Place of Birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 04.03.1941 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State University (BSU) | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Chemical Sciences | |
Title | Academician | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- speciality code - speciality name - topic name |
02.00.04 (2307.01) Physical chemistry The research of conjugated dehydrogenation reaction of ethylbenzene to styrol |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- speciality code - speciality name - topic name |
02.00.13 (new 2314.01) Petrochemical and petrochemical Synthesis The research of kinetics and mechanism of conjugated dehydrogenation and hydrogenolysis reactions of the series practical significance hydrocarbons and their derivatives. |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - speciality name |
1989 Physical Chemistry |
Election of active member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
2001 Chemistry |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
151 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 16 patents and 33 certificates of authorship | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
24 2 |
Basic scientific achievements | Nagiev T.M. is an author of macrokinetic theory of coherent-synchronous reactions interaction. He has both defined a concept of chemical interference and proposed an equation of determinant considering the condition of coherence as well as phase shifts for the reactions synchronized in time and space. This theory has been definitely proved by experiment. In the basic of enzymes of monooxygenase, peroxidase and catalase reactions was established new biomimetic catalyst and of this direction for the research result in biotechnology new biomimetic sensors has been elaborated. Research of recent years is concerned to biomimetic catalysis, development of high-performance hydroxylation and epoxidation catalytic biomimics resistant to the action of oxidant and high temperatures, the property of hydrogen peroxide to induce various reactions. In the row of fundamental scientific achievements the important place belongs to new dependent elementary reactions with appropriate kinetic parameters proposed by him. Namely this circumstance has allowed him and his team to study new free-radical-induced reactions-oxidative fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, conjugated dehydrogenation of alkanes and alkenes, epoxidation, hydroxylation and oxidation of methane to methanol, formaldehyde hydrogen-containing gas. A certain contribution has been made to the study of chemical energy accumulation principles in the conjugated chemical and biochemical systems. In the meantime the scientific principles of creation of biomimetic sensors - new analytic systems are successfully elaborated under his guidance. Obtaining of nitrogen 1-oxide on the fixation mechanism of molecular nitrogen with hydrogen peroxide by the result of the quantum-chemical studies and existence of stable HOO–N=N–OOH intermediate was theoretically substantiated. Thus T.M. Nagiev’s the formerly results of the scientific researches were proved and this process was named "Nagiev Effect". The sphere of scientific interests: physical chemistry, chemistry of free-radical-induced reactions of oxidation, heterogeneous and biomimetic catalysis, kinetics and mechanism of coherent-synchronized reactions, applied biochemistry and biotechnology. | |
Names of scientific works |
1.M.F.Nagiev and T.M.Nagiev "The Conjugate Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons", Book: Advances in Chemistry-133, Editor Hugh M. Hulbert, 1974. pp. 137-147, USA. 2.Т.М.Нагиев "Химическое сопряжение". М: Наука, 1989, с. 216. Monoqrafiya 3.T.M.Нагиев. «Взаимодействие синхронных реакций в химии и биологии». Баку. Элм. 2001. 403 c. 3.Tofik M. Nagiev. Coherent Synchronized Oxidation reactions by Hydrogen Peroxide. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 2007, p.340. Monoqra-fiya 4.T.M.Nagiev. Chapter. "Physicochemical Pecu¬liarities of Iron Porphyrin-Containing Electrodes in Catalase and Peroxidase Type Biomime¬tic Sensor". Book "Biomimetic Based Applications", Preface IX, Chapter4, 2011, p.105-123 under the editorship of Anne George, Croatia. - 5.Tofiq M. Nağıyev “Sinxron reaksiyalara koherent baxış”. “Şərq-Qərb”. ASC-nin mətbəəsi. Bakı, 2018, 216 s. 6.N.I.Ali-zadeh,N.N.Malikova,T.M.Nagiev. Catalase biomimetic sensor on base of elec- trochemical electrodeTPhPFe(III)/Al2O3/Pb and TPhPFe(III)/Al2O3/Si. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (USA), №, 2015, p.67-70 7.T.M.Nağıyev. The Theory of Coherent Synchronized Reactions: Chemical Inter-ference Logics. // Materials Sciences and Applications, 2015, 6, 152-170. USA 8.Eldar Zeynalov and Tofik Nagiev. Enzymatic Catalysis of Hydrocarbons Oxidation “IN VITRO” (Review) Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2015, Volume 9, Number 2, pp.157-164. Ukraine. 9. S.Aghamammadova, I. Nagieva, L.Gasanova, T. Nagiev, Кinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Coherently Synchronized Oxidation and Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane by Hydrogen Peroxide. // Matec Web of Conferences ; 49,01002 (2016). p.1-5 10. U. V. Mammadova, I. T. Nagieva, L. M. Gasa¬nova, T. M. Nagiev “Macrokinetic cohe-rence of gas-phase ethylene monooxidation reaction by hydrogen peroxide.” International journal of engineering sciences & research technology. 2016. December et al., 5(12). pp. 185-193. 11. Nagieva I.T. Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Coherent-Synchronized Oxidation of Pyridine with Nitrous Oxide to 2,2- and 2,3-dipyridil. //Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (USA). 2016. №10. p.99-102. 12. Dr.Tofik M.Nagıyev. The Macroscopic Coherence in Synchronized Chemical and Biochemical Oxidations on Heterogeneons Biomimetic Catalysts-The Way to the Self-Organization. BITʼs 2nd Annual World Con¬gress of Smart Materials-2016, March 4-6, 2016, Singapure. “Smart Biomaterials ” simpoziumunda şifahi məruzə (Oral) 13. Nagiev T, Gasanova L, Nagieva I. Aghamammadova S. The mechanism of Oxidative conversion of cyclohexane on heterogeneous biomimetic catalyst. CHISA 2016, 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 27-31 August 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. P3.38 . Serial Number: 0881 14. Tofik Nagiev, Latifa Gasanova, Sariya Aghamammadova, Gulshan Nahmadova. Hydrogen peroxide dissociation on sustain-able biomimetik catalysts. //6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress. 11-15 September 2016. Seville.Spain. ( Oral )Abstract 723 15. Malikova N.N., Alizadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Semiconductor biomimetic electrode –TPhPFe(III)/Al2O3/Si, for catalase and peroxi-dase types. //22-n International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016. 19thConferens on Prosess Integration. Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES 2016. 27-31August. 2016. Prague. Chech. Republic. Serial Number: 0821. P.1.109. 16.Nagieva I.T. Ali-zadeh N.I.,Nagiev T.M. Gas-phase oxydation pyridine with nitrous oxide. //6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress. 11-15 September 2016. Seville. Spain. Topic-83. P 696. p.157. 17.Nagieva I.T. Ali-zadeh N.I.,Nagiev T.M. “Green” Oxidation of Pyridine by Nitrous Oxide (I). // 6th International IUPAC Confe¬rence On Green Chemistry 4-8 September, 2016, Venezia, Italy. p.292. 18.Malikova N.N., Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Research biomimetic sensor-TPhFe(III)/ Al2O3/Si. 3rd International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry &Materials, October 16-19,2016 Nice, France. 19. S.Aghamammadova, I. Nagieva, L.Gasanova, T. Nagiev. Кinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Coherently Synchronized Oxidation and Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane by Hydrogen Peroxide. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017. 20. Akademik Tofiq Nağıyev haqqında “A coherent look at synchronized reactions. “J.Research” Londonç Features 2017, İssue 108, pp. 46-49 21. С.А.Агамамедова, И.Т.Нагиева, Л.М.Га-са¬нова, Т.М.Нагиев. Kогерентно-синхронизированное биомиметическое монооксидирование циклогексана пероксидом водорода. // Журнал физической химии. 2018, том 92, №12, c.1935-1943 21.Eldar Zeynalov, Tofik Nagiyev, Jörg Friedrich, Matanat Magerramova Carbonaceous nanostructures in hydrocarbons and polymeric aerobic oxidation mediums. In the book: Fullerenes, Graphenes and Nanotubes: A Pharmaceutical Approach. Edited by Alexan-der Mihai Grumezescu, Elsevier –William Andrew Publishing House, 2018, chapter 16, pp. 631-681 2 22.Нагиев Т.М., Али-заде Н.И.,Гасанова Л.М., Нагиева И.Т., Мустафаева Ч.А., Мели¬кова Н.Н., Абдуллаева А.А., Бахрамов Э.С. Пилотная установка с секционной подачей жидких реагентов для процесса окислительной фиксации молекулярного азота. / Журнал ”Химические проблемы”. 2018. №2. с.271-274. 23. Меликова Н.Н., Али-заде Н.И., Нагиев Т.М. Исследование каталазной активности биомиметичкских сенсоров. /Химические Проблемы 2018, №3. c.271-274. 24. Nagiev T.M., Ali-zadeh N.I., Gasanova LM., Nagieva I.T., Mustafaeva Ch.A., Malikova N.N., Abdullaeva A.A., Bakhramov E.S. Nitrogen fixation at conjugated oxidation. /Аз. Хим. Журн. 2018. №2. pp.6-10. 25. TM Nagiev,New Approaches to Simulation of Enzymatic Reactions: Mimetic Catalysis.//Journal of Chemistry: Education Research and Practice. 25 July 2019. Volume 3. Issue 2. 1of 2. 26.Sariyya Aghamammadovva, Inara Nagieva, Latifa Gasanova & Tofik Nagiev, Catalytic monooxidation of cyclohexane by hydrogen peroxide in the gas phase// Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. Vol. 109, №2 (2019) 27.Nagiev T.M. The Theory of Conjugate Reactions in the Context of Modern İdeas. / Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science. 2020. 10. p.52-68. 28. Nagiev T.M. The Theory of Conjugate Reactions in the Context of Modern İdeas. / Scientific Research. OPEN ACCESS. 11.3.2020. p.1-12. 29.Нагиев Т.М. Сопряженные реакции в контексте современных идей. Баку. “CBS”. 2020. 208c. 30. Nahmatova G.Ch., Gasanova L.M., Nagiev T.M. Coherent-Synchronized Oxida-tion of Methane by Hydrogen Peroxide to Methanol on a Biomimetic catalyst. 9th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering, France, Paris, November 29-30, 2021. 31. Tofik.Nagiev. A Discussion on the Theory of Cojugate Reactions in the Context of Modern İdeas. // Current Perspectives Sciences. 2021. Vol.5. pp.39-75. 32.Tofik M.Nagiev. Conjugated reactions in chemistry and iologi in the context of modern ideas. Generis Publishing B. 2021. pp.171(Kitab) 33. Nagieva I.T. Ali-zadeh N.İ. Nagiev T. M. Coherent synchronized dehydrogenation of Piperidine by “Green Oxidants” H2O2 and N2O. American Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (AJEST), 2021. Vol.12. pp.60-66 34. Malikova N.N., Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Study of catalase activity of biomimetic sensors at different temperatures and amounts of smart material. / Azerbaijan Chemical Journal. 2021. №2. pp.50-53 35. Gulshan Nahmatova, Latifa Gasanova, Olga Vodyankina, Eldar Dakhnavi, Tofik Nagiev. Coherently synchronized reaction of methane oxidation by green oxidizing agent – hydrogen peroxide over the biomimetic catalyst-iron pentafluorotetraphenylporphyrin deposited on alumina. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2022, DOI:10. 1007/s11144-022-02300-z. 36. Nagieva I.T., Ali-zadeh N.I.,Nagiev T.M. Gas-phase Oxidation of Piperidine by “Green Oxidants” H2O2 and N2O. European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS), 2022. vol.10. No3. pp. 201-208. 37. Malikova N.N., Ali-zadeh N.I.,Nagiev T.M. TPhPFe3+/Al2O3//Al Biomimetic Sensor of Cata¬ase and Peroxidase Type. World Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2022. 7(2). pp.48-53. 38.Меликова Н.Н., Али-заде Н.Н., Нагиев Т.М. Сборник Статей LXI Международной Научно-практической Конференции "World Science: Problems and Innovations». 30 января, 2022. Пенза. с.12-15. 39. Nagieva I.T., Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Gas-Phase Oxidation of 2-Pikoline by “Green Oxidizers” H2O2 and N2O. Azerbaijan Chemical Journal 2023, №4. p.13-20 40.Malikova N.N., Nagiev T.M. Catalase and peroxidase biomimetic sensor based on Ag-electrode. Azerbaijan Chemical Journal 2023, №4. p. 40-47 41.Nagieva I.T., Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Coherent-Synchronized Oxidation of 2-Picoline “Green Oxidants” – Н2О2 and N2О. XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Development, education, culture: integration trends in the modern world», April 11-14, 2023, Oslo, Norway p.59-61 42. Malikova N.N., Ali-zadeh N.I., Nagiev T.M. Peroxidase biomimetic sensor based on Ag-electrode. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference Science and Practice: Implementation to Modern Society. 26-28 april 2023. Manchester, Great Britain. №152. p.348-350 43. Mammadova U.V., Gasanova L.M., Nagiev T.M. Study of Kinetics and Mechanism of Ethylene Oxidation Reaction to Ethyl Alcohol and Acetaldehyde by Hydrogen Peroxide on the Biomimetic per-FTPhPFe3+OH/Al2O3 Catalyst. // Journal of Chemical Problems. 2023. N 4, pp. 331-342. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: |
Member of Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan Republic; Member of the Editorial board of the journals “Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının məruzələri”, “Azerbaycan kimya jurnalı”, “Химические проблемы” and of the newspaper “Elm–Наука”; Member of the Editorial board of the international journal «Chemistry for sustainable development» of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Pedagogical activities | Baku State University, professor of the department of the physical and colloid chemistry | |
Other activities: | Vice-President of ANAS;
Department chief of Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry named after acad. M.F.Nagiev of ANAS Director of Scientific center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" |
Awards and prizes |
1970 - Jubilee medal "For Honorary Labour"; 1974 - Acquired diploma of Azerbaijan Central Committee; 1987 - Acquired diploma, given by Council of Ministers of SSRI, Azerbaijan Central Committee in honor of 70th jubilee of Great October Socialist Revolution; 1996 - Acquired diploma of Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet; 2004 - Order of “Şöhrət" (Order of "Glory") of Azerbaijan Republic; 2004 - Diploma in honor of 60th jubilee of ANAS; 2014 - Azerbaijan Republic State award on science; 2016 - Certificate of honor of ANAS; 2019 - Jubilee medal "100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918–2018)"; 2021 - Order of “Şərəf” (Order of "Honor") of Azerbaijan Republic; 2021 - Certificate of honor of ANAS. |
Main place of work and its address | Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 10, Istiglaliyet str., Baku-AZ1001, Azerbaijan Republic;
Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiev of ANAS, AZ 1143, 113 H.Javid Ave., Baku, Azerbaijan; Research Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia", Academy settlement, 113 H. Javid Ave., Baku AZ 1143 |
Position | Vice-President of ANAS;
Department chief of Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiev of ANAS Director of Scientific center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" |
Office phone | (+994 12) 4926647 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 2026062 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4924878 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5384767 | | |