Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azizov Ibrahim Vahab oglu
Place of Birth Kurkai village, Zakatala district, Azerbaijan Republic
Date of Birth 5 August, 1947
Education Biologist, Baku State University
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Plant physiology

Activity of photochemical reactions in chloroplasts from assimilation organs different sorts of wheat in relation their productivity and grow conditions

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Plant physiology

Photosynthetic capacity of chloroplasts in ontogenesis of wheat of various productivity

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-     specialty name



Plant Physiology

Total number of printed scientific publications

-         number of scientific publications printed abroad

-   number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:

    -  number of PhD

    -  number of Doctors



Main scientific achievements On the basis of investigates of water regime, protein content and chloroplast photosynthetic activity in the leaves of wheat revealed, that stabile photosynthetic activity of chloroplast at the resistant genotype is conditioned by high relatively   water content, low water deficit and enhanced protein content in leaves during drought period.

It was revealed, that the extract obtained from the collection of plants Crocus sativus L., Achillea filipendulina Lam., Calendula officinalis L. və Hypericum perforatum L. shows corrective influence in irradiated plant and animal organisms.

Monitoring technogenic contaminated areas of Absheron peninsula was conducted. On the basis of more sustainable forms of plants, invertebrates and microbiota was provided a method of contaminated soils.

Complex compounds of manganese with the amino acids glycine, cysteine and methionine were synthesized. The impact of these complexes on growth, development of seedlings and chlorophyll content was studied. Manganese complex with cysteine had a positive effect on seed germination of wheat. Seedlings treated with this complex contained more chlorophyll and were resistant to drought. 

Names of scientific works 1. Influence newly synthesized manganese complexes with amino asids on morphophysiological characteristics wheat germ.// American International Journal of contemporary research.2014. V.4 No.12. 2014.PP.58-60.

2. New technology of cleaning contaminated soil// Sci-Afric Journal of scientific issues, research and essays.2015. Vol.3, N4. PP. 699-703.

3. Genetic variation and root-shoot traits correlations in drought codition in Sesame by using multivariate statistical methods// Phyton Annales Rey Botanicae. 2014. Vol.54, fasc.1, PP.37-40.

4. Radioprotective effect of the exstract of plant collection on gamma irradiated seeds of wheat// International journal of agriculture innovations and research. 2015. v.4. issue2, PP 339-341.

5. Influence of chloride salinity on germination, water relation parameters and chlorophyll content of wheat genotypes//International journal of current research, 2016,V.8,Issue 02, pp.2975-2978.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity Since 1982 teaches specialities of plant Physiology and Biochemistry in Baku State University.
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes Awarded the Order “Shohret” in.2005
Place of work and its address Institute of Molecular Biology and Bio technologies of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, pr., Matbuat, 2A
Position Head of laboratory
Office phone (+994 12) 5381355
Mobil (+994 50) 6855093
Home phone (+994 12) 4503303