Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Samadzadeh Ziyad Aliabbas oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Buzovna village  
Date of Birth 25.06.1940 
Education Azerbaijan State University
Scientific degree Doctor of economic sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name




Productivity and its improvement ways

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- speciality code

- speciality name

- topic name



Productivity growth problems and improvement of the structure of employment (in the example of Azerbaijan SSR)
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- speciality name


Election of active member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name


Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases
Over 500


nearly 100

over 50

Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors



Main scientific achievements: Formation of the complete scientific concept in the economy of Azerbaijan in the 70s of the last century about the dynamics and level of labor productivity, systematic analysis of the interaction of its main factors with the structural changes in the economy, the priority directions of the structures of economy is directly connected with the activity of academician Ziyad Samadzade.

In 1974 the scientist was awarded the Lenin komsomol prize laureate for a series of scientific works dedicated to the mentioned problems in the field of science and technology.

Impressive monographs by Ziyad Samadzade about the speed and proportions of economic development and national income, the sectors, territorial structure and urbanization of labor resources and the study of effectiveness problems are considered to be worthy contribution to the science of economics.

His deep research on the mentioned directions was appreciated by the influential scientists, scientific circles of the former Soviet Union as an original research work.

The targeted programs such as “Demographic development and utilization of labor resources”, “Social-economic development of the mountainous regions”, “Material capacity”, “Energy capacity” prepared in the 80s of the last century under the scientific leadership of Ziyad Samadzade and his direct involvement have been excelled with its concreteness and target orientation, goal reaching mechanisms for every city and district and field.

The study of the pressing issues of socio-economic development of the regions of the republic, including Baku, which is also important for today, occupies an important place in the multifaceted scientific research of the scientist. In the 80s of the last century on the basis of these studies a work in the volume of 45 printing pages dedicated to the socialist socio-economic development of Baku was published and concrete recommendations were prepared and submitted to the supreme governing bodies.

Academician Ziyad Samadzade conducted studies and research proving that the condemnations of the armenian nationalists in the half of 80s of the century talking about the “alleged social-economic backwardness of Garabahg” were groundless and published a book titled “Nagorno-Karabakh: Undisclosed truths” (the same book in Azerbaijani and Russian) which caused a great resonance in the scientific circles.

In the second half of the 80s, Z.Samadzade was the first scientist on economics studied the issues of economic independence of Azerbaijan which was part of the USSR.

The scientist made very difficult scientific calculation on the basis of numerous disputed materials concerning the USSR and the other allied republics and revealed very serious shortcomings peculiar to the centralized soviet administrative system and proved that Azerbaijan’s economic-technical and labor potential makes it possible for Azerbaijan to exist as an economically independent republic. In 1989 under the leadership of the Academician there was held an important scientific conference on the draft law on the Economic independence of Azerbaijan dedicated to the issues of economic independence of Azerbaijan, appropriate recommendations were drafted and sometime later were adopted.

Numerous discussions, seminars, “round table” meetings, organized by the headquarters that was established by Academician Ziyad Samadzade and his articles, talks over the radio and TV, certainly are the very important stages of his activity as scientist.

Solely with the scientific editing contribution of the academician a book of 3 volumes with 2500 pages titled “Azerbaijan on the threshold of the XXI century” was published. The scientific contributions enshrined in the 3 volumes in essence have been assessed as priority directions in the development of the science in Azerbaijan in the resolution of the complicated problems of the XXI century.

In his voluminous monograph titled “Stages of the Great Road” (in Russian in 2004) the path that the economy of Azerbaijan passed in 1995-2000 has been systematically analyzed, the changes taking place in the structure of the economy of the country have been studied and generalized substantially and in depth, ideas concerning the future priorities have been developed.

According to N.Baybakov, the former chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee and the academician L.Abalkin, this work can be characterized as a real encyclopedic work about the economic development of Azerbaijan in the second half of the XXI century.

The studies and researches concerning the economic security of the State conducted by Ziyad Samadzade during the first years of the independence, his articles, scientific ideas and reports in essence were the basis of this new direction in the economic science.

Academician Ziyad Samadzade is considered to be the first scientist who studied the Chinese economic phenomenon in Azerbaijan. The works by Ziyad Samadzade such as “The world economy: Chinese economic miracle (the year of 2001), “China in the global world economy” (the year of 2009), “China in the global world economy” (the year of 2010 – in Russian) were written from the necessities of comprehensively benefitting from the international experiences to ensure and strengthen the sustainable development of the economy of Azerbaijan becoming a secular state by passing the transition period on more contemporary bases.

Over 40 years the scientist has been speaking at various international symposiums and congresses. By this he has been demonstrating his broad scientific range and thus stating openly his ideas and views on the science of modern Azerbaijani economy. Focusing on the protection of the national interests his weighty reports on the opportunities and ways of integrating Azerbaijan with the world economy have been attracting the attention.

Z.Samadzade is the tireless agitator of new ideas, methods and thoughts on contemporary economy. These ideas were continuously expounded on the pages of the journal titled “Azerbaijan’s public economy” of which the academician was editor-in-chief in 1981-1992. From 1999 the academician established newspaper titled “Economy” and started its publication. Academician Z.Samadzade succeeded in involving all the scientists on economics, political sciences and other specialists throughout the country and thus creating a real creative staff.

The seven volumes for the first time give detailed information about all aspects of forming the free market system in our country, the changes that occurred within 200 years, in particular during the period of independence in the economy of Azerbaijan have been analyzed, and main targets of the development strategy have been disclosed. “Great Economic Encyclopedia” gives in-depth review of the stages that the economic science of mankind has passed through, tries to evaluate the already formed economic views in the world economic science from the point of contemporary world and national interests. In order to acquire the essence of economic processes and the meaning of economic terms, there have been used more than 1500 charts, tables, graphics and pictures.

It is one of the unique events in the world to publish economic encyclopedias. The “Great Economic Encyclopedia” in 7 volumes presented to readers is the first multi volume book in Europe and CIS area for its scope of coverage area, structure, level of references to available sources.

Names of scientific works: 1. Baku oil: the key to the victory – Glorious past, bright future (1945-2015)”, 2016, 445 pages;

2. «Oil of Baku: key to the victory – Glorious past, bright future»), year of 2015, 440 pages.

3. With the authorship and senior editorship of Ziyad Samadzade, Union of writers of Azerbaijan, “Great Economic Encyclopedia in 7 volumes”, Baku 2012; 2015;

4. “China in the global world economy”, Baku, 2010, 631 pages;

5. Leader and editor of the project “Winners. Azerbaijan in the years of the Great Patriotic War” devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War (2010), 122 pages;

6. Azerbaijan-Belarus. Strategic partnership: Special edition of the newspaper “Economy” /editor Z.Samadzade.- Baku, 2010, 96 pages;

7. “China in the global world economy”, Baku, 2009, 607 pages;

8. “Special economic zones: formation and development perspectives” materials of the scientific practical workshop, scientific editor and co-authors, Baku, 2007.

9. Materials of the conference held in the country at the national level on the topic of “Transport of Azerbaijan in the XXI century is the most important integral part of the economic development strategy”, scientific editor and co-authors - Baku, 2006, 104 pages.

10. New quality stage in the social-economic development of Azerbaijan: Outcomes, perspectives, forecasts // scientific editor and co-authors, Azerbaijan, 2006.

11. Victory would have been impossible without the Baku oil /Editor-in-chief and head of the project Z.Samadzade- Baku, 2005.- 103 pages.

12. “Stages of the great road” (“Stages of the great road” – “The economy of Azerbaijan within half a century: reality and perspectives”), (58,5 pages), (the year of 2004);

13. Materials of the First Azerbaijani-Russian economic forum “Azerbaijan-Russia trade-economic relations: tendencies and perspectives of their development”, editor and co-authors. Baku: Nurlan, 2004.

14. Khachmaz. The ten years that changed Azerbaijan. Balanced development of the regions 224 pages.- 2014;

15. Khachmaz. Dynamic, balanced, qualified development, 2003-2013. - 224 pages. (2013);

16. Materials of the international conference titled “Caucasus and Central Asia in the process of globalization”, scientific editor and co-authors, Baku 2003, 322 pages;

17. Materials of the international scientific-theoretic conference titled “Transition from the planned economy to market economy and models of economic development”, scientific editor - Baku: Ganjlik, 2003.- 344 pages

18. Lives devoted to the economic progress, Baku, Ganjlik, 2002, 395 pages.

19. The world economy: Chinese economic miracle”, Baku, 2001, 317 pages.

20. Azerbaijan on the threshold of the XXI century /Author of the idea and Editor-in-Chief Z.Samadzade. Baku, 1998;

21. Azerbaijan on the threshold of the XXI century /Z.Samadzade.- Baku, 1997. – I Volume.- 856 pages;

22. “Scientific cadres of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Data bank”, Baku, 1997, 140 pages;

23. Nagorno-Karabakh: Undisclosed truth /Z.Samadzade.- Baku, 1995.- 83 pages.

24. Nagorno-Karabakh: Undisclosed truth: On some aspects of the social-economic and demographic development of the Region /Z.Samadzade, Baku, 1995.- 57 pages;

25. Economic independence of Azerbaijan SSR, its concept of transition to economic self-supporting and self-financing.- Baku, 1989, 75 pages.

26. Social-economic development of Azerbaijan in the tenth five-year /Together with A.Musayev - Baku, 1981.- 239 pages.

27. Social-economic development of Baku, (in Russian) scientific editor and co-author, Baku 1981, 580 pages.

28. Structure and efficiency of the public production, Baku, Science, the year of 1980;

29. Regional problems and labor resources of the USSR population (in Russian), Moscow, 1978, 287 pages;

30. The plan of development and layout of productive forces of Azerbaijan SSR in 1976-1990, Azerbaijan State Planning Committee, I, II volumes, scientific editor and co-authors, Baku 1978. 560 pages.

31. Social-economic development concept of Azerbaijan (1976-1990), together with F.Farajov, for official use, Baku, 1977, 30 pages.

32. “Main directions of layout of the productive forces of the Transcaucasia economic region (On some aspects of the perspective social-economic development of Azerbaijan SSR)”, Tbilisi, 1974, 262 pages;

33.“Labor productivity in Azerbaijan SSR and sectoral structure of the employment”, Baku, 1973, 204 pages.

34. The pressing regional problems of labor productivity and public economy proportions of the economic development: [For official use], Moscow, 1973.- 96 pages.

35. Scientific-technical progress and efficiency of the public production / co-authors, Baku, 1972.- 72 pages.

36. Productivity of labor in state farms: (materials of Azerbaijan SSR) /Z.Samadzade // Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Institute of Economy.- Baku: Publishing House Azerbaijan, Academy of Sciences of the SSR, 1966.- 124 pages.

37. Productivity of labor and ways of its improvement in state farms Abstract. Dissertation. Candidacy of Economic Sciences /Z.Samadzade //Institute of Economy, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Economy, Academy of Science, M. 1965.- 16 pages.

38. Labor productivity in the cotton-growing in Azerbaijan SSR, co-authors, Baku, 1963. 245 pages.

39. Labor productivity in the socialist agriculture and its improvement ways, Baku, 1962. 45 pages. 

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1. Elected full member of the International Management Academy (in the year of 2003);

2. Elected as Academician of the Azerbaijani chapter of the European International Academy (in the year of 2011)

Pedagogical activities Professor of Baku State University 
Other activities: In his capacity as head of the delegation from the Republic of Azerbaijan made an introduction at an international conference held in Brussels concerning TRACECA program, on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan signed the Brussels Declaration on the restoration of the Great Silk Road. (May 5-7, 1993),

Vice-President of the Union of International Economists (2006),

President of the Union of the Economists of Azerbaijan (1991),

Founder of the newspaper “Economics” (1999).

Awarding and prizes 1. Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol prize of Azerbaijan in the field of Science and technology (1974);

2. “Order of Red Banner of Labor” (1986);

3. With the order of the President of Belarus was awarded Medal of Fransisk Skorina for his important contributions to strengthen friendship relations between Belarus and Azerbaijan;

4. Golden Pen Award of the Union of International Economists (2010);

5. Silver Medal of the Union of International Economists (2015);

6. Honorary Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (2000, 2010, 2015);

7. Honorary Diploma of the SOCAR (2013);

8. Award of Humay (2013);

9. “Order of Glory (Shohrat)” (2010)

10. Order of “Honor (Sharaf)” order (2015)

Place of work and its address Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Position Chairman of the committee on economic policy, industry and entrepreneurship 
Office phone (+994 12) 4372021
Mobil (+994 50) 2119423;
(+994 50) 2889423
Home phone (+994 12) 4922297 