Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Archeology and Anthropology

Safarov Rafiq Firuz oglu
Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Baku sity

Date of birth 05.12.1959 
Education Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Faculty of History
Scientific degree PhD 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Ethnography, ethnology

Change of the Ethnic Composition of the Irevan Province’s Population in the 19th – beginning of the 20th Centuries (ethnodemographic and ethnogeographical study)

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship 1

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements

For the first time in a historiography he researched problems of ethnology, ethnic demography, historical geography, ethnic statistics, Chukhursaad's ethnopolitical history (Irevan province), and also dynamics of number and ethnic composition of the population in the 19th – 20th centuries and interethnic interaction in ethnic processes of Azerbaijan in consequence of first he proved Chukhursaad's belonging to Azerbaijan since the most ancient times.

First he used experience of complex researching of the following questions on these problems:

1) place and meaning of Chukhursaad in the historical geography of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani ethno genesis; administrative-territorial composition of provinces and period of their situated as a part of Chukhursaad vilayet / Irevan province; the main milestones of the Azerbaijani ethno genesis and the ethnic territory of Azerbaijanis in the Middle Ages; etnonimiya of Azerbaijanis in a historical retrospective;

2) history and organization of the accounting of the population, principles and methods of carrying out censuses; reliability, the reasons of underestimation and error degree in the accounting of the population, category of inhabitants; characteristic of ethnic statistics and ethnological classification of the people of the Caucasus;

3) policy of Russia on change of demographic balance between Muslims and Christians in the region; dynamics of number and ethnic composition of the population of Chukhursaad, including Irevan, Nakhchivan and especially Pambak-Shuragel provinces in the 16 th 18 th centuries, 1801-1922; the number and the direction of migrations in the Irevan province in 1801-1831; the characteristic of placement of the population on each province of the vilayet;

4) dynamics of number and ethnic composition of the population in the territory of present Armenia in 1826-1991, including the number of Azerbaijanis on the eve of deportation 1948-1953 and 1988; the characteristic of inhabitation of ethnoses on populated areas of Armenia in the 19th century; policy of Armenia on extermination of the Muslim population in 1918-1920; Armenian aggressive policy as factor of formation of Nakhchivan ASSR;

5) influence of the Euroasian nomads on ethnopolitical history of South Caucasus in the early Middle Ages; the number of migratory flows of Muslims of the Crimea and the Caucasus to Turkey and Iran and also the Christians, including Armenians, to their places; ethnoterritorial changes in the Caucasus in the 19th – 20th centuries; the number of human losses among Muslims of the Irevan province, Kars area and as a whole on South Caucasus in 1918-1920; dependence of ethnopolitical position of Azerbaijanis and Kurds of Armenia and as a whole the Soviet Muslims from character of the Soviet-Turkish relations;

6) ethnological and ethnodemographic aspects of interethnic interaction of the small peoples and ethnic minorities in ethnic processes of the Azerbaijan; dynamics number’s iranian- and Caucasian lingual ethnogroups of the Azerbaijan;

7) southwest border and  territory of the Syunik; reconstruction of ethnic history and demography of the Karabakh vilayet; historical geography and demography of the Zangezur; ethnolinguistic characteristic of the North Azerbaijani Christians.

8) In 2005 found and researched archival documents about the Baku period of life of Lev Nussimbaum – Mohammed Essad bey – Kurban Said finally helped to solve the identity of the writer and authorship of the novel "Ali and Nino".
Names of scientific works
  1. Change of the Ethnic Composition of the Irevan Province’s Population in the 19th-20th Centuries (ethnodemographic and ethnogeographical study). Baku: Sada, 2009. 254 s.
  2. Areal of inhabitation of Azerbaijanis / Azerbaijanis: A historical ethnographic essay. Baku: Elm, 1998. S. 45-53.
  3. Areal of settlement of the people of Azerbaijan between the 19th and 20th centuries / Azeris. A historical ethnographic essay. Baku: Chashioglu and ANS PRESS, 2005. P. 46-53.
  4. 1801-1916 dynamics of ethnic composition of the population at Irevan province / “Azerbaijan”: Political and historical collection of Institute of history. Baku, 1989.
  5. Dynamics of number of Kurds of Azerbaijan (according to censuses of 1873-1989) / Reports of the scientific conference devoted to problems of Azerbaijan’s history. On June 12, 1991. Baku, 1992. S. 78-82.
  6. From Nakhchivan's ethnic history of the 19th beginning of the 20th centuries // Scientific works of Nakhchivan University (A humanitarian series). 1999. № 5. P. 36-38.
  7. Migrations from the Crimea and the Caucasus in Ottoman Empire / The Ottoman. Vol. 4. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Publication, 1999. P. 687-696 (in Turkish).
  8. About history of emergence of the Dagestan and Shirvan communities of Mountain Jews / Materials of the international scientific symposium "Mountain Jews of the Caucasus". On April 24-26, 2001. P. 75-85.
  9. Western Azerbaijan: Ethno-Political Changes and the Establishment of Armenia (1801-1921) / The Turks. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Publication, 2002. Vol. 6. P. 115-122.
  10. About the reasons of underestimation of the population and error degree in demographic statistics of Azerbaijan of the 19th century / The International scientific conference "Archeology (IV) and Ethnology (III) of Caucasus". Collection of summaries of reports. Tbilisi: Nekeri, 2002. P. 280-282.
  11. Self-names of Azerbaijanis in a historical retrospective / Actual problems of the East: history and present. Materials of scientific and practical conference (2002). Baku: Nurlan, 2003. P. 66-68.
  12. Kura-Aras interfluves on historical breaks / Karabakh yesterday, today and tomorrow. Collection of materials of the 7th scientific and practical conference. Baku: Qanun, 2008. P. 200-213.
  13. About influence of the Euroasian nomads on ethnopolitical history of South Caucasus in the early Middle Ages / Actual problems of history of the Caucasus. Materials of the international conference (on April 14-15, 2010). Makhachkala: DSU Publishing House, 2010. P. 131-134.
  14. About meaning of population censuses of medieval Azerbaijan // Scientific researches: release of the special collection of scientific-theoretical articles. Baku, 2011. P. 253-257.
  15. History of a solution of mystification of Lev Nusenbaum and its meaning / Azerbaijan in the world literature. Materials of the International scientific symposium on May 27-29, 2011. Baku: KhazarUniversity Publishing House, 2012. P. 402-416.
  16. New data on borders of Syunik / Works of the International conference "Place and Role of the Caucasian Albania in the history of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus" (on December 1-3, 2011). Baku, 2012. P. 346-353.
  17. Ethnoterritorial changes in the Caucasus in the 19th – 20th centuries // Caucasus & globalization. 2012. Vol. 6. № 4. P. 130-141.
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity He give a lectures and seminars on disciplines History of Azerbaijan in 1994-1995 at the Azerbaijan State University of Engineering and Construction, in 2005-2006 and 2013-2014 at the Azerbaijan Academy of Labour and Social Relations and in 2011-2012 in Department of Archeology and History of the Khazar University, on disciplines Ethnography, Anthropology, Archeology, History of the Turkic people and History of the Slavic countries in 2006-2008 in Department of History of the Azerbaijan International University. 
Other activities The participant of the international and local scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, sessions and round tables in Turkey, Russia, Turkmenistan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

The participant of ethnographic expeditions in Azerbaijan, including the international ethnographic expeditions organized in 2000-2001 by Institute of social anthropology of Society of scientific researches of a name of Max Planck of Germany.

In 2008-2010 the expert-consultant on ethnography in the State historical and architectural reserve "Icherisheher".

The participant TV and broadcasts on ethnography, history, demography and the interethnic relations.
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address Institute of Archaeology and Etnography of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku. H. Javid pr. 115
Position Leading Scientific Researcher
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 55) 7678835 
Home phone (+994 12) 4936231 