Place of Birth | Nakhchivan, Shakhbuz | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 28.09.1949 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State Oil Academy | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Technical Sciences | |
Title | Akademik | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- speciality code - speciality name - topic name |
05.09.05; 05.14.02 Theoretical electrical engineering; Power station / electric part of the network, power systems and their control Modeling method for the CCM recovery voltage electrical systems |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- speciality code - speciality name - topic name |
05.09.05; 05.14.02 Theoretical electrical engineering; Power station / electric part of the network, power systems and their control Modeling skin effect and corona in the calculation of wave processes in electrical networks |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - speciality name |
Election of active member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
26.04.2007 Energetics |
Total number of scientific publications | 295 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | ||
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 50 | |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | 21 | |
Staff training: - number of PhD |
11 2 |
Main scientific achievements: | - Detecting and preventing ferrorezonansnyh processes in voltage transformers and capacitive voltage divider 110-500 kV switchgear;
- Identify mechanisms and develop the scientific foundations on of physical and chemical processes occurring on the surface and in the bulk dielectric materials under the influence of strong electric fields and discharges; - Research into the physics of gaseous, liquid and solid dielectrics |
Names of scientific works: | 1. «Журнал технической физики», вып.11, ноябрь 2007, том 77, стр.123-126// Компенсация объемного заряда ионов во времяпролетном масс-анализаторе
2. International Journal for knowledge,science and technology, October 2009, №1, vol.1, pp. 1-7 // Varistor effect in composites on the basis of non-polar polymer and chalcopyrite phase of CuInSe 2 compound 3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2009. ELECO 2009. International Conference on Volume, Issue, 5-8 Nov. 2009, pp.I-364 - I-367 // Transmission line transposition// 4. «Технiчна электродинамика», Киев, № 6, 2009, стр.17 – 22 // Исследование структуры наносекундного стримерного разряда методом электрографии// 5.Электронная обработка материалов, Молдова, № 1, 2010, с. 84 – 89 // Электрические свойства тонкопленочных композитных резисторов на основе халькопиритных соединений типа CuInSe2-MnSe и CuInSe2-FeSe// 6. 6-th International conference on “Technical and Physical Problems of Power Engineering TPE-2010, 14-16 September, Iran, Tabriz, pp.598-600 // Electric discharge treatment of one phase adsorbent for cleaning of the textile factories sewage// 7. Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy (ISSN: 1791-6119), PROMITHEAS- The EU-BSEC Energy and Climate Policy Network, Athens, Greece, July-December 2008, vol.1, No2, pp.15-26// Technological, socio-economic and ecological aspects of space weather impacts on the normal operation of oil and gas pipeline systems and reliability of electric power supply grids in Azerbaijan and South Energy Corridor region. 8. Sieci elektroenegetyczne w przemysle i energetyce, Wroclaw, Poland, 10-12.09.2008, p. 159-164// Method of protection from ferroresonance overvoltage by voltage transformer. 9. Sieci elektroenegetyczne w przemysle i energetyce, Wroclaw, Poland, 10-12.09.2008, p. 385-390// Calculation of transients during commutations of overvoltage protective devices. 10. Журнал техн. Физики 2009 т.79 в. 8 с 99-103// Зависимость зарядового состава ионов металлов от плотности лазерного излучения при лазерной масс-спектрометрии. 11. International Journal for knowledge,science and technology, October 2009, №1, vol.1, pp. 49-56 // Influence of concentration and the sizes of ferromagnetic granules on electrical and magnetic properties of FD-resistor sheath 12.Prosiding of the Tenth Baku International Congress “Energy, Ecology, Economy”, Baku, 23-25 september, 2009, p. 40-47// Studi of distributed generation (d.g.) effect on stability of electrical network. 13. «Энергетика», Минск, №1, 2011, с.30-39// Демпфирование электромеханических колебаний в многомашинной энергосистеме с разнотипными регуляторами возбуждения// 14. Журнал Физической Химии, 2012, том 86, №2, с.1-4 // Влияние размеров частиц монтмориллонит содержащей бентонитовой глины на его зарядовое состояние, приобретенное воздействием электрических разрядов 15. ЭОМ, 2012-2013 // Применение электрофизических процессов в решении экологических проблем системы электроэнергетики 16. «Энергетика» ИВУЗ и ЭО СНГ, Минск, март-апрель 2013, с. 20 - 30 // Гибридные системы распределенной генерации с возобновляемыми источниками: моделирование и анализ их режимов работы в энергосистеме// 17. Electronics and electrical engineering, vol.19, №3,2013,pp. 33-36, Kaunas // Methods of improving superconductive fault current limiting devices in power engineering// |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: | 1. Member of the editorial kollegiiii following scientific journals: "Electronic Materials Processing" Chisinau.
2. «Taba Elm» Tabriz, Iran 3. “İnternational Journal for knowledge seience and texnoloji” Bilbao, Spain 4. “Power Engineering Problems”, Elm, Baku 5. National Aerospace Agency «Xəbər», Baku |
Pedagogical activities | Azerbaijan State Technical University | |
Other activities: | ||
Awarding and prizes | Laureate of the State Prize of Azerbaijan | |
Place of work and its address | AZ1001, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Istiglaliyyat str., 30; Institute of Physics, 131, H.Javid ave., Baku, Azerbaijan, Az1143 | |
Position | Academician-secretary of ANAS; General director | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5393116 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 3181240 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4342028 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5393116 | | |