. N 11. P. 4-11

30. Vladimir Vishnyakov, Baghir Suleimanov, Ahmad Salmanov, Eldar Zeynalov. Primer on enhanced oil recovery. ELSEVIER Publishing, 2020,  205p.

31. Eldar Zeynalov, Asgar Huseynov, Elchin Huseynov, Nazilya Salmanova,Yaqub Nagiyev, Narmin Abdurakhmanova . Impact  of as-prepared and purified  multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the liquid-phase aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons. Chemistry & Chemical Technology” , 2021,   V.15, No.4, pp.479-485

32. Salmanova N.I.,   Agahuseynova M.  M.,   Zeynalov E. B.  Technical grade  ofz fullerenes as a feasible constituent of polymeric stabilizers packages. Processes of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining.  2021. Vol. 22, No.2, pp.234-241

33.Zeynalov E.B., Tağıyev D.B., Nağıyev Ya.M., Hüseynov E.R., Nəzərov F.B., Hüseynov A.B. Dizel yanacağının və onun aromatiksizləşdirilmiş və parafinsizləşdirilmiş fraksiyalarının maddə tərkibi. Bakı: “Füyuzat” Nəşriyyatı, 2022, 208 s.

34.Zeynalov E.B., Tağıyev D.B., Zeynalov S.B., Nağıyev Ya.M., Hüseynov E.R., Nəzərov F.B., Hüseynov A.B., Məhərrəmova M.Ya., Mustafayeva N.A., Şahnəzərova N.M., Nəbizadə A.F. Dizel yanacağının komponent tərkibi Bakı: “Füyuzat” Nəşriyyatı, 2022, 90s. (preprint).

35. Naghiyev Ya.M. Synthesis and application of  halogen substituted N- maleimides. PPOR, 2022, Vol.23, No2, pp.13-35 36. Э.Б.Зейналов, Я.М.Нагиев, А.Б.Гусейнов, М.И.Надири, А.Д.Гулиев, Н.И. Салманова, М.Х.Аббасов, Ф.Б.Назаров, Р.Р. Апаева. Аэробно-пероксидное окисление нафталина в присутстви переходного металла на наноуглеродном носителе. SOCAR Proceedings. 2022, c.134-140

36. Э.Б.Зейналов, Я.М.Нагиев, А.Б.Гусей¬нов, М.И.Надири, А.Д.Гулиев, Н.И. Салма¬но¬ва, М.Х.Аббасов, Ф.Б.Назаров, Р.Р. Апаева. Аэробно-пероксидное окисление нафта¬ли¬на в присутстви переходного металла на наноуглеродном носителе. SOCAR Proceedings. 2022, c.134-140

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Corresponding member of the International Academy of Endeavour (1990)

2. Member of the American Chemical Society (2009)

Pedagogical activity Superviser and manager of student’s diploma works of Moscow State University Baku Branch
Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address Institute of Сatalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after Academician M.Nagiyev of ANAS, AZ1143 Baku, H. Javid Ave., 113
Position Head of the laboratory
Office phone (+994 12) 5393871
Mobile (+994 50) 3512754
Home phone (+994 12) 4333015
Fax (+994 12) 5108593