Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Oriental Studies

Mustafayev Vidadi Kamal oglu
Place of birth The Republic of Georgia, Marneuli region
Date of birth 12.10.1951
Education Baku State University
Scientific degree Ph.D. in Historical Sciences 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




Democratic movement and  Formation of a national self-conscious in South (Iranian) Azerbaijan at the first half of the twentieth century. 1992

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements 1.South Azerbaijan,  National consciousness (the first half of the twentieth century). Baku, 1998,160 p.
2.Within imperious  relations in  Islamic Republic of  Iran (conservative - reformist conflict). The years 1979-2005. Baku, 2010, 248 p.
Names of scientific works

1.South Azerbaijan,  National consciousness (the first half of the twentieth century). Baku, 1998.  160p.

2. The Study of South Azerbaijan  question (up to 90s of XX century). Baku, 2002 ,114p.

3 Within imperious  relations in  Islamic Republic of  Iran (conservative - reformist conflict). The years 1979-2005. Baku, 2010, 248 p.4. Participation  of Azerbaijanis in the management of Iran in the second half of the XIX century. Reports of the AS of Azerb. SSR. T. XILV. Baku, "Elm", 1988, № 1, p.65-68.

5.Some features of the concept of the nation in the Iranian social thought (end of XIX - I half of the XX century.). Proceedings AS of Azerb. SSR. History, Philosophy and Law series. 1989, № 2, p.18-24.

6. Some notes on the national consciousness of the South Azerbaijanis. History Issues  of South Azerbaijan. Baku, "Elm", 1989, p.175-194.

in Turkish. "Azerbaijani Turks" magazine. Istanbul, № 2, 1989, p.38-44.

7. Azerbaijani language in Iran: public policy and to resist him. "Azerbaijani language Abroad" collection. Baku, 1990. (With N.Nasibzade).

8. “Azerbaijan” newspaper (1941-1942) and the Azerbaijanis  national consciousness. News of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. History, Philosophy and Law series. № 1, 1990, p.72-76.

9. Tusi's work in Azerbaijani. "Elm" newspaper, July 7, 2001

10.The prospects for a new “solution” of national question in Iran. Opinion. "Elm" newspaper, December 4, 2002.

11.Azerbaijan Council, Constitutional revolution -100. International scientific conference (Baku, 8-9 June 2005). Baku, 2005, p.41-59.

12.The issue of public opinion in Iran (1947-1978). A problem of South Azerbaijan. “Guney Azerbaijan” magazine, 2005, № 3, p.50-60.

13.Azerbaijani language question in scientific thinking of Iran in 1958-1978 (Based on the Philological faculty magazine of Tabriz University). “Baku – Tabriz” magazine,  2006, №3, p. 43-48.

14.Ethno-national situation in Iran. “Baku – Tabriz” maqazine, 2006, № 1, p.11-17.

15.The South Azeri national movement. I Student movement. “Baku – Tabriz” magazine, 2007, № 8, p. 27-36.

16. South Azeri national movement. II. National political organizations. “Baku – Tabriz” magazine, 2007, № 9, p.21-29.

17.Iran: Persian-Azeri (Turkish) ideological relations. “Baku – Tabriz” magazine, 2007, № 10, p.11-21; 2008, №11, p.14-24.

18.South Azebaijanian's role in the modernization of the  Iran (XIX-XX centuries). Institute of Oriental Studies – 50. Scientific research. Baku, 2008, p.347-358.

19.Antroponims of  Qajar dynasty or a last glimmering of a national identity. Scientific research (scientific-practical collection of articles). IX issue. Baku, 2012, p.335-341.

20.Conservatives and Reformists. “21 Azar” magazine, 2000\1379, №4-5, p.26-28.

21.Reform and the Basic Law. “21 Azar” magazine, 2000\1379, №6, p.14-16.

22.[VKamal]. Gajars and Azerbaijanis. “Baku – Tabriz” magazine, 2009, №12, p.22-25.

23.[VKamal]. Who are the persians from ethnogenetic respect. “Baku – Tabriz” magazine, 2009, №13, p.8-21.


1.Что происходит в Иране? ( What is happening in Iran?).

2.Иллюзия, придуманная персидскими  шовинистами, 2010 (Illusion invented by Persian chauvinists. 2010).

3.Борьба  ведущая… (Национально освободительное

движение в Южном Азербайджане). 2010. (Fighting leading ... (The National Liberation Movement in South Azerbaijan). 2010)

4. Запоздалый идеолог “единой  иранской нации”. 2013, 2014 (Belated ideologue “of the one  Iranian nation”. 2013, 2014).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity  
Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, AZ1073, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic  

Position Head of Department of History and economy of Iran
Office phone (+994 51) 3012564
Home phone (+994 18) 6481516