Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Imamverdiev Sudeyf Bashir oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Astara city   
Date of Birth 02.07.1938 
Education Azerbaijan Medical University
Scientific degree Doctor of Medical Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Applying of Lymphography and Flebography at the Urinary Bladder, Prostate and External Genital Organs Cancer
Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Surgical treatment of renovascular hypertension caused by bilateral renal artery constriction

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 490
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 178 
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 300 
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 13 
Staff training:

-   number of PhD

-   number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements Main scientific achievements in the field of surgery pochekamennoy disease mochepolevyh fistulas, grafting forms of bladder cancer in the organo (nephron) preserving surgery for kidney cancer, rekonustruktivno - reduction surgery in the upper urinary tract reconstruction surgery on the urethra (urethritis) in the field of surgery priapism and Peyronie's disease, kidney laparoskopichkskoy surgery, uretero-renoskopicheskogo treatment of ureteral stones, in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, and others.
Names of scientific works 1. Surgery renovascular hypertension with bilateral lesions arteriy.-Baku: Azerneshr.-1979.-200 with.

2. Surgical treatment of staghorn and multiple nefrolitiaza.- Baku: Azerneshr.- 107.

3. Urology textbook- Tebib 2005 496 s.

4. Andrology. textbook with Baku 2015. 368

5. Clinical Urogynecology. Guidelines for doctors. Baku 2015, 412 p.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Predstatel Azerbaijan Society of Urology.

2. Pochetnyh predstatel Azerbaijan Society of Andrology

3. Honorary member RAIPON Urology Georgian Republic.

4. Deystvitelny member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

5. RAIPON full member of the European Urology Educational activity since 1965

Pedagogical activity Teaching experience Since 1965
Other activities Other activities Member of the politburo (s1992g) Yeni Azerbaijan Party, Deputy predstatel Aksakalov Azerbaijan Republic. 
Awarding and prizes

1. Order «Şoxrat» - 2000

2. Medal. Yu Mammadaliyeva - 2006

3. Zasluzhny Deitel Sciences - 2008

4. Medal im.A.Nobel - 2010

5. Medal of Vernadsky im.V.I - 2011

6. Order "Labor and Knowledge» (Labore et Scientia)

7. Honorary Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in - 2013

8. "Gold Medal of European Quality» Gold Medal "European Quality" in - 2013

9. Order of Glory - 2018

Place of work and its address Azerbajan Medical University, 23, Bakixanov. Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic 
Position Position Head the Department of Urology
Office phone (+994 12) 4325030
Mobil (+994 50) 3133088 
Home phone (+994 12) 4974412 
E-mail d_