Place of Birth | Baku | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 7 February 1962 | |
Education | BSU | |
Scientific degree | Doctor in History | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
07.00.03 World History The Formation of the Ottoman Social-political Structure in the Eastern Provinces of Asia Minor in the First Part of 16th Century |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
07.00.03 World History Ethnopolitical Processes within Turkic Milieu of Asia Minor in 14th-15th Centuries |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
30.06.2014 History |
Election of active member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
02.05.2017 History |
Total number of scientific publications | 92 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 38 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | ||
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | ||
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
5 |
Main scientific achievements | - Study of political and socio-economic history of eastern provinces of Asia Minor in the period of Aqqoyunlu, Safavids and Ottomans, as well as of the legislative activities of the Aqqoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan related these region;
- Study of socio-political and ethnocultural processes in Asia Minor and Azerbaijan in 11 th -15 th centuries; - Research, translation and publication of the Ottoman sources (Tax registers) on the history of Azerbaijan; - Works on the historical and cultural heritage of Central Asian people |
Names of scientific works | 1. Восточная Анатолия: от Ак-Коюнлу к Османской империи. Москва, Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 1994.
2. Səlcuqilərdən Osmanlılara: XI-XV əsrlərdə Anadolunun türk mühitində etnosiyasi proseslər. Bakı, “Elm” nəşriyyatı, 2011 3. Tiflis əyalətinin müfəssəl dəftəri (Qazax və Borçalı. 1728-ci il). Bakı, “Pedaqogika” nəşriyyatı, 2001 4. Lori vilayətinin icmal dəftəri. Bakı, “Nurlan” nəşriyyatı, 2003 5. От сельджуков к османам: этнополитические процессы в тюркской среде Малой Азии в XI-XV веках. Москва, ИВ РАН – МИЦАИ, 2017 6. “Orta çağın payızında” türklərdə cəngavərlik idealı // Elmi Araşdırmalar (elmi-nəzəri məqalələr toplusu), VII buraxılış, 2004, ss.205-215 7. Between Nomadism and Centralization: The Ottoman Alternative in the History of the Aqqoyunlu State // Nomad Aristocrats in a World of Empires. Edited by J.Paul. Wiesbaden. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag. 2013, ss. 143-159 8. Некоторые теоретические вопросы современной азербайджанской историографии // AMEA akademik Z.M. Bünyadov adına Şərqşünaslıq İnstitutunun “Elmi araşdırmalar”ı, (X buraxılış), 2014, ss. 182-208 9. Образ османов в сефевидских исторических источниках (первая половина и середина XVI в.) // Средневековый Восток: проблемы историографии и источниковедения (Сборник статей памяти Героя Советского Союза, академика З.М.Буниятова). Баку, «Элм», 2015, ss. 192-231 10. İpek Yolu Sefaretnameleri: Bir Akkoyunlu El Yazmasında 1419-1421 Yıllarında Çin’e Gönderilen Bir Timurlu Büyükelçiliğinin Tarihi // Yükselen İpek Yolu. III Сilt. İpek Yolunda Kültür ve Sanat. Ankara: Türk Yurdu, 2016, ss. 67-87 11. M.A.Akhundov et la philosophie des Lumieres. Un pont spirituel d’un siècle a l’autre // Asie Centrale. Transferts culturels le long de la Route de la soue. Paris: Vendemiaire, 2016, ss. 513-536 12. Silk Trade from Ilkhanids to Aqqoyunlu // Acta Via Serica. Inaugural Issue, Winter 2016 (Keimyung University, Republic of Korea), ss. 119-136 13. Нахичеван в конце XVI в. (по данным османского пространного реестра вилайета Реван 1590 г.) // Transcaucasica. 2015-1016. Выпуск 3. Москва, ss. 44-61 |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | Corresponding member of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies under the auspices of UNESCO | |
Pedagogical activity | ||
Other activities | ||
Awarding and prizes | - UNESCO/Hirayama Silk Road Fellowship (1998)
- Fulbright Fellowship (2005) - Medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For the promotion of science in Kazakhstan" (2008) |
Place of work and its address | Acad. Z.M.Buniyatov Institute of Oriental Studies, ANAS, AZ1073, 31, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Position | head of department | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5387671 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 3279170 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4929601 | |
Fax | || |