Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Mehdiyeva Lala Veysal gizi
Place of birth Baku city  
Date of birth 03.07.1980 
Education High  
Scientific degree Ph.D.  
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Criminal Law and Criminology; penal- enforcement law.

“Criminological problems of combating juvenile delinquency”. 

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works
  1. “The social and criminological measures against the violent crime in the environment of teenagers”. “Outlines of political science and law”. Collection for aspirants and doctorates. NAS of Azerbaijan,  İHİ, Baku, 2007
  2. Understanding the causes of crime. Law and Politology. Periodical scientific journal, Tbilisi, June, 2008, № 2 (3)
  3. The violent manners of teenagers, as a first condition of criminological violent. Dirchalish XXI century, 122-128/2008
  4. About some reasons of problems of group criminality of teenagers. «Qanun», №5(169) elmi hüquq jurnalı, Baku, 2008
  5. The role national and religious traditions in preventing juvenile crimes. «Qanun», №11(175) elmi hüquq jurnalı, Bakı 2008
  6. Problems of prevention of juvenile delinquency. «Qanun», № 12 (176) elmi hüquq jurnalı, Bakı, 2008
  7. Prevention problem of criminal violent of teenager. «Qanun», № 02 (178) elmi hüquq jurnalı, Bakı 2009
  8. Classification of crime groups of teenagers. (по материалам Азербайджанской Республики). Журнал, «Современное право», № 12, Москва 2014
  9. The problem of delinquency of teenagers. Улу Юндяр Щейдяр Ялийевин ад эцнцня вя Азярбайъан Республикасынын дювлятчилийинин бярпасынын 20 иллийиня щяср олунмуш «Щцгуг елминин вя тящсилинин мцасир проблемляри вя щялли йолары» адлы бейнялхалг конфрансын материаллары. ЫЫ щисся, Бакы, 2011.
  10. Warning and prevention of negative problems of teenagers’ delinquency. Материалы между­народной научно-практической кон­ференции «Актуальные проблемы юридической науки», Махачкала, 2011.
  11. 11.   The national and historical traditions of against of criminality of teenagers. Dirçəliş XXI əsr, 162-163/2011
  12. 12.  The problems of legal prevention with the crime of teenagers. Odlar Yurdu Universitetinin Elmi və pedaqoji xəbərəlri, humanitar elmlər seriyası, № 32, Bakı 2011
  13. 13.  The typology of teenagers. “Nəqliyyat hüququ”, elmi-nəzəri təcrübi jurnal, Azərbaycan, Bakı, 2011, №4
  14. 14.  The dynamics and structure of criminology of teenagers in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Elmi əsərlər. Beynəlxalq elmi-nəzəri jurnal AMEA, Fəlsəfə, Sosiologiya və Hüquq İnstitutu, № 2(17), Bakı 2011
  15. 15.  The responsibility of teenagers for the crime legislative of Azerbaijan. Материалы международной научно-практи­ческой конференции и Актуальные проблемы мировой и региональной экономики и юриспруденции на современном этапе, Махачкала, 2012
  16.  The maintenance and conception of juvenile justice.  Актуальные проблемы мировой и региональной экономики и юриспруденции на современном этапе, Москва, 2013
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity Since 2012 at the Institute of Tourism 
Other activities  
Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address NAS of Azerbaijan, The Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, H.Javid  31. 
Position Scientific worker 
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 50) 286 57 57 
Home phone

(+994 12)  493 76 66

(+994 12)  538 65 28 