Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Mehdiyev Mahammad Farman oglu
Place of Birth Tazakent village, Lachin district, Azerbaijan Republic 
Date of Birth 02 October, 1941 
Education Azerbaijan State University, Mechanics 
Scientific degree Doctor of Physical abd Mathematical Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-          speciality code

-          speciality name

-          topic name

01.02.04  (2002.01)

Mechanics of deformable solids

Asymptotic analysis of stress-strain state for a conical shell and variable thickness circular plate
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-          speciality code

-          speciality name

-          topic name

01.01.04 (2002.01)

Mechanics of deformable solids

Asymptotic analysis of some space problems
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 


Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 96
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 30
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 78
Certificates of authorship and number of patents
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors



Main scientific achievements Developed homogeneous solution technique that was instrumental in reducing 3-dim elasticity theory  problem to 2-dim ones. Developed a strictly rigorous  mathematical theory of  slabs and covers for both static and dynamic cases. Discovered a new kind of oscimetions in thin-walled covers that had not been known before. In particular, demonstrated that in the dynamic theory. The classic  Saint Vainent  Principle is only applicable up to a certain frequency and is inapplicable everywhere beyond it.
Names of scientific works 1. Mehdiyev M.F., Bergman R.M. “Asymptotic analysis of the dynamic problem of the theory of elasticity for a transverse isotropic hollow cylinder.” Journal of sound and vibration.- 2001. – Vol. 244, N 2. p. 177-194.

2. Mehdiyev M.F., Mardanov I.D. “Amrahova A.R. “Asymptotic analysis of bending problem for transversal-isotropic plate of variable thickness” Trans. of NAS of Azerb. ser. Of phys. – techn. & math. sci. – 2002. vol. 22, N 4. Math. & Mech.- p. 223 – 236.

3. Mehdiyev M.F., Guseynov F. S. “The construction of homogeneous solutions for transversally-isotropic hollow sphere. Trans. of NAS of Azerb, ser. phys.- techn. and math. sci. – 2002.vol. 22, N 1. Math. and mech. p. 206 – 210.

4. Mehdiyev M.F., Fomina N. I. “Free vibrations of transversely isotropic hollow cylinder.” Mechanics of Composite Materials. – 2002. Vol. 38, N 1. p.55 68 Translated from Russian “Mexaникакомпозитных материплов”. – 2002- T. 38, N1. – c. 81 – 98.

5. Мехтиев М.Ф., Сардарова Н. А., Фомина Н.И “Асимптотическое поведение решения осесимметричной задачи теории упругости для трансверсаль но полого конуса”. Известия РАН.Механика твердого тела. – 2003 . - № 2.- С. 61 –70.

6. Mehdiyev M.F. “Asymptotic analysis of anisotropic elasticity theory proplem for finite length hollw cylinder.” Trans. of NAS of Azerb, ser. of phys. – techn. & math. sci. – 2003.- vol. 23, N 1. Math. & Mech.- p. 219 – 228.

7. Мехтиев М.Ф., Амрахова А. Р. “Задача растяжения-сжатия для транстропной плиты переменной толщины.” Изв. ВУЗ-ов Северокавказский регион Сер. Естеств. Науки.- Спецвыпуск. – 2004. – с. 72-77.

8. Mehdiyev M.F., Mollai H.H., Sharifov Y.A. “On an optimal control problem for nonlinear systems with integral conditions.” Trans. Of Nas.of Azerb.ser. phys. – techn. and math.sci. – 2005. – vol.XXV, N 4. Math. and Mech. – p. 191 – 198.

9. Mehdiyev M.F. “Non-axially-symmetrric problems of elasticity theory for transversally isotropic hollow sphere.” Trans. of NAS of Azerb. ser. of phys.-techn. & math. sci.–2007.vol. 27, N1–Math. & Mech.-p.155-164.

10. Mehdiyev M.F., Məmmədov O.M. “Xətti cəbrin əsas elementləri.” “Bakı Universiteti”nəşriyyatı.- 2013, 187 səh.

11. Mehdiyev M.F., Məmmədov O.M. “Kompüter mütəxəssisləri üçün universal cəbr nəzəriyyəsi.” “Bakı Universiteti "2013, 390 səh.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Corresponding member of NASA
Pedagogical activity Dean of  “ Applied mathematics and cybernetics” faculty, head of the chair of “ Mathematical methods of applied mathematics”, professor
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes Honored science worker
Place of work and its address Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, 9, B.Vahabzade, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1141
Position Leading research associate
Office phone (+994 12) 5390393
Mobil (+994 50) 6683746
Home phone (+994 12) 4348965