Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Oriental Studies

Babashli Mammadali Allahverdi oglu
Place of birth The village of Fakhrali in Bolnisi district, Georgia Republic
Date of birth 6 August 1959 
Education Arabian  philology  department of Oriental studies faculty in Azerbaijan State University (present BSU)
Scientific degree Doctor of  theology
Title Senior researcher at the Department of East-West 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Religion History and theory (Islamic  studies)

Yusuf Ardabili and his   work  “al-anwar li amalil abrar” in the history of  Shafii sect

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements The study of  East-West cooperation in solving the problems of globalization: the necessity and perspectives  
Names of scientific works

I. National Conferences:

1. Moral  norms of  arabs  before  and  after  Islam// Actual  problems  of  oriental  studies  of Baku State University, Republican  scientific  materials conference dedicated to  the  anniversary of  prof. Vasim Mammadaliyev, Baku, 2002, p. 68-72;

2. Islamic moral and its main   sources//  Materials   of Republic`s   scientific  conference    on  Actual   problems of  oriental  studies”. Baku, 2003, p.133-135;

3. The  conception of  religious  tolerance in  Is-lam  and  the  globalizing world// the  Institute  of Oriental Studies of Azerbaijan National Academy of  Sciences named after Z.M. Bunyadov, scien-tific conference on “Globalization and Islam”,  Baku, 12-13 May 2004, p. 27-31;

4. The  essence  of  Islamic  science  and  its  rela-tionship with the other sciences// The  materials of  Republic Scientific-Theoretical Conference  on  “The  manuscripts  of  the  medieval and  the historical  problems of Azerbaijan culture”  organized  by  Institute   of   Manuscripts of Azer-baijan National Academy of Sciences  named after Muhammad  Fuzuli. Baku, 23-24 September 2004, p.227-233;

5.  The  intentional  Islamophobic  campaign  and  the  necessity  of  dialogue //  the  materials  of  the  Republic  scientific  conference  organized by  the   Baku  State  University  on  the  70th anni-versary of  academic Vasim  Mammadaliyev  Baku, 14-15 November 2012, p.359-360

II International Conferences:

1.Azerbaijan  during  the   Local  Globalization // The   notification presented on Symposiums  on  “The Vision Of The Asian Community”  organized  by  International Asian Philosophical Association. Turkey, Istanbul, 29 September-1 October 2005, p.386-387;

2. Arerbaijan and National values during  the  Globalizing// 1.  The Congress  of  Turkish World of  Sociologists,  Turkey-Kocaeli, 25-27 Novem-ber 2005, p. 87-91;

3.“Globalization and Azeri Language” The Rise of Asian Community and the New Dialogue bet-ween Past and Future of the World, Republic of Korea, Pusan,  26-29  October 2006,  p. 427-431;

4. Globalization  process  and  the relations  bet-ween religion and government in Azerbaijan// documents of international conference “Heydar Aliyev and Religion Policy in Azerbaijan: realities and prospects held at the organization of the State Committee of the work with religious organi-zations on April 3-4 2007, Azerbaijan, Baku, p.179-184;

5. The relations between religion  and govern-ment  in  Azerbaijan   from   the  period  of   tsarist  Russia up to  our  days//   The  symposium  of  the contribution into Islam of the International  Turkic World,  Turkey- Isparta, 31 st of May – 1 st of June  2007, pgs.  217 -227;

6.“Establishment of the national educational system in Azerbaijan: historical necessity and problems”, Congress of Education in the Islamic Countries Organization Committee on 24-27 October 2007,  Turkey, Istanbul, p. 517-532;

7. Common  proverbs  used  in  “Divani-Lugatit – Turk” and  Azerbaijan  folklore//  the  interna-tional  symposium  for  the  1000th   anniversary  of  Kashgarli  Mahmud, 17-19 October 2008, Turkey,  Rize, p. 556-564;

8. Importance of  the  East-West cooperation in the solution of global problems// the  materials  of   the international  conference on “Actual Prob-lems  of   Modern  Oriental  Studies”  held  in  the  Institute  of Oriental  Studies of ANAS  named after Z.M. Bunyadov, Baku, 1-2 June 2011, p.25-26;

9. Conception of charity in Islam and its social and psychological aspects// The  materials  of   the  international  conference on  “Actual Problems  of   Modern  Oriental  Studies”  held    in  the  Institute  of  Oriental  Studies of ANAS  named after Z.M. Bunyadov   on  the  occasion  of  70 th  anniversary  of  academic V. Mammadaliyev, Baku, 27-28 June 2013, p. 769-771; III Articles:

10. The principles of  moral  of  globalizing world// Collection of “Government  and  religion”, Baku, November 2006, p. 122-128;

11.“Globalization process and Azerbaijan”, Journal of Qafqaz  University, №18, 2006, p.15-22;

12. The essence of the conception of humanity in Islam and intercultural dialogue// “Scientific  resaerches”  (collection of   scientific  and  theore-tical  articles) of  the  Institute  of  Oriental  Stu-dies of Azerbaijan National  Academy of Scien-ces named after Z.M. Bunyadov, IX edition, Baku-2012 p. 500-506;

13. Akhund Mir Muhammad Karim Agha Mir-jafarzade al-Bakuvi//  Icherisheher- the historical  area  perpetuating our national  and  cultural   existence, the  Icherisheher  State Historical and Architectural Reserve Board edition, Baku-2012, p. 246-251;

IV. Works (editing, preparation for publication and translation)

1. Simplified version of transliteration of   Akhund Mirza Abu Turab Akhundzade`s  book  “The  cau-ses of  schizm in Islam”, preparing of the dictionnary and introduction, Azerneshr (Azer-baijan edition),  Baku-1993;

2. Introduction,  compilation  of  commentaries  and  dictionary  of  terms   written  to  the book  of   “Riyazus-Salehin” of  Imam Nawawi, Khazar edition. Baku -2011, 575 p.;

3. Translation into Azerbaijani  language  of  work  of  Imam  Gazali  “The  discovery  of  hearts”  and  compilation of  dictionary, Series of philosophi-cal pearls, “East-West”  edition,  Baku -2011, 600 p.;

4. Arabic-Azerbaijani  dictionary: political,  mili-tary  terms  dictionary  and  the  names  of inter-national organizations”, coauthor, The Qafqaz  University  edition,  Baku, 2012, 280 p.   
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Number of times being the member of disserta-tion board in  Azerbaijan  National  Academy  of  Science after Fuzuli  Institute  of  Manuscripts of  Azerbaijan. Study codes 7213.01- “ Theology ”,  09.00.13 –“Theology, philosophy of culture” since 2002 

Pedagogical activity Arabic  language (grammar), theory and practice of translation, theory in bachelor's degree and practice of translation methods and lexicology in the master's degree in Qafqaz University since 1996, Islamic Studies and Islamic ethics in Baku State University since 1999. 
Other activities

I.Scientific Activities:

The member of editorial board of “Kalem International Journal Of  Education and Human  Sciences”  (Turkey), ISSN: 2146-5606 

II.Social Activities:

The  chairman  “Association for junior faculty development”  (2010-2015)
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, AZ1073, 31, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic  

Position Head of division
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 55) 7466360
Home phone (+994 12) 5142572
Fax (+994 12) 5392351