Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Bakhshaliyev Veli Bakhshali oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Nakhchivan AR, Boyukduz (present Kangarli) village    
Date of Birth 05.06.1955 
Education Nakhchivan State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of historical sciences 
Title Professor
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Ancient metallurgy and metal working in the Nakhchivan territory

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Spiritual culture of ancient tribes of Nakhchivan 
Election of corresponding

member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name




Total number of printed

scientific publications

- number of scientific

publications printed


- number of papers

published in journals

indexed and abstracted in

international databases








Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:

-   number of PhD

-   number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements The metallurgy and metal working appearing  in Nakhchivan has defined to develop on the basis of local raw materials in VI-I millenniums BC. The problems of new division of the ancient cultures of Nakhchivan into periods have been investigated and new periodical division was given for the Early and Middle Bronze age; Nakhchivan was defined to be homeland of the Early Bronze Age culture. Exploring the mutual relations of Nakhchivan’s ancient cultures with Middle Asia and South Caucasian countries it turned out that the Middle Bronze Age the Coloured Pottery culture has spread to other states of South Caucasus from Nakhchivan; the spiritual culture of the ancient tribes of Nakhchivan has been studied, the ancient cultures and craftsmanship rising from Nakhchivan is defined to have close relations with the ethnography and folklore of the Azerbaijani people. Semantic content of most descriptions in Gamigaya have been opened; the archaeological monuments of Nakhchivan have been published as collection. More than thousand archaeological monuments have been revealed and passportized. During the recent archaeological excavations monuments belonging to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Age cultures have been found, existence of the ancient state in Sharur fighting against the Urartians during the Stone Age has been located. It has also been defined that Goycha lake basin was under the control of the tribes living in Nakhchivan. 
Names of scientific works

1.The archaeological monuments of Shahbuz region. Baku: Elm, 1992, 144p.

2.The archaeological monuments of Julfa region. Baku: Elm, 1992, 108p.

3.The archaeological monuments of Sharur. Baku: Elm, 1993, 184p.

4.Antient history of Nakhchivan. Baku: Azerbaijan, 1995, 105p.

5.The archaeological monuments of Nakhchivan city and Babek district. Baku: Elm, 1995, 96p.

6.Aрхеологические памятники Кывралского плоскогорья. Baku: Azerbaijan, 1995, 76p.

7.Thе Archaеology of Nahchivan. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art, 1997, 128p.

8.Middlе and LatеBronzAgеRaintеdPottеryCulturе of thеNahchivanRеgion. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art, 2001, 120p.

9.Poetics of the Gamigaya descriptions. Baku: Elm, 2002, 128p.

10.The archaeological explorations in Nahajir. Baku: University of Economy, 2002, 201p.

11.Monuments of Early Iron Age of Nakhchivan. Baku: Elm, 2002, 128p.

12.Gamigaya descriptions. Baku: Elm, 2003, 168p.

13.The spiritual culture of the ancient tribes of Nakhchivan. Baku: Elm, 2004, 320p.

14.Ancient metallurgy and metal working in the Nakhchivan territory. Baku: Elm, 2005, 120p.

15.Azerbaijani archaeology. Baku: Elm, 2007, 240p.

16.Archaeological monuments of Nakhchivan. Baku, Elm, 2008, 304p.

17.Archaeology of Nakhchivan. Ten years of new discoveries Istanbul: Еgе, 2009, 118p.

18.Arabyengija. Baku: Nurlan, 2009, 160p.

19.Ovchular Tepe. Baku: Elm, 2010, 156p.

20.Archaeological Researches in Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2010, 120p.

21.Archaeological Researches in Sirab. Baku: Oscar, 2010, 160p.

22.Sadarak. Baku: Elm, 2011, 184p.

23.AshaghiDasharkh. Baku: The University of Economy, 2012, 185p.

24.Ancient Sharur. Baku: Nurlan, 2012, 466p.

25.Ancient salt-mines of Duzdagh. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2012, 85p.

26.Shortepe. Baku: Tahsil, 2013, 200p.

27.Ancient Ordubad. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2014, 324p.

28.Veli Bakhshaliyev, Fizze Guliyeva. “Nakhchivan monuments”. Baku: 2017.

29.ArchaeologicalResearchesin Kultapa (2013-2016). Baku, Nurlan, 2017, 164p. (co-author)

30.Archaeological Researches in the Settlement of Nakhchivan Tepe. Nkhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 264 s.

31.ArchaeologicalResearches at Nakhchivan in 2018. Nkhchivan: Ajami, 2019, 104 s.

32. Archaeological Researches of the year 2018 in Nakhchivan Tepe. Nkhchivan: Ajami, 2019, 136 s.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity Nakhchivan State University 25 year
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes  
Place of work and its address Nakhchivan Branch of the National Academy of Sciences, Nakhchivan sity, pros. Haydar Aliyev, 76 
Position Chief of department of Ancient time archaeology
Office phone (+994 36)  5441373 
Mobil (+994 50) 3890366 
Home phone  