Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Imanov Gorkmaz Cahangir oglu
Veb-site     Image result for İmanov Qorxmaz Cahangir oğlu
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku
Date of birth 17.04.1941 
Education Azerbaijan State University (currently BSU)
Scientific degree Doctor of Economical Sciences
Title Professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Econom-mathematic methods

Problems of optimizing the process of transportation of goods. The use of computers and economic and mathematical methods

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Economic-mathematic methods

System of integrated models for optimal planning of the national economy.

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name




Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements

- National economy planning models of the union republics

- Structural and functional models of economic systems

- Economic forecasting models

- Socio-economic models of Azerbaijan (macroeconomic analysis)

- Problems of economic uncertainty and fuzzy models - Fuzzy models of quality assessment of social systems

- New markets of economic development: Azerbaijan

- Models for assessing the national strategy of sustainable development

- Evaluation of macro indices of socio-economic systems on the basis of fuzzy logic theory

Names of scientific works

1. İmanov Q.C.     Müttəfiq  respublikanın xalq təsərrüfat balansının inteqrallaşdırılmış sistemi, Моsкvа, SSRİ EA MİRİ, 1981 (rus).

2. Модели Экономических Систем. Баку, «Элм» 1983. стр.153.

3. Модели Экономического Прогнозирования. Баку, «Элм» 1988. стр.157.

4. Models of socio-economic development of Azerbaijan: Macroeconomic analysis, the "Science" Publishing House, Baku, 2001.

5. Modern economics, neural networks, fuzzy logic, Monograph, National Academy of Sciences, the "Science" Publishing House, Baku, 2003.

6. Проблемы Экономической Неопределённости и Fuzzy Модели. Баку, «Элм» 2011. стр. 322.

7. Nuevos mercados para la recuperacion economica: Azerbaiyan, Book, Real Academia de Ciencias conomicas y Financieras, Presidentes de Honor: E.Kydland and etc., Barcelona, 2011, 338 p. (in English).

8. Fuzzy models estimation social system quality, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Deutchland, 2013, 60 p. (in Russian).

9. Fuzzy estimation of quality of socioeconomic system, Real Academia de Ciencias Economicas y Financieras, Barcelona, Spain, 2013, 68 p.

10. Economy and society, Eserp, School of Business and Social Sciences, Scientific Collection of Economic, Legal and Social Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, 2015, 140 p

11. Models estimation of national social and human capital qualities, (chapter in book) Decision making and knowledge decision support systems, eds. Gil-Lafuente, Zopounidis, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015, 11-18 pp.

12. Models for Estimation of the Quality of National Strategy of Sustainable Development, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2016, 115 p.

13. Fuzzy Model in Economics. Springer, 2021. pp.126

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1.Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

2. Foreign member Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Science

3. Member of board Academician Nikolai Fedorenko International Scientific Foundation of Economic research – Moscow

4.Member Editorial board Scientific Journal “Neuro-fuzzy technologies modelling in economy” Kiev, Ukraine.

5. Honorary Member European Doctors Counsil, 2015 (Spain).

Pedagogical activity

1969-2010s I taught at the Azerbaijan State Economic University,

Baku State University,


Nowadays I am supervises post-graduate students from various Higher Educational Institution.

Other activities  
Awards and prizes The Azerbaijan State Award in Science (1984)
Main place of work and its address Institute of Cybernetic of the National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ1141, Baku, B.Vahabzadeh str.,68
Position Head of Fuzzy models of economics laboratory
Office phone (+994 12) 5102690
Mobile (+994 50) 3104003
Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 5392826 