Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Oriental Studies

Bayramzadeh Samad Zulfali oglu
Place of birth State Farm named "April 28", Yevlakh city of Azerbaijan Republic
Date of birth July 20, 1957
Education Baku State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of History of Philosophy
Title docent

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Universal History

Socio-political situation in the South (Iranian) Azerbaijan (1947-1962 years)

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works

1. The social and class structure of society of Iranian Azerbaijan in 1947-1962 years. - In the book . : Actual problems of the Middle East. Moscow, "Nauka" , 1986;

2 . " Policies of the ruling circles in Iran in the area of education and culture of South Azerbaijan ( 1947-1978 years)" - in the book . : Questions of History of South Azerbaijan. Baku, "Elm" , 1989 and 1991 ( in Azeri) ;

3 . South Azerbaijan ( 1828-1917 years ) - In. : History of Azerbaijan . Baku, "Elm" , 1994 and " Chirag " , 2007 ( in Azeri) ;

4 . South Azerbaijan ( with authorship Sh.Tagieva and  A.Bizhe ) . Baku, " Orhan ", 2000 ( in Azeri);

5. Islamic Monuments of Culture of Azerbaijan. Baku , 2000 ( in Azeri) .

6. North and South Azerbaijan: encyclopaedic calendar. Baku, " Apostrophe " , 2014 ( in Azeri) 

7. Once again about the Turkmenchay treaty - Southern Azerbaijan: history and modernity, Baku, "Zardabi", 2014 s.28-50 (in Azeri).

8. Turkmenchay: unknown pages (distorted geographic place names), - Southern Azerbaijan: history and modernity, Baku, "Zardabi" 2014 s.139-150 (in Azeri).

9. "21 Azer-70." Photo album (compiled and executive editor), Baku, "Araz", 2015, 186 p. (in Azeri).

10. Some considerations about the establishment and functioning of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, - Materials of scientific-practical conference "21 Azer-70", Baku, "Araz", 2015 s.151-171(in Azeri).

11. . Southern Azerbaijan: from "21 Azer" and to the "white revolution" in Iran, Baku, "Tereggi", 2016, 334 p. (in Russian).

12. "AZERBAIJAN" newspaper. Organ of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (1945-1946, Tabriz), I Part, Baku, Publishing House "Elm ve tehsil" (Science and Education), 2017, 292 p

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity

1. In 1989-1992 he worked as a lecturer in SlavonicUniversity in Baku, and taught the Azerbaijan history;

2. In 2012/2013 - 2014/2015 academic year to teach the Azerbaijan history in Azerbaijan State Economic University.
Other activities 1. In 1988, worked as a translator in the system vocational and technical education of the Republic of Afghanistan;

2. During 1992-1995 he worked at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the  post of the 2nd Secretary;

3. In 2001-2006 he worked at the State Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on Religious Affairs and held the post head of the department.
Awards and prizes

1. 18.02.1986 was: As a result of competition for the best research work of young scientists award winning money prize 100 (one hundred) rubles;

2. 26.02.1988: According to the results of research activity for the year 1987 award winning money prize 250 (two hundred fifty) rubles;

3. During his working visit to the Republic of Afghanistan in Kabul in May 1988 for the achieved success in the work was awarded the medal "10 years Saur revolution";

4. 01.03.1989: For the successes achieved in the scientific work in 1988, an award winning money prize 250 (two hundred fifty) rubles;

5. June 21, 2006 was awarded the Honorary Diploma on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic, and due to its high level of performance of their official duties

6. For social activities in 2013 was awarded the honorary title of the UN "Ambassador of Peace."

Main place of work and its address

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, AZ1073, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic  

Position Head of Department of South Azerbaijan
Office phone  

(+994 55) 3118071

(+994  50) 3118071

Home phone  