Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Kadirov Fakhraddin Abulfat oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Sheki city
Date of Birth 19.07.1950 
Education Azerbaijan State University (now the Baku State University)  physical faculty
Scientific degree Doctor of Geology-Mineralogical Sciences 
Title Professor
Topic of PhD thesis:            

-  specialty code

-  specialty name

-  topic name



Subsurface waves of the double-layer model of the upper mantle and their influence upon the non-tidal variation of the gravity

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-  specialty code

-  specialty name

-  topic name


Geophysics, Geophysical methods of search of minerals

Numerical gravitational models of the deep structure of the Azerbaijan

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-   date

-   specialty name 




Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name



Total number of printed scientific publications:

-  number of scientific publications printed abroad

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:     

-  number of  PhD

-  number of Doctor of sciences



Main scientific achievements Studied distribution of GPS velocities and kinematic model of the Caucasus-Caspian region; revealed the Caucasus block and its counter-clockwise motion; studied regularity of the distribution of strain rate on the basis of GPS data; developed numerical analysis method for the interpretation of the gravitational field with the Hartley transforms; plotted 2D and 3D gravitational models of the deeper structure of Azerbaijan; studied law-dependency of the non-tidal  and tidal variations of gravity force; the time dynamics of the gravity signal, earth crust deformation processes, is investigated using the power  spectrum method and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis,  revealed the possibility of generation of internal waves of Kelvin-Helmholtz in the layers of Upper Mantle; studied processes of gravitational instability in the sedimentary layers of the Azerbaijan oil and gas areas; proved the possibility of the convectional motions in the sedimentary layer and suggested the convectional model of hydrocarbon migration; revealed the existence of decompression zone beneath the mud volcano by gravitational modeling; studied the fractal properties of the earthquakes and deeper faults; applied statistical methods for the investigation of geophysical processes.
Names of scientific works 1. Кадиров Ф.А. «Гравитационное поле и модели глубинного строения Азербайджана». Изд. Института геологии Nafta Press. 2000. Рецензенты: чл.корр. РАН Трубицын В.П., Проф. Никитин А.А.

2. “Application of the Hartley transform for interpretation of gravity anomalies in the Shamakhy–Gobustan and Absheron oil-and gas-bearing regions, Azerbaijan”. Journal of Applied Geophysics. v.45, August 2000. ELSEVIER SCIENCE. Amsterdam. p.49-61

3. FA Kadirov, A Sh Mukhtarov, Deep Structure, and Dynamics of the Lokbatan Mud Volcano Izvestiya, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth (Fizika zemli), Vol. 40, No. 4, 2004. p.327-333.

4. Robert Reilinger, Simon McClusky, Philippe Vernant, Shawn Lawrence, Semih Ergintav, Rahsan Cakmak, Haluk Ozener, Fakhraddin Kadirov, Ibrahim Guliev, et al. “GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions”. J. Geophys. Res., 111, B05411, doi: 10.1029/2005JB004051.

5. Fakhraddin Kadirov, Samir Mammadov, Robert Reilinger, Simon McClusky. Some new data on modern tectonic deformation and active faulting in Azerbaijan (according to Global Positioning System measurements). 2008. Proc. Sci. Earth Azerbaijan Natl. Acad. Sci 1, 82-88

6. A Sh Mukhtarov, FA Kadirov, VA Mamedov. Reconstruction of the Surface Temperature in the Kura Depression (Azerbaijan) by the Inversion of Borehole Data. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2010, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 524–528.

7. Fakhraddin Kadirov, Michael Floyd, Akif Alizadeh, Ibrahim Guliev, Robert Reilinger, Sadi Kuleli, Robert King and M. Nafi Toksoz. “Kinematics of the eastern Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan” (2012), J. Natural Hazards , 2012, Volume 63, Issue 2 , pp 997-1006

8. Telesca, L., Babayev, G., Kadirov, F. Temporal clustering of the seismicity of the Absheron-Prebalkhan region in the Caspian Sea area, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 12, 2012, pp. 3279-3285, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-3279-2012.

9. F.A Kadirov, AG Gadirov, GR Babayev, ST Agayeva, SK Mammadov, NR Garagezova. Seismic zoning of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus from the fractal parameters of the earthquakes, stress state, and GPS velocities. 2013. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 49 (4), 554-562.

10. L. Telesca, M. Lovallo, G. Babayev, F. Kadirov. Spectral and informational analysis of seismicity: An application to the 1996–2012 seismicity of the Northern Caucasus–Azerbaijan part of the greater Caucasus–Kopet Dag region. 2013. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (23), 6064-6078

11. Kadirov, F.A., Gadirov, A.H., A gravity model of the deep structure of South Caspian Basin along submeridional profile Alborz–Absheron Sill. Global and Planetary Change, Volume 114, March 2014, Pages 66–74.

12. Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Samir Mammadov, Fakhraddin Kadirov, Gulam Babayev. Power spectrum analysis and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of Earth’s gravity time series. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, A 428 (2015). P. 426–434. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2015.02.034

13. Akif A. Alizadeh, Ibrahim S. Guliyev, Fakhraddin A. Kadirov, Lev V. Eppelbaum. Geosciences of Azerbaijan Volume I: Geology; 2016. Springer, 237 p.

14. Akif A. Alizadeh, Ibrahim S. Guliyev, Fakhraddin A. Kadirov, Lev V. Eppelbaum. Geosciences of Azerbaijan Volume II: Economic Geology and Applied Geophysics; 2016. Springer, 340 p.

15. Feyzullayev A.A., Kadirov F.A., and Kadyrov A.G. Tectono-Geophysical Model of the Southern Caspian in the Context of the Presence of Oil and Gas. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 913–923. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016. Original Russian Text © A.A. Feyzullayev, F.A. Kadirov, A.G. Kadyrov, 2016, published in Fizika Zemli, 2016, No. 6, pp. 139–148.

16. Luciano Telesca, Fakhraddin Kadirov, Gurban Yetirmishli, Rafig Safarov, Gulam Babayev, Saida Ismaylova. Statistical analysis of the 2003–2016 seismicity of Azerbaijan and surrounding areas. Journal of Seismology. Journal of Seismology, November 2017, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp 1467–1485.

17. Ali ELMAS, Hakan KARSLI, Fakhraddin A. KADIROV. "Lineaments in the Shamakhy-Gobustan and Absheron hydrocarbon containing areas using gravity data". Journal Acta Geophysica. December, 2017

18.Tibaldi, N. Tsereteli, O. Varazanashvili, G. Babayev, A. Barthd, T. Mumladze, F.L. Bonali, E. Russo, F. Kadirov, G. Yetirmishli, S. Kazimova. Active stress field and fault kinematics of the Greater Caucasus. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 188, February 2020 ,104108.

19.Luciano Telesca, Fakhraddin Kadirov , Gurban Yetirmishli, Rafig Safarov, Gulam Babayev, Shirin Islamova, Sabina Kazimova.  Analysis of the relationship between water level temporal changes and seismicity in the Mingechevir reservoir (Azerbaijan). J Seismol 24, 937–952 (2020).

20. Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Shota Adamia, Aleksandre Chabukiani, Tamaz Chelidze, Sierd Cloetingh, Michael Floyd, Alexander Gorshkov, Alexei Gvishiani, Tahir Ismail-Zadeh, Mikhail K. Kaban, Fakhraddin Kadirov, Jon Karapetyan, Talat Kengerli, Jemal Kiria, Ivan Koulakov, Jon Mosar, Tea Mumladze, Birgit Müller, Nino Sadradze, Rafig Safarov, Frank Schilling, Alexander Soloviev. Geodynamics, seismicity, and seismic hazards of the Caucasus. Earth-Science Reviews (2020), 207, 103222,

21.Tye A.R., Niemi N.A., Safarov R.T., Kadirov F.A., Babayev G.R. Sedimentary response to a collision orogeny recorded in detrital zircon provenance of Greater Caucasus foreland basin sediments. Basin Research. 2020; 0 0:1–35. https://doi. org/10.1111/bre.12499

22. Adam M.Forte, Joel S.Leonard, Matthew W.Rossi, Kelin X.Whipple, Arjun M.Heimsath, LashaSukhishvili, TeaGodoladze, Fakhraddin Kadirov. Low variability runoff inhibits coupling of climate, tectonics, and topography in the Greater Caucasus.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Volume 584, 15 April 2022, 117525. İmpact Factor 5.2525

23. Qədirov F.Ə., Səfərov R.T., Zamanova A.H., Muxtarov A.Ş. 2022. “Yer fizikasının qısa nəzəri kursu”. Bakı, Nafta-Press,. 188s.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations He is member of the EAGE, Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists, and the National Committee of Geophysicists of Azerbaijan, member of American Geophysical Union, National Correspondent of International Geodesy Association of Azerbaijan National Committee for International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
Pedagogical activity Professor of Ataturk (1992-1995) and Black Sea Technical University (1996-1998) of Turkey and Baku State University (now)
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes

Was awarded honorary reward of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Order of “Shohrat” Glory (2015)

Honoured Scientist

Grand Medal of the International Association of  the Academies of Sciences (IAAS),  2023

Main place of work and its address Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, 119, H. Cavid Pr.,  Baku, Az1073, Azerbaijan Republic;

Institute of Oil and Gas of ANAS, 9, F.Amirov str., Baku, AZ1000, Azerbaijan

Position Head of the department “Geodynamics and Seismology"

General director of Institute of Oil and Gas

Office phone (+994 12) 5392193,
(+994 12) 4920679
Mobil (+994 50) 3405850
Home phone (+994 12) 5412858 
Fax (+994 12) 5372285