Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Pashayev Arif Mir-Djalal oglu
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku
Date of Birth 15.02.1934
Education Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communication
Scientific degree Doctor of physical-mathematical sciences
Title Academician
Topic of PhD thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name



Devices and Testing Methods of Natural Environment, Substances, Materials and Products

Development of non-contact methods and instruments for measuring parameters of semiconductors at high and ultra-high frequencies
Topic of doctoral thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name


Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics

Physical basis, development principles and application perspectives of non-destructive methods in semiconductors

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 


Making Scientific Instruments
Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name


Total number of scientific publications:

-          Number of scientific publications printed abroad

Number of publications in international journals



Number of patents and certificates of authorship 80 
Staff training:     

-         number of PhD

-         number of Doctor of sciences 



Main scientific achievements Electromagnetic non-destructive methods for semiconductor research;

Acousto-optical methods of information processing;

Scientific bases of safety issues in civil aviation aircraft
Titles of scientific publications 1. Development of effective cooling schemes of gas turbine blades based on computer simulation // International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology. 2004. №1. P.1–6. ISSN 1307–4318. In co-autorship with C.Askerov, R.Sadi­qov and C.Ardil.

2. Евразийский патент №012224. Способ получения защитных покрытий на лопатках газовых турбин. 28.08.2009. Евразийская патентная организация, Евразийское патентное ведомство. Совместно с А.С.Самедовым, Т.Б.Усубалиевым, Т.Б.Рзаевым и Д.М.Гамбаровым.

3. Система диагностирования авиационного ГТД с применением методов Soft Computing. Научно-Технический Журнал Авиационно-космическая техника и технология. Харьков, изд-во “ХАИ”, 2009, №9/66, стр. 194-197. Совместно с М.Г.Шахтахтинским, П.Ш.Абдуллаевым и А.Д.Мирзоевым.

4. Patent: İ 2009 0050. Akustooptik panoram qəbuledici. 30.03.2009. A.R. Həsənovla birlikdə.

5. Nanostructured Van der Waals-like surface of GaSe. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics “Fizika” Vol. XVII, №1, Seksion: En march, 78-80, 2011. In co-autorship with B.G.Tagiyev and A.A.Safarzade.

6. Study of the Forbidden Gap Width of Strained Epitaxial Lead Selenide Layers. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 2, 142-150. In co-autorship with O.I.Davarashvili, Z.G.Akhvlediani, M.I.Enukashvili, L.P.Bychkova and M.A.Dzagania.

7. Epitaxial Lead Selenide Layers over a Wide Range of Their Thickness on Dielectric Substrates. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, B. 3 (2), p.97-103. In co-autorship with O.I.Davarashvili, Z.G.Akhvlediani, M.I.Enukashvili, R.G.Gulyaev and L.P.Bychkova.

8. İngiliscə-Azərbaycanca-Rusca Aviasiya Terminləri Lüğəti. 3 cilddə. Milli Aviasiya Akademiyasının Poliqrafiya Mərkəzi. 2014. N.A.Paşayeva, R.M.Cəfərzadə, G.A.Əliyeva və D.Ə.Nağıyeva ilə birlikdə.
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Active member of International Academy of Transport;

2. Active member of the International Academy of Engineering;

3.Active member of the International Ecoenergy Academy;

4. Active member of the International Academy of Sciences;

5. Active member of the International Academy of Informatization.
Educational activity 33 years: Azerbaijan Technical University and the National Aviation Academy
Other activities: President of the Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering;

Head of Space Problems Council;

President of Social Unity “Scientific defined Innovation Association”

Rewards 1. Azerb. SSR State Prize laureate – 1991;

2. "Shohrat” Order - 2004;

3. “Honorory worker of sciences”– 2005;

4. “Sharaf” Order – 2009;

5. “İstiglal” Order – 2014.

Place of work and its address National Aviation Academy, AZ1057, Azerbaijan, Baku, Mardakan Av, 30
Institute of Physics ANAS, Az1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, H. Javid Av, 131
Position Rector of the National Aviation Academy,
Chief of the acousto-optic laboratory, Institute of Physics ANAS
Office phone (+994 12) 4972829;

(+994 12) 5395808

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