Veb-site | ![]() |
Place of birth |
Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city |
Date of birth | 27.12.1959 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of geologic-mineralogical sciences | |
Title | ||
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
04.00.11 Geology, prospecting and exploration of ore and non-ore fields Ore-content of the subvolcanic formations of Gizilbulag ore field |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
25.00.12 Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields Hydrocarbon systems of the South-Caspian basin |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS: - date - specialty name |
2017 Oil and Gas Geology |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
90 15 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | ||
Staff training: - number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
1 |
Basic scientific achievements |
The assessment of generation potential and areas of distribution of individual stratigraphic complexes of the MesoCenozoic and the corresponded focuses of oil-gas forming in water area part of the South Caspian depression, their evolution and degree of potential realization is given on the base of geochemical and lithofacial data and 3D basin modeling. The basically gas-generating role of Aalenian-Bajocian and Valanginian deposits as well as the oil-gas generating role of the Paleogene-Miocene deposits in the South Caspian depression had been established on the base of genetic typification of kerogen. It had been established that oils in the South Caspian depression, generated by the Paleogene-Miocene deposits, are characterized by light isotopic composition of carbon (ICC), and the Middle- Late Miocene (Diatom) – by the heavy ICC. The contribution of various stratigtraphic complexes in saturation of reservoirs of the Early Pliocene had been assessed on the base of isotopic-geochemical correlation of kerogen and HC fluids. It had been determined that from land to sea the isotopic composition of carbon of oils gets heavier due to entering the zone of oil-generation of the Diatom deposits. The stratigraphic and hypsometric correspondence of focuses of fluid-generation in the different parts of the South Caspian depression had been assessed on the base of isotopic-geochemical and biomarker studies of HC fluids. The fields of distribution of pore pressures and hydraulic fracturing in the fluid-generating complexes and the related subvertical zones of decompaction, being as the conduits of fluids inflow and the possible zones of HC accumulations (“shale oil”) had been simulated. The improved technique of hydrocarbons prospecting based on the mapping of decompaction focuses (sources of HC generation) and zones of subvertical bodies distribution had been proposed. The ranking of the South Caspian depression by the risk degree and the units of top priority for prospecting had been substantiated on the base of analysis of the modern fluid dynamics and 3D basin modeling. |
Names of scientific works |
Alizada A.A., Guliyev I.S., İsmayilzade A.C., Huseynov D.A. 2013. Углеводородные системы субвертикальных зон дезинтеграции Южно-Каспийской впадины. 2-е Кудрявцевские Чтения – «Глубинный генезис нефти и газа». Москва, ЦГЭ, 2013. Alizada A.A., Aliyeva E.H., Quliyev I.S., Huseynov D.A. 2013. The elemental stratigraphy of the South Caspian Lower Pliocene Productive Series. STRATI 2013, Volume: XLV, At Lisbon, Portugal, 2013, с.с. 827-837. Huseynov D.A., Huseynova Sh.2014. HC Generation and Migration at the Western Flank of South Caspian Basin - Results of Basin Modeling. 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014. Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 16-19 June 2014. Керимов В.Ю., Гулиев И.С., Гусейнов Д.А. и др. 2015. Прогнозирование нефтегазоносности в регионах со сложным геологическим строением. Москва, Недра, 2015, 404 с. Quliyev I.S., Huseynov D.A. 2015. Relics of Mud Volcanoes in the Sedimentary Cover of the South Caspian Basin. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 2015, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 311–321. Гусейнов Д.А., Миризаде С.А., Гусейнова Ш. 2015. Особенности распространения и свойства коллекторов нефти и газа северо-западного борта Южно-Каспийского бассейна. Геология нефти и газа, 2015, №2, c. 55-66. Гусейнов Д.А., Мартынова Г.С. и др. 2015. Исследования нефтей грязевых вулканов методом совмещенного термического анализа. Геология, геофизика и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений. Москва, ВНИИОЭНГ, 2015, №8, с.33-37. Гулиев И.С., Гусейнов Д.А. 2015. Реликты грязевых вулканов в осадочном чехле Южно-Каспийской впадины. Литология и полезные ископаемые, 2015, № 4, с. 350–361. Huseynov D.A., Aliyeva E.H. 2015. Determining Oil and Gas Maturity and Mapping their ‘Deep’ stratigraphic sources, South Caspian Basin: Possible applications to SE Caribbean Basins". 20th Caribbean Geological Conference, Trinidad & Tobago, 17-20th May 2015. Aliyeva E.H., Huseynov D.A. 2015. Deep South Caspian Petroleum System. 20th Caribbean Geological Conference, Trinidad & Tobago, 17-20th May 2015. Feyzullayev A.A., Huseynov D.A. 2016. Hydrocarbon potential and resources of Lower Pliocene-Productive series in South Caspian basin. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of oil-gas basins, Baku, Nafta-Press, 2016, №1, pp. 99-104. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
1. EAGE 2. IAS |
Pedagogical activity |
1. Head of base chair «Oil and gas geology» of AzerbaijanStateOilAcademy in the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 2. Classes for master students in ANAS |
Other activities | ||
Awards and prizes |
"Taraggi" medal (2017) |
Main place of work and its address | Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, AZ1143, H.javid av., 119 | |
Position | Deputy director in science | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5395619 | |
Mobile | ||
Home phone | ||
Fax | (+994 12) 5372285 | |