Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Salmanov Mammad Ahad oglu
Place of Birth West Azerbaijan, village Karakishlag, Zengibasarskogo region of Yerevan 
Date of Birth 12.01.1932 
Education Azerbaijan Institute of Agriculture 
Scientific degree Doctor of Biology 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name



A comparative study of the role of microbes in the formation of water reservoirs Kuibyshev and Mingechaur

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name



Microbiological regime of the Caspian Sea, phytoplanktons primary production and destruction of organic substances

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- speciality name


Election of active member of


- date

- specialty name



Total number of printed

scientific publications:

- number of scientific

publications printed


- number of papers

published in journals

indexed and abstracted in

international databases





Certificates of authorship and number of patents 1
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors

Basic scientific achievements: Investigation of environmental microbiology, sanitary hydrobiology, trophics, saprobic indices of all water sources in Azerbaijan (rivers, lakes, springs, thermal - mineral springs, reservoirs).

Fundamental microbiology of Caspian Sea, biological productivity, the balance of organic substances, environmental monitoring.

Microbiological monitoring of Kur and Araz rivers in 5 states from source to mouth, environmental microbiology.

Names of scientific works: 1. Salmanov M.Ə. Xəzər dənizinin bioloji məhsuldarlığında mikroflora və fitoplanktonun rolu. Moskva, “Nauka”, 1987.

2. Salmanov M.Ə., Mansurov A.E., Kür çayı hövzəsinin və sututarlarının ekoloji vəziyyəti. Bakı, 1996

3. Salmanov M.Ə. Xəzər dənizinin ekologiyası və bioloji məhsuldarlığı. Bakı, 1999.

4. Salmanov M.Ə. Qızılağac körfəzi – Dövlət Təbiət qoruğu: ekologiyası, bioloji məhsuldarlığı (dünəni, bu günü və sabahı). Bakı, 2011.

5. Salmanov M.Ə., Özərən Ə. Türkiyə Cümhuriyyəti sınırları içində Kura ve Araz nehrlerinin ekoloji mikrobiologiyası. İstanbul, 2011.

6. Salmanov M.Ə. Mikroorqanizmlərin iştirakı ilə deqradasiya və transformasiya. Bakı, “Elm”, 2013.

7. Salmanov M.Ə., İsmayılov N.M. Praktiki aqrobioekologiya. Bakı, 2013.

8. Биодеструкция нефтяных загрязнений на территории морских месторождений // Гидробиология 2014

9. Микробиологическая характеристика Ашыгбайрамлинского водохранилища, Труды БГТУ, Минск 2015

10. Влияние разрушение берегов и общего загрязнения на изменение прозрачности воды и сокращения биомассы бентосного сообщества в западной части Южного Каспия., Журн. Юг. России – Экология, развития. Тем. 10, № 2, 2015

11. Pollution of the middle part of Kura by petro-phenols and their biodegradation by microbits // Sylwan 2016 (ICI indexed)

12. Microbiological specification of the Araz // Sylwan 2016 (ICI indexed)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1. Scientific Society of Microbiology, Hydrobiology Azerbaijan

2. Azerbaijan National Committee of High Technology and bioethics;

3. National Committee "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB UNESCO)

Pedagogical activities Baku State University

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Azerbaijan Medical University

Lenkoran State University

Other activities: Chairman of Azerbaijan Society for Microbiology;

Chairman of the Board of protection;

Member of editorial board of "News" Biology of ANAS;

Member of the editorial board of "Man and Biosphere"

Editor in chief of journal “Azerbaijani standards”

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan

Expert "Science Foundation"

Awarding and prizes Order of "Glory"
Main place of work and its address Institute of Microbiology of ANAS, AZ1004, Baku, Mikayil Mushfiq 103
Office phone (+994 12) 5024621;
(+994 12) 5024359
Mobil (+994 50) 6286050
Home phone (+994 12) 5974510
Fax (+994 12) 5024470