Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Khalilov Salahaddin Sadraddin oglu
Place of Birth Georgian Republic, Marneuli city     
Date of Birth 22 February 1952
Education Department of Physics of the Baku State Uni­ver­sity 
Scientific degree Doctor of Philosophical Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-   specialty code

-   specialty name

-   topic name


Dialektical and Historical materialism.

Systematic Structural Analysis of Scientific and Technological Progress. 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-   specialty code

-   specialty name

-   topic name


Dialektical and Historical materialism.

Logico-methodological issues of Scientific and Technological Progress. 
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-   date

-   specialty name 





Total number of scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad 122
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 49
Number of patents and certificates of authorship 15
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements 1. One of the founders of the Phenomenology of Life and a doctrine of "alive idea".

2. Put forward a special rule for the summation of social cognition.

3. First applied the method of systematical-struc­tural analysis to Science studies and made ​​a comparison between gnoseological and social models of science.

4. Put forward the alternative mathematical mo­dels of world and a concept of “vector time”. 
Names of scientific works 1. The structure of knowledge: about a process of for­mation of the hierarchic. // Proceedings of the Me­ta­physics for the Third Millenium Con­fe­rence. September 5-8, 2000, Rome. Vol.2, p.89-93.

2. Problems of Education in the Post-Soviet Era // Al­liance of Universities for Democracy. Pers­pec­tives in Higher Education Reform. Budapest, 2000, Volume 9, p.121-125.

3. Civilization, Religion, and Terror // Pers­pectives in Higher Education Reform. Proceedings of the Al­lian­ce of Universities for Democracy. Bu­charest, No­vember 2002, Volume 12, p.227-231.

4. The unity of diversity as the basic principle of the wes­tern model of social organization // Proceedings of the Second world Conference: Metaphysics 2003. July 2-5, 2003, Rome. Vol.1, p.218.

5. East and West as social models // ­Global Studies En­cyclopedia. "Prometheus Books", N-Y. 2005.

6. Al-Suhrawardi’s Doctrine and Phenomeno­logy // Is­la­mic Philosophy and Occidental Phe­no­meno­logy on the Perennial Issue of Mic­rocosm and Macro­cosm. Dord­recht, “Springer”, 2006, p. 262-276.

7. Peculiarities of Education in the East and West // Pro­ceedings of the XXIst World Congress of Phi­losophy: August 10-17, 2003, Istanbul, Tur­key. In Volume 4. Philosophy of Education. Ankara, 2006, p.73-77.

8. Soul and Body in the Phenomenological Con­text Phe­nomenology of Life // From the Animal Soul to the Hu­man Mind Book II. The Human Soul in the Creative Trans­for­ma­tion of the Mind. Series: Ana­lecta Husser­liana, Vol. 94, “Springer”, 2007, pp.189-200.  

9. Philosophy, science, culture. Their peculia­ri­ties in the East and the West. CA&CC Press©, Stockholm 2008, 132 p.

10. Comparative Analysis of the Eastern and Western Con­ceptions of Love // Proceedings of the XXII World Con­gress of Philosophy, Seoul, Korea; e-Book on DVD, 2008.

11. The Specificity of Human Body: Two Ideas in one Thing // Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul, Korea; e-Book on DVD – WCP 2008 Proceedings. Vol. 42. Philosophy of Mind. pp.91-96.

12. About the correlation of the memory and re­mem­­brance in the structure of the soul // Analecta Hus­ser­liana. v. CI. Memory in the on­to­poiesis of life. “Sprin­ger”, 2009. pp. 243-253.

13. Religion, Ideology and Civilization // “In­ter­­natio­nal Journal of Academic Research”, 2010, vol.2, No 1, Ja­nuary, pp.202-205.

14. Ibn Arabi and literary-philosophical tradi­tions of thought in Azerbaijan: the views be­longing to various centuries on the same time­line // East and West: Common Spiritual va­lues, scientific-cultural links. Insan Pub­li­shing: Istan­bul, 2010, pp.441-454.

15. Ibn Arabi-Nesimi-Javid//East and West: Com­mon Spiritual values, scientific-cultural links. Insan Publishing: Istanbul, 2010, pp.455-460.

16. Intentionality and Transcendentality // Ana­lecta Hus­ser­liana. v. CVIII. Transcen­dentalism Over­tur­ned. From Ab­solute Power of Con­scious­ness un­til the Forces of Cosmic Architec­tonics. “Springer”, 2011. pp. 97-102.

17. Creation and creativity // The Proceedings of “Me­­­taphysics2009 4th World Conference”,  Ro­me, 2011, pp. 318-324.

18. Synergetics as a Positivistic “Trick” for Phi­losophy // “Philosophy Study”, 2012, v.2, No 1, pp.27-34.

19. Phenomenology of Life or Life of Idea. Baku, “Azer­baijan University” Press, 2012 – 184 p.

20. Reason and Sense as the Frames and Parti­tions of the Temple of Life. // Analecta Hus­ser­liana. v. CXIII. Phenomenology and the Human Posi­tioning in the Cosmos. The Life-World, Nature, Earth: Book One “Springer”, 2013. pp. 279-290.

21.The Unity of Eastern and Western Thought Traditions in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka’s Phenomenology of Life // Analecta Hus­ser­liana. v. CXVI. Phenomenology of Space and Time. The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book One “Springer”, 2014. pp. 273-284.

22. The Alternative Mathematical Models of the World // “Philosophy Study”, 2014, v.4, № 5, pp. 321-333.

23. The effect of Illumination on the Way Back from Aris­totle to Plato // Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phe­nomenology in Dialogue. Vol.7. The Logos of Life and Cultural Interlacing. “Springer Science + Business Media” Dordrecht 2014, pp. 25-35.

24. East and West as social models // Global Studies En­cyclo­pedic Dictionary. Edited by A.N.Chuma­kov, I.I. Mazour and W.C.Gay, with a foreword by Mikhail Gor­bachev. Amster­dam/New York, NY 2014. XI, 531 pp.

25.‘Türk Dünyası, Milli İdeoloji ve Felsefenin Önemi Üzerine Prof. Dr. Salahaddin Khalilov ile Söyleşi’’ // Türk Yurdu Dergisi, Ağustos, 2015, Ankara, Turkey.

26.Doğu-Batı Felsefe İlişkileri Üzerine Prof. Dr. Salahaddin Halilov`la söyleşi // Referans, Zeitchrift für Kunst, Literatur und Philosophy, Köln, Germany, No 21, 2015.

27. The Concept of “Western civilization” as Ideolo­gical and Geopolitical Factor // Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Philo­sophy Association. Istanbul, 2015.

28.The Four Different Aspects of Man-World Relations and the Ontological Nature of Culture  // “Philosophy Study”, 2016, v.6, № 5, pp. 245-254.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations
  1. Member of IAUP (International Association of University Presidents), 1996
  2. Member of Russian Ecological Academy, 1997
  3. Member of The EAIR (The European Higher Education Society), 2000
  4. Member of The APA (The American Philo­so­phy Association ), 2000
  5. International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society, 2004
  6. Member of The APSA (American Political Science Association ), 2009
  7. Member of The Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society (Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society, Oxford), 2009
  8. Member of The EPSA (European Philosophy of Science Association), 2009
  9. Member of The Russian Philosophical Society, 2010
  10. Member of The NYAS (The New-York Acade­my of Sciences)
  11. Member of The WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology), 2010.
Pedagogical activity
  1. Associate Professor of the Philosophy De­part­ment at AzerbaijanState Pedagogical University (1979-1991).
  2. Professor and the head of the Philosophy De­part­­ment at AzerbaijanStatePedagogicalUni­versity (1991-1993).
  3. Rector and the head of the Philosophy De­part­ment at Azerbaijan University (1993-2008).
Other activities
  1. Deputy of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Re­pub­lic and Deputy-chairman of the Science and Edu­cation Committee of the Parliament.
  2. From 2003 he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Jour­nal “Felsefe ve Sosial-siyasi Elmler” (Phi­losophy and Socio-Political Sciences).
  3. Member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006-2015).
Awarding and prizes
  1. All-USSR Knowledge Association’s Prize, 1987.
  2. Yusif Mamedaliyev’s Prize and Medal, 1992.
  3. Honorary Diploma from Milli Mejlis of Azer­baijanRepublic, 2002.
  4. Shohrat Order (Order of Glory) is awarded by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2012.
Place of work and its address İstanbul Uluslararası Felsefe Araşdırmaları Merkezi (The Istanbul Center of Philosophy Research – UFAD) 
Position Chairman 
Office phone (+994 12) 4981745  
Mobil (+994 50) 2129047 
Home phone (+994 12) 5026237  
Fax (+994 12) 5981301  