Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Architecture and Art

Shirzadova Turankhanym Hidayat

Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city


Date of birth



Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts

Scientific degree

Doctor of Philosophy in Art study



Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




Culturology and its general issue


The role of mugham traditions in the formation of aesthetic principles of artistic culture of Azerbaijan

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases







Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD



Basic scientific achievements


Names of scientific works

1.The role of mugham traditions in the formation of aesthetic principles of artistic culture of Azerbaijan (candidates dissertation work)

2.The problem of sound in the context of Azerbaijani culture // Problems of research of the national music of Azerbaijan. Collection of scientific articles. BMA: Adiloqlu, 2001, IVissue, p.p.189-191. 3.Some issues of Azerbaijan decorative-applied art (methodological aspect) // Ecology. Philosophy. Culture. Collection of scientific articles. ANAS: Adiloqlu, 2003, 35 issue, p.p.293-296.

4.From the point of view of mugham color thinking // Scientific research. (Special issue of philological issues). Baku: Nurlan, 2003, IX collection p.p 172-176.

5.Mugham manifestation in Azerbaijani culture // Problems of research of the national music of Azerbaijan. Collection of scientific articles. BMA: Adiloqlu, 2004, V issue, p.p.59-63.

6.“Zahir-batin” and some issues Azerbaijan decorative-applied art // Qobustan art collection Sprinq-2005, 1/129, p.p.48-49.

7.Sound perception of miniatures // Qobustan art collection Summer-2006, 2/134, p.p.87-91.

8.Creative work from processuality point of view // Scientific axis. Quarterly social education journal subject to international peer review. Ankara-Turkey. BRC Basım, Autumn-2010, № 2, p.p.202-207.

9.Manifestation of “the principle of mugham thought” in art culture // Historioqraphy and source studies of the Middle East. Materials of the international scientific symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Ziya Musa oqlu Bunyadov, full member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, hero of the Soviet Union (Baku, 7-8 may 2012). Baku: Elm, 2012, p.p.405-408.

10.Manifestations of the mugham way of thinking in the miniature art of the modern period // Qobustan art collection Autumn-2012, 3/156, p.p.61-64.

11.Manifestation of “the principle of mugham coqnition” in the art of carpet weving // Issues of fine and decorative-applied arts. State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Folk Applied Arts named after L.Karimov. Taknur, 2012, № 2 (10), p.p.70-76.

12.Manifestation of universal meaninqs in modern carpets // İqor Burqanov. Modern carpet. Materials of the international scientific conference. State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpets and Folk Applied Arts named after L.Karimov. “House of Burqanovs” Moscow State Museum. Baku-Moscow, 2013, p.p.56-76. (In Russian and Azerbaijani languages)

13.Mugham concept in miniature art // Azerbaijani musicology: problems and perspectives. Baku: Taknur, 2015, p.p.305-315.

14.Fine arts of the XX century: avant-qarde and harmonious sound of tradition // Search. International scientific journal-supplement of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2015, №2 (2), p.p.25-30. (in Russian)

15.Processual – as a basis of Tengrid religion // The epic heritage and Tenqriism of the Eurasian Peoples: roots and modernity. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference (20-24 september 2015, Kamcia, Bulqaria) Sofia, 2015, p.p.212-217. (in Russian)

16.Mugham and fine art as an acoustic and visual manifestation of mythological thinking // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 2 (14), Baku, 2017, p.p.159-166.

17.Syncretic thinking as the embodiment of the original integrity // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 2 (14), Baku, 2017, p.p.171-178.

18.Mugham as conceptual basis of the Azerbaijan artistic culture // Proceedings of scientific Symposium (7-9 March, 2018) on the subject of “Mugham science in Azerbaijan: realities and perspectives” held in the framework of the V International Mugham festival named “The world of Mugham”. Baku-2018, p.p.130-135.

 19.Mugham performance tradition: returning to the path leading to truth // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 2 (16), Baku, 2018, p.p.114-120.

 20.Mugham culture as the conceptual basis of scientific knowledge // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 2 (16), Baku, 2019, p.p.157-166.

 21.On the essence of the phenomenon of sound in the tradition of mugham performing // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 2 (16), Baku, 2019, p.p.199-208.

22.Mugham and geometry as a carrier of conceptual knowledge // The history of architecture, town-planning and the reconstruction of monuments. Vol. № 3 (17), Baku, 2020, p.p.209-215.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations


Pedagogical activity


Other activities


Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art AZ-1073, Baku city, pr., H.Cavid 115


Researcher of the Department of “Mugham”

Office phone



(+994 50) 5373941

Home phone



