Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Babazadeh Vasif Mammadagha oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city
Date of Birth 02.09.1938 
Education Faculty of Geology, Azerbaijan State University (now the Baku State University) 
Scientific degree Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name 


Geology, prospecting and exploration of ore mineral resources

Geologic conditions of formation and location of chromite mineralization in ophiolitic belt of  the Lesser Caucasus (within the Azerbaijan SSR) (1964)

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Geology, prospecting and exploration of ore mineral resources

Endogenic ore formations of Sevan-Garabag zone (the Azerbaijan part of the Lesser Caucasus) (1975)

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name



Geophysics, Geochemistry
Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name



Total number of printed scientific publications

-         number of scientific publications printed abroad

-     number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements Elaborated metallogeny of ophiolitic belts;

Applied formational analysis of ore deposits of Azerbaijan;

Elaborated in detail principles of isolation of “ore-magmatic systems” for various volcano-plutonic complexes as a model of paragenesis of products of ore generating magmatism and endogenic mineralization;

Scientifically proved the presence of mercury belt of the Lesser Caucasus;

Leaning on cosmophotogeological, geophysical, geochemical and terrain geologic studies composed “Cosmotectonic map of Azerbaijan” (scale 1:600 000) and “Regional Fractionation Map of Azerbaijan” with prognosis of ore deposits” (scale 1: 600 000);

By identifying patterns of location of gold, copper, molybdenum, lead and zinc (polymetallic), chromite, antimony and other ore deposits of Azerbaijan presented their prognosis evaluation and prospecting criteria.

Names of scientific works 1. Geology of Mercury Deposits of the Lesser Caucasus. Baku, 1974; 228 p.

2. Copper- and Molybdenum Porphyry Deposits. Baku, 1990; 368 p.

3. Goldbearing Placers of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2001; 155 p.

4. Ore Formations and Metallogenic Zones of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2003; 276 p.

5. Gold of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2003; 424 p.

6. Mineral-Raw Material Resources of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2005; 808 p.

7. Noble Metal Ore-Magmatic Systems. Baku, 2013; 276 p.

8. Endogenic Metallogeny and Prognosis of Noble Metal Mineralization of the South of the Lesser Caucasus. Baku, 2013; 316 p.

9. Structure of ore fields and deposits. Baku, 2013, 288 p.

10. Geoenvironmental monitoring. Baku, 2014, 424 p.

11. Goldcontaining sulfide deposits of island paleosystems their metallogenic features and conditions of geodynamic evolution. Baku, 2015, 400 p.

12. Basics of space geology. Baku, 2015, 350 p.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Member of the Regional work group on geology of stratiform ore deposits of the department of earth science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);

Member of academic council of the Caucasian Institute of Mineral Raw Materials (Tbilisi).

Member of the bureau of department of the earth science of the ANAS;

Chair of the scientific-methodic council of geology-geophysic sciences of the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic;

Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of mineral raw materials and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Republic;

Member of the scientific council of the BSU;

Redactor of the journal “News of Baku University” (Series of Natural Sciences).

A member of the editorial board of the journal Proceedings of ANAS (Department of Earth Sciences)

Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Earth Sciences of Azerbaijan Coordination Council

Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Publishing Council of ANAS

Pedagogical activity Professor in the BSU
Other activities One of the authors of the Law “On Earth Interior” 1998

Directly participated in preparing Law “On Education” 2009

Awarding and prizes 1. State Prize Laureate of the Azerbaijan Republic (1978)

2. Honored Worker of Science (2000)

3. Order of Glory/Shohrat (2009)

4. Nominal Award of ANAS after academician Musa Aliyev (2017).

Place of work and its address Baku State University, geology faculty, Z.Halilov st. 23
Position Head of the Department of Mineral Deposits of Geological faculty; scientific leader of the Scientific Research Laboratory “Aerocosmic Research of Earth Resources”
Office phone (+994 12) 5390448 
Mobil (+994 50) 3332049 
Home phone (+994 12) 4926778 