Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Babayev Maharram Pirverdi oglu
Place of Birth Barda district, Azerbaijan Republic   
Date of Birth 13 January, 1937 
Education Azerbaijan Institute of Agriculture, Faculty of  Scientific Agronomy 
Scientific degree Doctor of Agricultural Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Soil Science

The soil of Karabakh plain and their quality standard
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Soil Science

The irrigated soils of Kur-Araz lowland  and their ability of fertility
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 



Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name



Total number of scientific publications 305
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 70
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 40 
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 11
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements He works in the field of genesis, classification, evolution, classification, taxonomy system, geographical spreading, mapping, soils degradation of Azerbaijan anthropogenic soils and their rehabilitation and productively use.
Names of scientific works 1. Деградация почв под влиянием возрастающего антропогенного воздействия. Тез. док. III съезда Докучаевского общ.почв-в, Москва, 2000,.С.10-11

2. Degradation of soil in Azerbaijan influence increasing antropogen effect EUR 1723EN // European communities,- Italy, 2000, Р.71-74

3. Экологический мониторинг биогеоценозов Кура-Араксинской низменности // Тез.док. всес. межд. конф., Сыктывкар

4. Роль термоустойчивых микроорганизмов в самоочищении и рекультивации нефтезагрязненных почв сухих субтропиков Азербайджана - Матер. науч. межд. конф.,- Владимир,-Россия, 2004,.С. 244-245

5. Management of the processes of degraded soils rehabilitation in Azerbaijan by traditional methods. Elista, Republic of Kalmyk (Russian Federation), 2004 ,.Р. 7-8

6. Management of degraded soil rehabilitation processes in Azerbaijan traditional methods - UNESCO-MAB Dry lands series -France, Paris, No 4, 2005, p. 45-52

7. Современная классификация почв Азербайджана // Почвоведение, Москва, №11, 2006,.С. 1307-1314

8. About the stability of soils to oil contamination along North Export Pipeline- 18th World Congress of soil science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2006, Р/1-2

9. Biological methods of fertility reproduction of antropogen degraded irrigated soils in Azerbaijan dry subtropics Euro Soil 2008, (Vienna, Austria) p 106-107

10. Новая классификация антропогенных почв Азербайджана, 2010 г., г. Томск, Россия, Т.1, стр. 11-13, ISBN 5-91302-090-X

11. Developed characters of degradation of the irrigative soils in arid and subtropics zone of Azerbaijan Samsun-Turkey, May 26-28, 2010, p. 881-886, ISBN 978-975-7636-69-4

12. The methods of fertility reproduction of soils and the growth of high-quality fodder in Azerbaijan, Lozenge, Bulgaria, 2011, p. 12-17, ISSN 1313-7735

13. Исследование зависимости плодородия хлопчатника от концентрации солей в лугово- сероземных орошаемых почвах (Irragri Gleyic Calsisols) на Муганской равнине Азербайджанской Республики. Съезд Общ.,Поч-ов., Науч. Конф., Кн. 1, Петрозаводск, Москва, «Карельский научный центр РАН», 2012, с. 445

14. Biological indices–an obligatory component in the creation of the informational soil-geographical database4thInternational Congress Eurosoil, Bari-Italy, 2012, p.2234

15. The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in independence years (1991-2011) Eurasian Soil Wokrshop, Samsun 2013, Turkey, p. 46-47

16. National Reference Base of Anthropogenic Soil Resources in the Azerbaijan RepublicBishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2013, Volume 2, Number 2 (1), Special Issue for Agricasia “1st Central Asia Congress on Modern Agricultural Techiques and Plant Nutrition “, p. 885-890

Избранные труды и монографии

1. Орошаемые почвы Кура-Арак¬синской низменности и их производительная способность Баку: Элм, АН Аз. ССР, 1983 г., 175 стр.

2. Почвенная карта Азербайджана БККИ СССРИ НС, Москва, 1991 г., 1 стр.

3. Azərbaycanın torpaq xəritəsi BKKİ SSRİ NC, Moskva, 1991., 1 səh.

4. Tərəvəzçinin məlumat kitabı, Azərnəşr, II nəşr, 1992, 228 s.

5. Azərbaycanın torpaq təsnifatının WRB sistemi ilə korrelyasiyası, Bakı: Elm, 2002, 250 s.

6. Cənab Heydər Əliyəvin torpaqşünaslığın inkişafında rolu Bakı: 2003, 12 s.

7. Azərbaycan torpaqlarının morfo-genetik profili (az və rus. dil) Bakı:Elm, 2004, 202 s.

8. Şəkər çuğundurnun becərilmə texnologiyasının torpaq ekoloji və qidalanma şəraiti Bakı: Elm, 2005, 79 s.

9. Ekoetika haqqında Azərbaycanda ilk dəyərli monoqrafiya. Bakı, 2005, 176 s.

10. Müxtəlif torpaq ekoloji şəraitdə tərəvəz bitkilərindən yüksək məhsul almağın idarə olunması Bakı: Elm, 2007, 240 s.

11. Azərbaycanda torpaq ekspedisiyası və mühavizəsi Bakı 2010, 216 s.

12. Suvarılan torpaqların bərpası və qorunub saxlanılması Bakı 2010, 220 s.

13. Azərbaycan torpaqlarının morfogenetik diaqnostikası, nomenklaturası və təsnifatı, Bakı 2011, 452 s.

14. Natural factors that can create danger for that part of the Baku – Tbilisi –Ceyhan oil pipeline passing through the Azerbaijan Republic and intending measures for preservation Baku: Elm, 2012, 112 p.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. The member of the World Soil Society

2. The member of the Presidium of the Russian Soil Society

3. The member of the Europe Soil Society

4. Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Soil Society
Pedagogical activity Master training: Baku State University
Lankaran State University
Other activities 2001-2008 years The Council Chairman of D.01.41. the Protection of the Doctoral thesis at the attached to Institute of National Academy of Sciences.

2009-2011 years The Chairman of commission of experts of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of Higher Attestation Commission

2011-up to now The Council Chairman of D.01.41. the Protection of the Doctoral thesis

2007-2012 years  The member of bero and assistant of Academician Secretary of the Biological Department of NASA

2012-up to now The member of bero Agrarian  Department of NASA 
Awarding and prizes 1. 1986. "Honor" medal

2. 1987. "Honorary award" of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR

3. 1997 and 2006 "Honorary Award" of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 

4. 2017. Nominal Award of ANAS after Hasan bay Zardabi

Place of work and its address Institute of Soil Scienses and Agrochemistry of ANAS, street M. Rahim 5, Baku city, Azerbaijan Recpublic 
Position Chief of  laboratory of soil genesis, geography and mapping
Office phone (+994 12) 5386974
Mobil (+994 50) 5049940 
Home phone (+994 12) 4372541
Fax (+994 12) 5383240 