Place of Birth | Georgian Republic, Marneuli city | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 22 February 1952 | |
Education | Department of Physics of the Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophical Sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
09.00.01 Dialektical and Historical materialism. Systematic Structural Analysis of Scientific and Technological Progress. |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
09.00.01 Dialektical and Historical materialism. Logico-methodological issues of Scientific and Technological Progress. |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
2007 Philosophy
Total number of scientific publications |
565 |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 122 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 49 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 15 | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
Basic scientific achievements | 1. One of the founders of the Phenomenology of Life and a doctrine of "alive idea".
2. Put forward a special rule for the summation of social cognition. 3. First applied the method of systematical-structural analysis to Science studies and made a comparison between gnoseological and social models of science. 4. Put forward the alternative mathematical models of world and a concept of “vector time”. |
Names of scientific works | 1. The structure of knowledge: about a process of formation of the hierarchic. // Proceedings of the Metaphysics for the Third Millenium Conference. September 5-8, 2000, Rome. Vol.2, p.89-93.
2. Problems of Education in the Post-Soviet Era // Alliance of Universities for Democracy. Perspectives in Higher Education Reform. Budapest, 2000, Volume 9, p.121-125. 3. Civilization, Religion, and Terror // Perspectives in Higher Education Reform. Proceedings of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy. Bucharest, November 2002, Volume 12, p.227-231. 4. The unity of diversity as the basic principle of the western model of social organization // Proceedings of the Second world Conference: Metaphysics 2003. July 2-5, 2003, Rome. Vol.1, p.218. 5. East and West as social models // Global Studies Encyclopedia. "Prometheus Books", N-Y. 2005. 6. Al-Suhrawardi’s Doctrine and Phenomenology // Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm. Dordrecht, “Springer”, 2006, p. 262-276. 7. Peculiarities of Education in the East and West // Proceedings of the XXIst World Congress of Philosophy: August 10-17, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey. In Volume 4. Philosophy of Education. Ankara, 2006, p.73-77. 8. Soul and Body in the Phenomenological Context Phenomenology of Life // From the Animal Soul to the Human Mind Book II. The Human Soul in the Creative Transformation of the Mind. Series: Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 94, “Springer”, 2007, pp.189-200. 9. Philosophy, science, culture. Their peculiarities in the East and the West. CA&CC Press©, Stockholm 2008, 132 p. 10. Comparative Analysis of the Eastern and Western Conceptions of Love // Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul, Korea; e-Book on DVD, 2008. 11. The Specificity of Human Body: Two Ideas in one Thing // Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul, Korea; e-Book on DVD – WCP 2008 Proceedings. Vol. 42. Philosophy of Mind. pp.91-96. 12. About the correlation of the memory and remembrance in the structure of the soul // Analecta Husserliana. v. CI. Memory in the ontopoiesis of life. “Springer”, 2009. pp. 243-253. 13. Religion, Ideology and Civilization // “International Journal of Academic Research”, 2010, vol.2, No 1, January, pp.202-205. 14. Ibn Arabi and literary-philosophical traditions of thought in Azerbaijan: the views belonging to various centuries on the same timeline // East and West: Common Spiritual values, scientific-cultural links. Insan Publishing: Istanbul, 2010, pp.441-454. 15. Ibn Arabi-Nesimi-Javid//East and West: Common Spiritual values, scientific-cultural links. Insan Publishing: Istanbul, 2010, pp.455-460. 16. Intentionality and Transcendentality // Analecta Husserliana. v. CVIII. Transcendentalism Overturned. From Absolute Power of Consciousness until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. “Springer”, 2011. pp. 97-102. 17. Creation and creativity // The Proceedings of “Metaphysics2009 4th World Conference”, Rome, 2011, pp. 318-324. 18. Synergetics as a Positivistic “Trick” for Philosophy // “Philosophy Study”, 2012, v.2, No 1, pp.27-34. 19. Phenomenology of Life or Life of Idea. Baku, “Azerbaijan University” Press, 2012 – 184 p. 20. Reason and Sense as the Frames and Partitions of the Temple of Life. // Analecta Husserliana. v. CXIII. Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos. The Life-World, Nature, Earth: Book One “Springer”, 2013. pp. 279-290. 21.The Unity of Eastern and Western Thought Traditions in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka’s Phenomenology of Life // Analecta Husserliana. v. CXVI. Phenomenology of Space and Time. The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book One “Springer”, 2014. pp. 273-284. 22. The Alternative Mathematical Models of the World // “Philosophy Study”, 2014, v.4, № 5, pp. 321-333. 23. The effect of Illumination on the Way Back from Aristotle to Plato // Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue. Vol.7. The Logos of Life and Cultural Interlacing. “Springer Science + Business Media” Dordrecht 2014, pp. 25-35. 24. East and West as social models // Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary. Edited by A.N.Chumakov, I.I. Mazour and W.C.Gay, with a foreword by Mikhail Gorbachev. Amsterdam/New York, NY 2014. XI, 531 pp. 25.‘Türk Dünyası, Milli İdeoloji ve Felsefenin Önemi Üzerine Prof. Dr. Salahaddin Khalilov ile Söyleşi’’ // Türk Yurdu Dergisi, Ağustos, 2015, Ankara, Turkey. 26.Doğu-Batı Felsefe İlişkileri Üzerine Prof. Dr. Salahaddin Halilov`la söyleşi // Referans, Zeitchrift für Kunst, Literatur und Philosophy, Köln, Germany, No 21, 2015. 27. The Concept of “Western civilization” as Ideological and Geopolitical Factor // Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Philosophy Association. Istanbul, 2015. 28.The Four Different Aspects of Man-World Relations and the Ontological Nature of Culture // “Philosophy Study”, 2016, v.6, № 5, pp. 245-254. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
Pedagogical activity |
Other activities |
Awarding and prizes |
Place of work and its address | İstanbul Uluslararası Felsefe Araşdırmaları Merkezi (The Istanbul Center of Philosophy Research – UFAD) | |
Position | Chairman | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 4981745 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 2129047 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 5026237 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5981301 | |