Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Aliev Fikret Ahmadali oglu
Place of Birth Nuvedi village, Mehri district, Armenian Republic 
Date of Birth 13.08.1949 
Education Azerbaijan State University, mathematician 
Scientific degree Doctor of Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name


Theoretical mechanics

Synthesis of optimal linear discrete systems with feedback

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name


System analysis and  automatic control

Time-frequency and decomposition methods for solving of linear-quadratic Gaussian control problems of dynamic systems

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 
Election of active member of ANAS:

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Total number of scientific publications 180
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 128
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 180
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements: Suggestion of parameterization in discrete case for stability regulators, study of relations between time and frequency methods and suggestion of analytical spectral methods for solution of nonlinear algebraic equation of Riccati. Development of time methods based algorithms for factorization of polynomial and fractional-rational matrices and development of numerical method for construction of the optimal regulators by output vector. Modeling of Qaz-lift, construction of optimal regime Qaz-lift, algorithm optimal stabilization for Qaz-lift 
Names of scientific works: 1. Aliev F.A. and LarinV.B. Optimization of Linear Control Systems. Analytical methods and Computational algorithms. - Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1998, p. 272

2. Алиев Ф.А., Ларин В.Б., Сунцев В.Н. Оптимизация линейных инвариантных во времени систем управления. - Киев. "Наукова Думка", 1978, 320 с.

3. Алиев Ф.А. Методы решения прикладных задач оптимизации динамических систем. Баку, "Элм", 1989, 320 с.

4. Алиев Ф.А., Бордюг В.А., Ларин В.Б. Н2 - оптимизация и метод пространства состояний в задаче синтеза оптимальных регуляторов. Баку, "Элм", 1991, 373 с.

5. Aliev F.A., Arcasoy C.C., Hasanova Z.B. The calculation algorithms for the synthesis of the optimal continuous - time SISO system University of Mersin, Turkiye, 2001, 63p.

6. Aliev F.A., Asadzaseh M., Arcasoy C., Safarova N.A, Mamedova .G.G. Velieva N.I, Computational algorithms for optimization problems for periodic systems, Preprint 2006-31 ISSN 1652-9715 Matematisca Vetenksaper Goterborg 2006

7. Aliev F.A., Abbasov A.N., Aliyev A.A. Terminological dictionary on Informatics, Telecommunication, Radioelectronics, Publ. House “ASEU”, II, 2004, 283 p.

8. Əliyev F.Ə., Ağayev Ş. Azərbaycanda elmin problemləri və inkişaf perspektivləri, ELM nəşriyyatı 2011,159 s.

9. М.М.Муталлимов, Ф.А.Алиев Методы решения задач оптимизации при эксплуатации нефтяных скважин. Монография. LAMBERT Academic Publishing Gmbh &Co, KG Germany, 2012, 164 p.

10. Ф.А.Алиев, А.А. Нифтиев, Дж.И. Зейналов, “Методы Решения Задач Нечеткого Оптимального Управления”, Elm, 2013

11. Fikret A.Aliev, N.A.İsmailov., İnverse Problem to determine the hydraulic resistance coefficient in the gas lift process.,Appl. Comput. Math., V.12, N.3, 2013, pp.306-313( i.f. 0.75)

12. Ф.А.Алиев, А.А. Нифтиев, Дж.И. Зейналов, Задача оптимального синтеза относительно эволюции области, “Проблемы управления и информатики”, N 1, 2013, стр.50-55.(i.f. 0.2)

13. Алиев Ф.А., Исмайылов Н.А. Об одном методе линеаризации для нелинейных систем, Мехатроника Автоматизазия, Управление, №6(135), июнь, 2012,стр.2-6.

14. Aliev F.A.,Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Safarova N.A., Agamalieva L.F. High accuracy algorithms to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Vol. 13, N.3, pp.207-214.

15. Aliev F.A, Ebadi S, Jahanshahlo G.R, A method for ranking efficient DMUS, Australia Journal of Basic and Applied science (11) , 91-97; 2011.

16. Алиев Ф.А., Джамалбеков М.А., ИльясовМ.Х. Математическое моделирование и управление газлифтом Известия РАН Теория и системы управления, 2011, N 5, с.121-130.

17. Aliev F.A., Niftiyev A.A., Zeynalov J.I., Optimal Synthesis Problem for the Fuzzy Systems in Semi-Infinite Interval Appl. Comput. Math.,V.10, N.1, Special Issue, 2011, pp. 97-105

18. Aliev F.A., Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M., Ragumov I.S. Asymptotic Method of Solution for a Problem of Construction of Optimal Gas-lift Process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2010, Article ID 191053, p.10, 2010

19. Aliev F.A., Niftiyev A.A., Zeynalov C.I. Optimal synthesis problem for the fuzzy systems. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, p.8, 2010

20. Алиев Ф.А., Ильясов М.Х., Нуриев И.Б. Задачи моделирования и оптимальной стабилизации газлифтного процесса. Прикладная Механика, No.6, T.46,. p. 10, 2010

21. Aliev F.A., Pourgholi R., Azizi N., Gasimov Y.S., Khalafi H.K. Removal of numerical instability in the solution of an inverse head conduction problem. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.14, N 6, pp. 2664-2669, MR2483878, 2009

22. Алиев Ф.А., Ларин В.Б. Задачи оптимизации периодических систем. Прикладная Механика, N.11, T.45, p.16-49, 2009

23. Aliev F. A., Larin V.B, Parameterization of Feasible Solutions in Problems of Control and Signal Filtering (survey), Applied and Computational Mathematics An International Journal. V 6, N2, pp. 126-142. , 2007

24. Aliev F.A, Larin V.B. “Comments” on “Optimization Simultaneously Over the Numerator and Polynomials in the Youla- Kucera Parameterization”. ”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, April, V. 52, №4, pp.763, 2007

25. Aliev F.A., Larin V.B. Comments on “Persistens inputs and the standard H2 multivariable control problem“ by K.Park and J.J.Bongiorno Inter. Jour. of Control, Vol.83, No.6, p.2, 2010.

26. FA Aliev, NA Ismailov, EV Mamedova, NS Mukhtarova Computational algorithm for solving problem of optimal boundary-control with nonseparated boundary conditions Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 55 (5), 700-711

27. FA Aliev Comments on ‘Sweep algorithm for solving optimal control problem with multi-point boundary conditions’ by M Mutallimov, R Zulfuqarova, and L Amirova Advances in Difference Equations 2016 (1), 1-2

28. ФА Алиев, НА Исмаилов, ЕВ Мамедова, НС Мухтарова Вычислительный алгоритм решения задачи оптимального граничного управления с неразделенными краевыми условиями Известия РАН Теория и Системы Управления, No.5, 2016, с.22-33

29. FA Aliev Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic Planning, Management and Budgeting TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 (1), p.112-113

30. FA Aliev, NA Aliev, AP Guliev Time frequency method of solving one boundary value problem for a hyperbolic system and its application to the oil extraction Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии 12 (2),2016, p.101-112

31. FA Aliev, NA Ismailov, AA Namazov Asymptotic method for finding the coefficient of hydraulic resistance in lifting of fluid on tubing Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 23 (5), 2015, p.511-518

32. FA Aliev, NA Ismailov Optimization Problems with Periodic Boundary Conditions and Boundary Control for Gas-Lift Wells Journal of Mathematical Sciences 208 (5), 2015, p.467-476

33. FA Aliev, NA Ismailov, NS Mukhtarova Algorithm to determine the optimal solution of a boundary control problem Automation and Remote Control 76 (4), 627-633

34. LF Agamalieva, FA Aliev, NI Velieva Approximate factorization of matrix polynomials with applications to the synthesis problems BULLETIN MATHEMATIQUE DE LA SOCIETE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES DE ROUMANIE 58(4), 2015, p.371-382

35. ФА Алиев, НА Исмаилов, НС Мухтарова Алгоритм нахождения оптимального решения одной задачи с граничным управлением Автоматика и телемеханика, N4, 2015, p.97-104

36. ФА Алиев, Исмаилов, НА Задачи оптимизации с периодическим краевым условием и граничным управлением в газлифтных скважинах Нелинейные колебания 17 (2), 2014, p.151-160

37. FA Aliev, VB Larin On the algorithms for solving discrete periodic Riccati equation APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS 13 (1), 2014, p.46-54

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: Member of American Mathematical Society;

Member of International Computer Association;

Member of New York Academy of Sciences.

Computational Methods for Differential Equations Iran Islam Respublikasının Təbriz Universiteti Beynəlxalq elmi jurnalların redaksiya heyətinin üzvü

Nonlinear Oscillations Ukrayna MEA Riyaziyyat İnstitutu ingilis versiyası Springer Verlag nəşriyyatı Beynəlxalq elmi jurnalların redaksiya heyətinin üzvü

Pedagogical activities number of PhD 7

number of Doctor of 6

Other activities:  
Awarding and prizes 1. Ilin ən çox istinad olunan elmi jurnal nominasiyasında "Applied and Computational Mathematics", yeni Web of Science jurnalı nominasiyası üzrə isə "TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics" jurnalı mükafata layiq görülüb. Mükafat Jurnalın həm-baş redaktoru Akademik Fikrət Əliyevə təqdim edilib.

2. Director of the Institute academician Fikret Aliev was awarded an honorary diploma for his highest achivements in research in 2015.

3. The journal "Applied and Computational Mathematics" published at Baku State University, awarded the "Scopus Award". The award was presented to the Co-Chief Editor of the journal, academician Fikret Aliev.

Place of work and its address Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University, 23, Z. Khalilov, Baku, АZ1148, Azerbaijan Republic 
Position Director 
Office phone (+994 12) 5391595 
Mobil (+994 50) 3383109 
Home phone  